I Need A Ae86! Finders Fee If Located!

  • Thread starter MADBOOST
Check his profile. The pic with two people in the car. Tell me that IS NOT LEFT HAND DRIVE. The passenger doesn't even have his arms up, no way he's driving.
Let's play names. If Deity's real name is John, then wouldn't he be saving the world in 2027 if his last name is Connor? If his friend's real name is really Bill, wouldn't his friend be either Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Bill Simon, or Bill Cosby? Well, we don't know their last names! Bill-liant! You don't even know if you're actually talking to a cat trying to chase a mouse whiile typing! So that evidence's out... but if that's not enough...

Then let's play probability. How many people in a high school that is in the same grade, and same name? Deity said that they went to school together, but he never said that they were in the same class. It totally changes the probability from the highest 2/42 (ppl with same names/class) to the highest 10/1000 (average number of most popular name that are same, like 'John'/school). That's a whopping 10% chance compared to 0.04. 'Tom', also being a variation of Thomas, is pretty popular in the majority.

Regarding that 2nd pic: - That is a typical layout of a Japanese parking lot. Even if you don't believe it, there is no chance in hell that the second pic is in an American parking lot due to DOT regulations. Moreover... there's a hand on the bottom of the steering wheel over the right side... and if the car is LHD, then I would laugh at how the driver sits.

I'm not defending Deity, just proving that battle_stage's evidences are flawed. Besides, even if Deity is lying, he has answered a ****LOAD of questions from you guys.
Newer Corollas' engines (till like 95) are called 4A-GE.

Going technical...

Base code is 4A-

E = Electronic fuel injection
L = Transversely mounted in car
U = Unleaded fuel
Z = Supercharged (like 4A-GZE)
And this is why I take everything at face value nowadays on the internet. Because look at the mess that happens when people start to think someone's lying.
You guys don't have to believe me. I don't care. Just stating that he has probably been lying this entire time.

I've spoken to "AE HachiRoku 86" before on AIM, and it was before I even knew of Deity of Drift on here. I spoke to him just to say whats up because we had an AIM rollcall on another forum which we both posted on. It was widely known by mostly everyone that he lived in the Miami area, and drove an AE86.

Now we get these too-good-to-be true stories from Deity and I come to see it's the same guy from this previous board. Never was it mentioned before that he lived or even had been to Japan. His "friend" from Miami talks ans acts exactly like him. I mean repeating EXACT phrases from months previous when I spoke to Deity online. In my judgement, they are the same person. Just some 23 year old loser spending his time living a lie. Don't believe me? I still don't care because I know he's a fake.

19xx, you have a very good point. But ANYONE can pull a series of pics off the net and claim them as their own. It's been done and I've seen it happen. Then they get caught. Also, sure coincidences can happen like him and his friend being the same age with the same name. But there is far to many coincidences like this to be true. It's like winning the lottery twice... it doesn't happen.
Who buys a set of $2000 wheels overnight on just a suggestion, yet still can't afford a cheap ass camera to take pics? Anyone can make up this story and he's been playing it well, but when it comes down to it, he can't back it up. The only way I'd believe you is if you tooks pics of your entire driveway, with all the cars there, a sign that says GTPlanet and you giving me the finger. Then maybe I'd believe you. But your story is too fanciful. You live in the largest house in Tokyo yet you're too poor to afford a damn camera. There's no logic in that.
If you look at the interior shot..then the exterior shot of his car........You SHOULD be able to see the dash board from the outside.....On the interior shot there is no massive windshield wiper blocking the view, however there is on the exterior shot....not only that......the first pick is lacking the spoiler the other few have, not to mention the lack of a liscence plate...and in the daytime interior shot...what are those that he has to the lower left of the steering wheel? Casette tapes, or some control device?
I'm going with Battle_Stage. Hes 100% correct. And signing his name as "ArC", then says he 'made a drift called the arc drift" and that became his nickname. Fancy how he never mentions that before. And his stories at a wee-bit Initial D-ish. He drives an awesome car, he lost to a car. His dad owns the car he lost to. He lives in a huge house with awesome cars. I mean, yes, it can happen. if you're extremly rich, and you can afford all those things, fine fine, but then you can't buy a camera because...? Oh yeah, YOUR DAD is cheap. Tat doesnt stp you from buying a camera for 200 if not less and taking pictures.
Also, if they have so much money and have the largest house in all of Tokyo as he claims why don't they have nicer more exspensive cars? Those cars are relatively cheap in Japan compared to the US. You'd think they'd be able to afford something nicer. But on the other side, he claims his parents split up when he was 13 and him and his dad left for Japan. If they got divorced wouldn't his dad be paying spousal support and not paying for a mansion? It's only makes sense.
You guys are a bunch of dumbasses. Deity obviously knows his stuff. When will you people start judging a person by their personality rather than what cars they own or claim to own? Who cares if he has to make up lies, that's his personal problem. If he isn't lying, it still doesn't change anything. The fact of the matter is that he keeps his cool and you guys are a bunch of dicks, so regardless of whether or not Deity is lying, he is still a better person than you. Get over yourself and go improve your skill instead of wasting your breath here.
:lol: Perg, we arent being 'dicks'. We're just letting everyone know they got played pretty bad. Also, when did ANYONE say he doesnt know his stuff? He knows his stuff better than anyone, and personally, I repect him for that. Ass.
Ok, ok. I just read the last few pages and all I saw was disrespect directed towards Deity so I replied. I know you guys didn't say he doesn't know his stuff, but it seemed like ability was taking a back seat to image. Sorry if anything else relevant happened in the previous pages but if you think I'm gonna read through over 1000 posts you're dreamin! :)
:lol: I don't blame you at all. But I, and I'm sure battle stage, was just letting people know. I know he knows his stuff. I know he probabaly owns an awesome car. And I know whatever you know. I just wanna know why he lied. Thats all. I like ending my posts with "ass", so it means nothing towards you, perg, its just quite fun. Ass.
Originally posted by 19xx
Newer Corollas' engines (till like 95) are called 4A-GE.

