GTP_WRS Leaderboard Discussion and Feedback

  • Thread starter steven
Good work Joost! ;) Let me know in case images are missing or something then!
The level of technological know-how on here is immense, what with Joost, alba, easyasahii and Calcifers apps. Truly stunning work guys, thank on behalf of all us technophobes who can't even begin to imagine how this works but thoroughly enjoy the results :cheers:
..., but if there's still something wrong/not working, let me know :)

Could you make it work such that my laps are actually faster each week?

Seriously, with the knowledge you guys have I'm surprised you haven't cracked the holy grail of them all and decoded the REPLAY.DAT file so we can build them from scratch without actually having to drive the lap. :)
@easyasashii: Nice project!

The level of technological know-how on here is immense, what with Joost, alba, easyasahii and Calcifers apps. Truly stunning work guys, thank on behalf of all us technophobes who can't even begin to imagine how this works but thoroughly enjoy the results :cheers:

Thanks guys ! :cheers:

The website we have is "ABC simple" in comparaison to WRS' one ! It's only a xhtml/css + javascript, has to be manually updated !

I wanted to ask you guys : we sure were inspired by your rules to write ours, but we do have one difference : the rumble/ripple strips !

We know that according to GT -and thus to your rules too (GTP_Registry & WRS Qualifier)- having two tires on the rumble/ripple strips and two off-track is clean, and that's how it was for the first GTPSP Time Attack Seasons.

Then, because some drivers cut chicanes or took shortcuts, new rules were decided : we must have two tires on tarmac at all time, rumble/ripple strips aren't considered as part of the track/tarmac (so = grass).
Some said they didn't see the point because if GT allows it why wouldn't we ? -> the chicanes and other shortcuts !!!

Finally we came up with this :

Rumble/ripple strips :
- having two wheels/tires on a corner's inside rumble strips and two off track is considered unclean
- having two wheels/tires on a corner's outside rumble strips and two off track is considered clean.

Consequently, there is no way that someone cut a chicane and we kinda please other pro-rumble strips drivers ;) !

Now that they're will be Tire Grip Penalties in GT5, problem solved in GT5 !

But we do not have this in GT PSP nor GT5 Prologue, so what do you think about our rules ? Do they look fair to you ? If I'm telling you this it is because I would like to know if you think we could try to do the same combo car-track week event once in a while ? We have some tracks and cars in common, we could try to see what you can do in GT5p and what we can do in GT PSP ! But if we do so, because we have not the same rules, we should think about a chicane/shortcut-free track ;) !

What do you think ?

Thanks guys ! :cheers:

The website we have is "ABC simple" in comparaison to WRS' one ! It's only a xhtml/css + javascript, has to be manually updated !

I wanted to ask you guys : we sure were inspired by your rules to write ours, but we do have one difference : the rumble/ripple strips !

We know that according to GT -and thus to your rules too (GTP_Registry & WRS Qualifier)- having two tires on the rumble/ripple strips and two off-track is clean, and that's how it was for the first GTPSP Time Attack Seasons.

Then, because some drivers cut chicanes or took shortcuts, new rules were decided : we must have two tires on tarmac at all time, rumble/ripple strips aren't considered as part of the track/tarmac (so = grass).
Some said they didn't see the point because if GT allows it why wouldn't we ? -> the chicanes and other shortcuts !!!

Finally we came up with this :

Rumble/ripple strips :
- having two wheels/tires on a corner's inside rumble strips and two off track is considered unclean
- having two wheels/tires on a corner's outside rumble strips and two off track is considered clean.

Consequently, there is no way that someone cut a chicane and we kinda please other pro-rumble strips drivers ;) !

Now that they're will be Tire Grip Penalties in GT5, problem solved in GT5 !

But we do not have this in GT PSP nor GT5 Prologue, so what do you think about our rules ? Do they look fair to you ? If I'm telling you this it is because I would like to know if you think we could try to do the same combo car-track week event once in a while ? We have some tracks and cars in common, we could try to see what you can do in GT5p and what we can do in GT PSP ! But if we do so, because we have not the same rules, we should think about a chicane/shortcut-free track ;) !

What do you think ?


As far as the rules are concerned, our standard, clean OLR rules are somewhat generic and therefore apply to any race we run. For situations such as those you are talking about, we have race specifics, to add clarification, prevent corner cutting, etc. Just my take on things, it's best to keep standard rules simple and easy to justify or explain, and establish more specific rules, by combo, as needed. Your rules will work fine for your purposes, but certainly won't influence ours.

Feel free to shoot me a PM in regard to aligning on a particular combo. As far as I recall, not all prologue tracks are available on GTPSP, so it will require some coordination.
[...] Your rules will work fine for your purposes, but certainly won't influence ours.

Sorry, that's not what I meant to do... I also know you guys are also training for GT Academy so I sincerely respect that !

Feel free to shoot me a PM in regard to aligning on a particular combo. As far as I recall, not all prologue tracks are available on GTPSP, so it will require some coordination.

Yes I will ;) ! Thanks 👍 !

Have a nice day guys ! :gtpflag:
Now that they're will be Tire Grip Penalties in GT5, problem solved in GT5 !

I know this is a bone of contention, but there have always been tyre grip penalties in GT5 prologue, and there still are. I guess this won't really change anything by a large amount, plus you see race drivers get tyres on grass on corner exits etc so any realistic new grip-reduction penalty will never be that noticeable or detrimental. Corner entries where there is little kerbing but lots of grass like Degner 1, at those high speeds you will still get cutting in my opinion. 👍

All the best
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Week 79 results are not updating on my profile because when I submitted my time, I put a dot after my name so now it doesn't recognize my name (GTP_Worst_Driver). Can you guys see what you can do ?

