GTP_WRS-Online: GTP Sport Races

  • Thread starter Gravitron
hung up in update. Has anyone had problems. Mine hung up at 5%.

now hung up at 74
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Nice race everyone.

and tor those of who are time zone challenged how about posting the event time converter like we did in GT6. I MIGHT have made it inspite of my install taking over 30 minutes :eek:
Apologies WRS-ers, I must withdraw from the NA race on short notice to help out a family member. Have to try again in future to see if my notorious connection is more stable on GTS than GT6.
Rats, traffic is really screwed on my way home. Will be cutting it close as I also need to do the update.
thankyou. Much appreciated.
Sorry man, I tried about 10 times to upload it, but kept getting problems communicating with the server, similar to previous attempts to upload large replays (> ~20MB, I haven't found the limit yet...).

Anyway, congrats @mcsqueegy on the dominant (boring? :dopey:) win, and @MadMax on the crazy 1-stop! :bowdown:


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We will do 3 or 4 sprint races in the Roadster @ Suzuka East on Sat for the WW slot.

Saturday December 9th, 2017

WW: 4:00 PM Eastern / 1:00 PM Pacific / 21:00 GMT / Check Local

Still working through some connection issues, but most guys have said these races beat Sport mode. :embarrassed:
Maybe for WW Saturday.

Great to see that the GTP organisation still exists! Do I need to register like the old days? I'm not using the my GTP_monoha psn account anymore, but simply monoha.