Just Ginettas just finishedPS4 

  • Thread starter IfAndOr


Still here.
Just Ginettas

A TEAM Championship involving a variety of Ginetta Race Cars

Mondays at 8pm Uk time
Just Ginettas.jpg

This is a slightly madcap idea that might work or might not. I'm hoping for the former!​

So... This championship only involves teams - there is no individual scoring. There will be 5 teams made up of 3 drivers. Each team will include a range of abilities (based on previous series) and will be as balanced as I can make them. A fast guy, a slightly faster guy and a "He's how far ahead!" guy. The scoring will be based on the average finishing positions of all team members - so even if the team is not complete with 3 drivers they will not loose out too much.

Each event will comprise of 3 x 20 minute races where drivers of similar abilities will race in the same type of car. After each race each team member will change cars so that during the course of the evening everyone will have had a race in all cars - with each race bring a slightly different experience. Each race will have a 5 minute practice period.
Note that PC2 separates the grid into car classes. GT3, GT4 then GT5

The GT3 cars are the fastest and should finish 1st. Also, towards the end of the race, they should catch up and lap the GT5s.
The GT4s are slower than the GT3s, but not by that much. If a GT3 has an incident the GT4s will soon be upon them. Depending on if a GT5 is struggling they may lap those as well.
The GT5s are definitely slower. However they are more nimble and as above may well catch up with other cars having "problems".

Be patient when lapping. The lapping car should always be much faster, there's no need to push, pick your moment to blast past. But remember the cars you are lapping will often be racing each other, so don't cause a crash because one of your team mates will be amongst them. And for those being lapped I'd say that unless it's easy for you to pull aside, carry on racing and stick to your line. Let the faster cars sort themselves out.
Lapping can be tactical.

To make the experience even for everyone the weather and time will be the same for each race. It'll probably be fairly warm because the GT3 & 4 are on hard tyres as default. No rain planned at the moment.

*The sequence of which group drive what and when isn't quite decided yet. It may be random each week (dice) or may not be. Details to follow.

ABS and TC allowed if needed. The GT3s have it as standard anyway.
Standing starts.
Damage will be Visual only.
Penalties - ON
Track limits - OFF
Drive Through Penalties - Off
Pit Exit Penalty - ON
Tyre wear etc. - ON
Mechanical damage - ON

Track List

Week 1 - Nürbergring Sprint (2.25)

Week 2 - Watkins Glen Short (2.52)

Week 3 - Red Bull Ring GP (2.68)

Week 4 - Laguna Seca (2.23)

Week 5 - Brands Hatch GP (2.42)

Week 6 - Zhuhai (2.68)

Week 7 - Hockenheim National (2.29)

Week 7 - Indy (Road) (2.49)

Week 8 - Dubai International (2.68)

The tracks have been chosen partially due to their length. They should allow for lapping but at slightly different times of the race.
The numbers in brackets are the distances in miles. Sorry I haven't been converted :)
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Also reserved for extra info.

Due to the different nature of this championship I'm going to be holding a test race first. It will give everyone a chance to get an idea of the format and the cars. It will also prove if the whole thing works and give me a chance to perhaps tweak it if it doesn't!

So on Monday 7th we will be racing at Silverstone International (2.24 miles). A short familiar track that's fairly easy.

Keeping it fairly simple
Group A drivers start in the GT3
Group B drivers start in the GT4
Group C drivers start in the GT5

After the 1st race everyone will change class of car. A to GT5, B to GT3, C to GT4
After the 2nd race everyone will change class of car. A to GT4, B to GT5, C to GT3

Don't worry it's not as complicated as it seems :)
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Not as complicated as dates, that's for sure :)

So, Team MaxyRichZo (I have always been terrible at naming teams, dogs, children etc). Bring it on! Although please, people, stop slamming into Rich, now that he's a team mate I feel very protective towards him.👨‍👩‍👦
I've never been keen on dates, I don't like the taste of them.

An X and a Z in the names limits the anagrams somewhat. But MaxiRichZolon becomes Climax Horizon. Not too catchy though.

I have always been terrible at naming teams, dogs, children etc
How is your son Rover doing?
Sounds great @IfAndOr

@half_sourly @beachboy6658 may I suggest Tequila Slammer? It's sour, it's salty, and perfect for drinking on a lovely sandy beach!

(Disclaimer: Contrary to this name, we endeavour not to drive intoxicated nor slam into our opponents).

Edit: Climax horizon sounds like it could a 90's movie starring Keanu Reeves.
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I might have it all wrong Paul but how do you get GT3/GT4 & GT5 GENETTA'S In the same race only for practise purposes I don't seem to know how to activate this Option.
I might have it all wrong Paul but how do you get GT3/GT4 & GT5 GENETTA'S In the same race only for practise purposes I don't seem to know how to activate this Option.
What you need to do is first select 1 of the cars. Then in the AI opponent options select multiclass. Then select GT3, 4 & 5 and press the button to set them (can't remember which one). The game will then use all 3 classes. The problem is that you can't tell it to use only Ginettas so for the GT3 and 4 there will be a mixed selection of cars in the race. It will give you an idea of what to expect though.