Going technical...

Base code is 4A-

E = Electronic fuel injection
L = Transversely mounted in car
U = Unleaded fuel
Z = Supercharged (like 4A-GZE)
Originally posted by XzifT
:lol: I don't blame you at all. But I, and I'm sure battle stage, was just letting people know. I know he knows his stuff. I know he probabaly owns an awesome car. And I know whatever you know. I just wanna know why he lied. Thats all. I like ending my posts with "ass", so it means nothing towards you, perg, its just quite fun. Ass.

Wow, you're all-knowing? I'll have to remember that. ;)

Anyway, my point was, it does not matter if he's lying or not. It's kind of sad on his part, if he is lying, and I would pity him, but it doesn't affect any of us one bit. That's all I'm saying. If he is lying, then deep down he knows what he's doing and knows that it's pathetic, and it will not make him feel better about himself. If he's not, then ... I'm going to hunt him down and **** his tailpipe...

So you see, in reality, it does not matter if he is lying or telling the truth, the outcome is the same, unless you're hunting him down to **** his tailpipe. Hat.
No he doesn't think he's allknowing..
I think I'm all-knowing.

And don't bring Xzifits sexual preference into this :lol::lol::lol:
Uh.>What are you talking about, Drifter? My Sexual preference? And by the way, its XzifT, whoops, I forgot, I can't say quuurcakes..(mispelled on purpose.)
Originally posted by battle_stage
So whats up with everyone pretending to be in Monkey D now? Is it the cool thing to do now or something? I don't get how or why it started.

if you were on about 9:30 last night klos said that preacher could b part of the team....and then klos "quit" or something....
Gee, could be because of all the flying hostility concerning him. Who knows? Golly.

Also, I can't believe nobody detects the sarcasm coming off of Klos. Jesus. Is it that hard to realize that the guy is able to get an easy laugh by taking the piss out of someone or something, and in doing so, come off as slightly serious sounding? Because that's where the laughs are at anyway. So that's why everyone's pretending to be in Monkey D :P
Just reading through all the posts, nothing more. It's quite funny if you really think about it. So I figured I should reply to some comments.

Also, if they have so much money and have the largest house in all of Tokyo as he claims why don't they have nicer more exspensive cars?
Well if you read throught the entire thread (not that you will), you will see that I explain that same question. My dad, never has, and never will own a "high-end" car. I would like to in the future... but having one of those cars has it's consequences (maintence, insurance, etc.). Besides, these so called "cheaper" cars are just as fun as any Lamborghini or Ferrari in my opinion... some of us aren't into top speed because I will not be able to utilize the 340km/h a new Lamborghini can do.
And signing his name as "ArC", then says he 'made a drift called the arc drift" and that became his nickname. Fancy how he never mentions that before.
Well it's not a race-inspired drift, it's merely showoff and I don't use it. It's taking the corner on the opposite side of the apex. It looks great, but I can most likely run through a corner faster than doing that kind of drift.
If they got divorced wouldn't his dad be paying spousal support and not paying for a mansion?
I'm not sure what makes you think we have a mansion, it's just a large house for Japan... especially in Tokyo. Our house is somewhere around 1600 - 1700 sq. ft. A normal sized house for the U.S... a somewhat large house in Japan. I don't think he payed spousal support, nor will I ask him anything regarding my mother because it just infuriates him. I still don't care if none of you believe me, now I can't wait for Christmas so I can look at the reactions you type... enough said.

At christmas, Tom, if you post pictures of your cars. Just one of them would be fine, even. And you prove to me that you aren't lying, I will take back everything I said. I will bow down to your masterfulness, and beg for mercy to god for the sins I have cometed. But thats not until christmas. ;)