[GTTCC-2] Gran Turismo Touring Car Championship S2 | xflow1390 is the champion!!!!!Finished 

  • Thread starter True-blue-8

What tyres should be available for wet races?

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    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • SS, Intermediates and Full Wets

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • SS and Full wets only

    Votes: 7 33.3%

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Pass the popcorn please. :sly:

I'm just going to add my thoughts here, I don't mean to butt in or anything and I don't want to upset True-Blue but here goes anyway.

Discussing racing incidents in the main thread like this is never a good idea. It reflects badly on the series as a whole because people that may be willing to join will be reading the argument and wondering whether or not the series is full of bad driving... Which is simply not the case.

I've also found that during my time as a steward and a driver, it's not possible to win every battle, racing incidents are sometimes hard to judge and the final decision may be contraversial. I've been on the receiving end of a warning which I did not agree with and it took me a very long time to argue my point and eventually I won by using hard evidence in the replay.

In the real world a driver would be called up to see the race stewards for a meeting, the stewards would then form an opinion and the driver would be told the outcome. The stewards don't go down to the pit lane and start a scene infront of the other drivers and anyone else that happens to be watching at the time.

I agree that drivers should get told why they have received a warning, its the best way to learn, but do it privately.

We did. Go back one page and go from the top, that was his reaction. Don't stop there, keep going down, doesn't post a single image of himself to try to prove that he wasn't guilty, just posts images of others to try to win a war of words.

EDIT: Top of Page 40, didn't realise this would be the start of a new page...
I believe he means for the stewards to use the conversation chat instead of the main topic thread. Should ideally have a convo opened for each new round, I did get a feeling this might go a bit awry...

BUT! As for that Ford. My GOD IT PULLS! I was doing testing with duker at 272 bhp the other night, and whatever tune I had on it was doing a good job of keeping up. The car has serious power understeer issues though, turn in is great though...
I believe he means for the stewards to use the conversation chat instead of the main topic thread. Should ideally have a convo opened for each new round, I did get a feeling this might go a bit awry...
^^^This. 👍

I don't know why anyone would want to discuss incidents in the public forum like this, even with a driver. Its not difficult to send a PM.

As for the driver having a whine back in retaliation....he should be instructed to PM the stewards.

There is a reason why in Rolo's BTCC we ask for incidents to be reported directly to a steward and we ask that people refrain from discussing them in public.

This doesn't look professional. :(

Anyway, I don't want to add fuel to the flames, I hope that it gets resolved and fingers crossed nobody gets put off by this experience. I'm sure that on the whole the GTTCC is a clean series and this argument isn't a representation of the standards which one would expect if they took part. It's just a fairly new series finding its feet and learning as it goes.
This is where I violently stab you :lol:
lifelong plato fan (only 18 years but meh lol) Plato I find is a fair driver apart from that moment he'll lose it. My favourite driver ever (yeah I said it) yet he moans about every thing, even a win :lol:

He's much better than shedden by far, can't stand that guy

I respect Plato and his tenacity that got him into the sport and survive but actually on the track the favouritism he gets from clerks and officials for his antics turns my stomach.
Saying that the BTCC would be boring without him.
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How about you go back and look at the Race 2 replay and watch your stupid moves that I saw unfold from behind you. I'll tell you something for free right now pal, those moves you made and now this conduct you're displaying is the reason why you've been kicked from this series. You're gone, it's over, deal with it.

just for your information @NinjaEvo you didnt kick me out,i went from here on my own as i dont want to waste my precious time with bunch who thinks they can be stewards of the race.you can be stewards only in your room to your boyfriend.
so long suc..rs!
with deserved respect to real racers from this thread..
I respect Plato and his tenacity that got him into the sport and survive but actually on the track the favouritism he gets from clerks and officials for his antics turns my stomach.
Saying that the BTCC would be a boring without him.
We need more Daniel Ricciardo's and Allan McNish's in more areas of Motorsport. Tenacity, but with a very good eye for driving etiquette.

@MAB96 yes. Yes it did!
...and just to be honest to @DR_ingo5 i rewatched a replay now again, and yes..it was dangerous move by myself on lap 5 turn 1..even i stayed on the track (two wheels on the track all the time) i did "close the doors to you" and it was dangerous..my fault.
even,nothing much dangerous happened,thing which happens in the BTTC and every other race,but yes it was my fault and i could be warn/fined for that..THROUGH PM or after race revision.by stewards,real stewards.
I was down 28bhp from standard so I was surprised with my pace!
The Ford and Citreon are good for this. Their high power compared to the other cars gives them a top speed edge even with a slight drop in power. I was running 260 bhp and 1300 kg in pre-season, and was only around a second off NinjaEvo at that time.

Now, if the FRs get a cut, they're gonna feel it tremendously. As I said to Alex before Race 2, he'd be feeling that -35 bhp cut big time.