That's another reason for the test race. I haven't been able to test it out fully myself! :)
Mario and Raeggee in the same team, hmmm smells like a back-hander to me. Be handy if the team cars were colour coded (as long as were not brown!)
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Mario and Raeggee in the same team, hmmm smells like a back-hander to me
Ah you spotted that. There was indeed a bit of manipulation to get them together, I thought it would save me any hassle with communication. ;)
I’ve just practiced and learn some crucial information, GT5 is the slowest one! With Gt4 ai even on 90 skill they were slow
Anybody else found the FFB a bit odd in the GT5? Feels heavier/less responsive, but you'd expect the opposite considering that the car is very light and agile.
Wasn't very well at the weekend, so i'll see how it goes today and try to be there tonight, but otherwise, dont hang on for me.
I haven't been on properly for a few days. The tablet I use for most of my interneting is playing up!

I think @r_outsider has answered Joe's question nicely. 👍

Wasn't very well at the weekend,
Sorry to hear that Simon. They aren't "serious" races today so if you do join feel free to drop out at anytime if you're not feeling well.

Now, I've got to get something organised for later. :)
That was brilliant fun, the multiclass combined with a short track meant there was always something happening. A GT4 train passing a GT5 train (or similar combination) was particularly nerve wracking but exhilarating.

Being under blue flags was tricky in the GT5, I opted to stay quite strictly to my line unless there was clearly a car coming on the inside. Hope that I didn't get in the way of anyone. Half put it well: it's the responsibility of the faster car to pass safely. So it's probably safer to do it this way overall, stick to your line.

The other thing, which that track certainly highlighted, was track limits (I know, yawn, here we go again...) I was certainly guilty of cutting the grass on the right hander before the back straight, and going wide on the exit, as were others around me. It was certainly not intentional, it's just so bloody difficult to navigate that corner legally without losing loads of time. And without the invisible track limit boundaries, **** knows where the limit was on that corner exit. There will no doubt be similar cases in the championship. Just curious of others' thoughts. Perhaps with this format, it is best with track limit penalties off as you had it, because it would be frustrating going off to avoid an incident and getting a penalty for it. But perhaps we need to discuss these corners beforehand and agree what's fair game, and what's just taking the p*ss 😆

@Zolon32 very well done for being so fast without driving aids and keeping these slippery cars pointing the right way. Perhaps there should be a special award for anyone who can do that through the whole championship 😀
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Results from the test round for the new championship.
  • In race 1 two teams had an average finishing position of 7.67, so the rank was decided by which team had a higher placed finisher. Ditto for race 3 (two teams on 7)
  • I normally sort the standings by overall rank, but won't be doing it for this series; can't auto-sort with the multiple merged cells and too much cutting and pasting for my liking.
  • Re @Saltyjoe90 comment - I would prefer track limits on, so that there is no ambiguity.

Race 1:
Race 1.jpg

Race 2:
Race 2.jpg

Race 3:
Race 3.jpg

Monday Teams.jpg
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Just speaking for me personally. whatever the rules are, were all in the same boat and have to work with them, so I dont mind.
(high Five team mates, good job)
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That was brilliant fun, the multiclass combined with a short track meant there was always something happening
That was my intention really, to always have something happening around you, and I thought it worked pretty well. Even if for some reason you find yourself at the back you'll still get to see other cars - even if they are overtaking you!

And lapping. I've tweaked the message I put above.
Be patient when lapping. The lapping car should always be much faster, there's no need to push, pick your moment to blast past. But remember the cars you are lapping will often be racing each other, so don't cause a crash because one of your team mates will be amongst them. And for those being lapped I'd say that unless it's easy for you to pull aside, carry on racing and stick to your line. Let the faster cars sort themselves out.
Lapping can be tactical if you play it correctly.

As for track limits, I'll have a think. I'd prefer not to use them since cars of different speeds having to slow down further for a penalty might cause problems. I'll have to consider the tracks.

And the teams might require a little jiggle, we'll see.
@Zolon32 very well done for being so fast without driving aids
Thanks Salty, I honestly didn't realise that so many do use them. I turned them off for good over a decade ago when I used to race with a bunch called The Automotive Mayhem.

And... @Oldbass47 I owe you an apology. Watching the replay back I think that I was to blame for our off track escapade in race three. Sorry, it didn't seem that way in the heat of the race, but I do drift right, and lock with your motor immediately after the bend.

I was certainly guilty of cutting the grass on the right hander before the back straight
Anyone who didn't occasionally cut that corner must have had some sort of helicopter view, or weren't pushing at all, it was a bloody nightmare!
As for track limits, I'll have a think. I'd prefer not to use them since cars of different speeds having to slow down further for a penalty might cause problems. I'll have to consider the tracks.
You could always ban slowing down Paul, let the cheeky monkeys (🐵) pick up the penalty, and we can all see who the filthy cheats are at the end of the race. And throw rotten vegetables at them :). Nothing in the preceding two sentences is to be taken in any way seriously.

So, overall, I think it's good. Onwards to Germany, and come on ClimaxHorizon, we can do it.

By the way, I've got a suggestion for the team name for Mario/Raeggee/Hartur... TheRunawayWinners 😃
Hmm yes, yesterday was useful. Stand by for a possible reshuffle. ☺
ClimaxHorizon also might have to renamed!

@John Wells do you think you might be joining us for this series - If you're feeling well enough of course - I can factor you in if so. 👍

And Mario is hartur interested/available to race? Again I could enter him into any reshuffle.