Thank you.
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Week 79 results are not updating on my profile because when I submitted my time, I put a dot after my name so now it doesn't recognize my name (GTP_Worst_Driver). Can you guys see what you can do ?

Thank you.

I got rid of the dot, we'll see if that does the trick.
There was a bug where Fetchbot would parse the signature as well as the avatar/subtitle/psn thing on the left side when looking for splits.

Your 'subtitle', or whats it called, now contains '1.000 posts :)' and that was parsed as a '0'01.000' split which confused the bot. But it's been solved so you are on top of the leaderboard now ;)
There was a bug where Fetchbot would parse the signature as well as the avatar/subtitle/psn thing on the left side when looking for splits.

Your 'subtitle', or whats it called, now contains '1.000 posts :)' and that was parsed as a '0'01.000' split which confused the bot. But it's been solved so you are on top of the leaderboard now ;)

Oh damn that's what caused the problem. Thanks Joost. I'll change that so it wont happen again.
Hi Guys,

Since the layout change Fetchbot has trouble parsing the posts, as the PSN names are not displayed anymore Fetchbot doesn't know which driver the splits belong to.

Steven has volunteered to manually update the splits until everything is working again (thanks mate) so except a small delay in updating of the board. But everything should be working again soon.

Taking up the churn gladly.
The reason why the board doesn't work also caused me some trouble for handling the new members as I don't know their GTP_tags by memory. So a small request to all is to, for now, please add your GTP_tags to your posts when posting splits.
Joost/Steven, is there anything we can do to help? Should we have a standard signature which displays the relevant information for the bot? If so, what information and format should it follow?

Joost/Steven, is there anything we can do to help? Should we have a standard signature which displays the relevant information for the bot? If so, what information and format should it follow?
Thanks for the offer Dan. It's simple. Jordan restores the GTP_tags to the userspecs in the posts and Luxy works again. Or, he does not and Joost will have to reprogram the bot in one way or another.
In the mean time I'll update the board manually twice a day when I work or more often when I don't.
Thanks for the offer Dan. It's simple. Jordan restores the GTP_tags to the userspecs in the posts and Luxy works again. Or, he does not and Joost will have to reprogram the bot in one way or another.
In the mean time I'll update the board manually twice a day when I work or more often when I don't.

Thanks Steven and Joost.

ps should we put our Tag first before the time or last after the time for the bot, or does it not matter where its placed.

Thanks 👍

should we put our Tag first before the time or last after the time for the bot, or does it not matter where its placed.
Those tags are just for me, not for the bot 👍

GTP_nametags have been reinstated!
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And the board is back to normal, it should be all automagic again :cool:

Thanks to Steven and Marooned for manually updating the board this week :)
Thanks Steven and Joost. 👍

Great effort to keep the WRS running smoothly during the layout changes.
I was wondering if you were to post splits followed by ()'s if it would mess anything up. Here is an example of what I mean:

44.897 (.550)


44.897 (44.999)

Just curious, thanks!

I'll be off to France for two holiday weeks starting tomorrow (Sunday 11th) so if anything needs to be done to Luxy please ask Haitham, Joost or Kevin.

See you guys later! 👍
I'll be off to France for two holiday weeks starting tomorrow (Sunday 11th) so if anything needs to be done to Luxy please ask Haitham, Joost or Kevin.

See you guys later! 👍

Hope you have a good break steven :cheers:
I'll be off to France for two holiday weeks starting tomorrow (Sunday 11th) so if anything needs to be done to Luxy please ask Haitham, Joost or Kevin.

See you guys later! 👍

Very nice, watch out for those cyclingists.
I was wondering what everyone thought about opening a thread for GT5 WRS. Just somewhere to get some ideas flowing, maybe discuss things that organisers have thought about already, generally get some input from the people who are using it to possibly get the best out of it. I also thought it would be a good place for people to express an interest in helping to run the WRS. I'm expecting the work load for the new GT5 edition to be absolutely massive, if people have skills maybe EDK and co could take advantage.

I was just going to make the thread but thought i'd give the chance to people who will be organising it to do so first. Personally, i'd hoped we could discuss things like this:

  • GTP tags, will we be using them anymore?

Personally it will be a massive pain in the butt for people like me if we were to keep the same format. I know its been long established but I have a main profile for which most all of my games are played on. Not only that its where most of my friends are, and the thought of playing GT5 twice simultaneously is pretty daunting.

  • WRS qualifier, new divisions for a new game?

It would be nice if we had a new qualifier in my opinion. There are lots of people who have improved considerably since i started playing here. Unfortunately they havent moved on up the ladder as there may be people margainly better than them, they do still deserve a promotion though, so a new division qualifier could see them in a more suitable league. Also, i think it'd be great to utilise a car and track that GTPrologue veterans, and everyone else for that matter, havent experienced before. It kind of levels the playing field leaving nothing but talent to get you to the top.

On a side note, i notice people coming into the WRS in a division they clearly dont belong in, having sand bagged the qualifier to get a result in the first few races among people they clearly have the jump on. I dont think its fair, and maybe i'd like to see something introduced where by if your first WRS entry is far beyond your qualification standing ability (:embarrassed: breathe! lol), you must go back and qualify again having your first entry dismissed or stricken. Just a thought.

So what does everybody think? Worth the discussion or leave it to the people who run the site? I'm sure they'd like to impliment all of our ideas, but there has to be some sort of compromise somewhere. They cant please everyone, so is it better not dissapoint anyone and and run the show from behind the scenes?