I do think that next season the idea of stacking penalties should be, at the very least, discussed. I know people will moan because all the good drivers don't want to be beaten to the post in the championship for being TOO good in the first couple races, but it gives everyone a shot at winning at least once! The way I see it being applied is similar to how we currently have the initial championship penalty applied first, but instead of resetting, it stacks through the round and resets at the end of Race 3 to be applied again in the next round based on championship standings.
While it would be nice to win a race, would it be a little hollow knowing it's cause the top drivers are 80bhp down.

I think for the newbies it's just a case of practice practice practice. At the 1st race I was well off the pace due to only having 20 mins in the car. The second race, while not quick was mid field and keeping up with the other civics and that's with about 3 hours practice.

I found 2s in those 3 hours and was only s couple of 10ths off after an hour.
just for your information @NinjaEvo you didnt kick me out,i went from here on my own as i dont want to waste my precious time with bunch who thinks they can be stewards of the race.you can be stewards only in your room to your boyfriend.
so long suc..rs!
with deserved respect to real racers from this thread..

OK, you want a real review, here we go...

Divebomb on Lap 1 of the Triple R into the Bus Stop chicane in which you collected Stocky
Taking Buck out on Lap 3 of the Triple R, which we all gave you the benefit of the doubt on, by the way
Multiple reports from people stating you were too aggressive in the opening laps of Triple R
Divebombing Ingo in Race 2 of RBR
Forcing True-blue-8 off track during Race 2 of RBR

Being his friend has nothing to do with it mate, I have no problem with you personally, but you need to take a look at your driving and hold your hands up when you make mistakes (which you have done with Ingo).

Still, this is me stating the facts. You want to take little pot-shots, go right ahead, easy to do when you're 1500km away in Zagreb I suppose.
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While it would be nice to win a race, would it be a little hollow knowing it's cause the top drivers are 80bhp down.

I think for the newbies it's just a case of practice practice practice. At the 1st race I was well off the pace due to only having 20 mins in the car. The second race, while not quick was mid field and keeping up with the other civics and that's with about 3 hours practice.

I found 2s in those 3 hours and was only s couple of 10ths off after an hour.
Yeah, that's what I thought one of the negatives would be. Nice to hear that people want to win through merit, though. Seen a lot of guys who seem to think they need 80 bhp more than necessary just to be competitive. 👍
Only replays I save are the main GTTCC ones, I'm afraid.

Erm, how would you guys feel about an LMP1 Toyota vs Audi vs Peugeot series? That said, there's a LOT of them out there....
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Well, I come home to my brother being beaten the crap out of in school, so i'm trying to stay calm.

@Ian_83 thanks for your point mate, of course I know how much you've achieved. However the context is season 1 a few incidents but nothing major. Yet when there have been incidents I have sent these drivers messages and asked them to calm. A lot of our clean drivers have considered leaving due to these people. Yet the drivers have no intention when we've dealt with it fairly and quite frankly if they can't pack it in after numerous warnings then it's time they go. I've been generous to them for awhile when others (I won't name) have told me to kick them at the start. Incidents are always given to me and dealt with over PM

@rolo912011 guys, this is from someone who's hosted a great series for 2 years.

@bcd73 - regarding the chat if you'd listened beforehand I had dealt with that, I would be handing penalties to MAB and myself. However when people say they have a 'great' night racing this can be interpreted 2 ways. A great night for the likes of the regulars, with clean battles. Or great for the likes of you where there's driving with no strings attached. Why should I lift off when we are exactly side by side. No more than 2 inches separated the front of our cars. Every driver behind saw it and they have the same account.

@sportchip_ie - you can't weave numerous times on the straight for 2 weeks in succession, then tell me the rules are wrong and your right? The rules apply to real life to. Maybe you should understand racing before you even turn up

This is ridiculous. This is why I got so upset last night and it's ruining it for those who know how to race and want to try their best.
If I've missed people out i'm sorry. This is getting out of hand. I've tried in the past to get things to how they were last season but people aren't bothered. So that's it, 16 drivers only now.
Me and bcd have been talking (Pm) and sorted our incident. You should ALL calm down and move on please. Let's talk Tokyo. It's not a track I am strong at gana need lots of practice.
Well I've seen at least one other comment today that should be reported if people are going down that route :rolleyes: Regardless of who is right, you should all give it up now instead of ruining one of the few series that actually has a chance at being successful in these troubled GT days. *Insert 'You're doing it wrong' meme here*
Well I've seen at least one other comment today that should be reported if people are going down that route :rolleyes: Regardless of who is right, you should all give it up now instead of ruining one of the few series that actually has a chance at being successful in these troubled GT days. *Insert 'You're doing it wrong' meme here*
I was thinking this as well.
I genuinely hope they dont ban bcd for that comment, for what it's worth i didn't take any offence at all 👍

Lets all chat about the next race now, no more arguing lets be bestest friends & show our human compassion & love to our fellow brothers & sisters :D :bowdown: x

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