If you could choose one track....

  • Thread starter machscnel
Having grown bored with GT5p, I've been playing Grid for the past few weeks.

I'm really enjoying the tracks, the variety they offer and their modelling. Donnington Park is a personal favourite (being British), but Spa is amazing to drive. I can only imagine what these tracks would be like in GT5p - especially online.

In short; to me it wouldn't matter what track it was, I'm sure it would offer a breath of fresh air into GT5p and certainly get me playing again. Not even the allure of a RWD only event was enough.

That said, I would prefer a long complex circuit (such as Nurburgring/Sarthe - both of which I've played on GT5p at Le Mans 08 and am still amazed they have not given us either) or an entirely new circuit which has not been in previous gran turismo installments.
I`d rather have an original GT track, deep forest, trial mountain or grand valley (speedway east and west).

Or a brand new GT track, but not a city circut, a proper race track!!

Real life track, Knockhill please!!
...it would be Nürburgring. It´s my favourite one. I also like original circuits as trial mountain.

And I would also choose any real/fictional circuit better than any city course.
Definitly Spa! i've seen the f2007 running on it, and i just wanna see L'Eau Rouge (here in Belgium we call it "Le Raidillon") from inside the cockpit! :eek:
Definitly Spa! i've seen the f2007 running on it, and i just wanna see L'Eau Rouge (here in Belgium we call it "Le Raidillon") from inside the cockpit! :eek:

Radillon is the left-hander on the crest after Eau Rouge. So, from the right-hand hairpin of La Source, the track goes downhill, to the left-into-right that is Eau Rouge (over a stream of the same name) at the bottom. Then the track rises steeply and bends left (Radillon), before heading uphill (Kemmel) to Les Combes.
thinking about it i would rather have that blank tesing track from GT4. I don't mean the test course, i mean the blank square track, would be great for practicing drifting etc.
Radillon is the left-hander on the crest after Eau Rouge. So, from the right-hand hairpin of La Source, the track goes downhill, to the left-into-right that is Eau Rouge (over a stream of the same name) at the bottom. Then the track rises steeply and bends left (Radillon), before heading uphill (Kemmel) to Les Combes.

That's right! Actually, we use to say Raidillon, and L'Eau Rouge to be more precise.

I imagine you've gone to Spa at least once to describe it so precisely, haven't you?
It's a hard one...Monza, Spa or Top Gear test track. I'd probably go for Monza, it'd me great fun before the full game came out because it'd give the game so much more playing time. Especially for me because I love that track, it's top of the world.

It'd be great having Monaco too though!
That's right! Actually, we use to say Raidillon, and L'Eau Rouge to be more precise.

I imagine you've gone to Spa at least once to describe it so precisely, haven't you?

Heh, no, I haven't been. I used to be able to name any corner on any F1 track from a still photograph, but I'm not so good at it now. I'd like to go to Spa, and was planning it one year, but we ended up going to Barcelona, since the tickets were £100 cheaper per person.
It's really impressive to see how fast they can run on this corner!
I have been eight time (I'm pretty lucky, It just takes one hour in car to go to the track:))
i would vote for a gt original: trail mountain, grand valley, midfield deep forrest. would love to see those in high def!

for real life track... Spa or Imola.
ring ring ring ring ring!!!


I think it would be rather neat to see the Top Gear test track, but only as an added bonus, if you will. Think of it as a juicy replacement to Gymkhana and a flat, easy-to-make course suitable only for maximum of 4 people?

The nurburgring certainly is too fancy and big to be properly offered in a game's prelude, so it's unlikely, and, frankly, immoral.

Truly, I really miss both Grindelwald and Red Rock Valley. Both were wonderful circuits from GT2 and it would be a very cool move for PD to dig that far into their past. The same goes for Complex String of GT3, with the subtext that I never really liked that place...

And actually, is there any reason we can't pick from all the different geometric configuations of multi-path tracks? For example, there are a few versions of the American speedway which I would love to see (only "bus stop", and technical section without "bus stop").

Almost totally off-topic: Carrying on the theme from the previous paragraph, a recreation of GT2's "Special driving techniques" test, in which you do the tiny rectangle in an Impreza, could well be had by sectioning-off the "bus stop." It would be absolutely HILARIOUS to see that in the Course Selection menu. Also, it would be ultimate proof that GT finally has a sense of humour. Can you imagine 16-cars there?
I've already posted here, I believe, but I change my previous mention to the Sachsenring. I really want a curvy track, and Sachsenring delivers.
I'm surprised and disappointed that no one has said the Motegi track.

Motegi for the last track in GT5P:


And, the new Gotland ring. It is a longer track than the Nurburgring.

Gotland for GT5:

Motegi is so predictable and generic, just another course with no hidden depths. Only thing that I liked about it was the sun and light conditions in GT4. I am certainly for more japanese circuits as Sugo or those Best Motoring tracks, especially that autumn tiny narrow drifting track with many curves and that track with steep green hills on the left trackside.
Truly, I really miss both Grindelwald and Red Rock Valley. Both were wonderful circuits from GT2 and it would be a very cool move for PD to dig that far into their past. The same goes for Complex String of GT3, with the subtext that I never really liked that place...

Rome Night from GT2 was the best street circuit PD have created for the series so far, IMO. It was fast and flowing and had some great high rumble strips to bounce around on and throw you off line if you were not careful.

Rome Night from GT2 was the best street circuit PD have created for the series so far, IMO. It was fast and flowing and had some great high rumble strips to bounce around on and throw you off line if you were not careful.

Haha I remember this circuit. I used to hate it!
I totaly forgotten about this one, love it!!!

ive posted this before, cant remember where, but i`d love to see all the origional GT tracks from all GTs included in GT5, even if it was as a DLC pack!!! Which i would pay for!!
Motegi is so predictable and generic, just another course with no hidden depths. Only thing that I liked about it was the sun and light conditions in GT4. I am certainly for more japanese circuits as Sugo or those Best Motoring tracks, especially that autumn tiny narrow drifting track with many curves and that track with steep green hills on the left trackside.

All tracks are predictable considering you have the layout smack dab right at the corner of your screen.

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