Legalization of Marijuana

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Yeah, but as soon as Trudeau is replaced by a Conservative in the next election, I'm sure they'll do their damnedest to undo that.
I have not used that vaporizer. My preferred methods are smoking, digesting, vaping, then dabs, and in that order. Digesting is the least consistent for me but probably the most enjoyable high when it works. Smoking is consistent and enjoyable. Vaping has always felt and tasted a bit weird for me and dabs made me paranoid my friend was a cop. Marijuana is weird though as I find the effects vary greatly depending on your environment.

Effective March 1st Houston, TX (or Harris County) decriminalized possession up to 4 ounces, those caught with under 4 ounces have it confiscated and must complete a class costing $150, doing so results in nothing on your record. The class sounds like a great way to meet other pot smokers and expand you sources on where to get more of the herb. :)
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Which one did you use?

I haven't vaped many times but I've used the little electronic cigs as well as some wooden contraption my friend had, most of the time however it was with an Arizer tabletop unit out of the bags. All the vape peripherals had similar results, though. It's possible the dabs and vaping just got me too high, dabs definitely did. Smoking by burning it is definitely unhealthy, I was just back in Seattle for a week and I bought a little glass chillum and after a couple grams the amount of crap in it (and in my lungs I'm sure) was disturbing. Maybe using a bong or some type of water pipe would be a bit less unhealthy. Idk, I like to smoke and smoke a lot when I do but I don't get too into the different methods or the weed culture.
I don't believe so. A quick google search makes me think the the Arizer used convective heating. Not sure on the others but they certainly didn't use any sort of flame.

Just to clarify when I use the term smoking I mean burning it with a lighter.
There are actually a number of studies showing that smoking herb is not nearly as bad as one would assume. Having no additives already makes it far above cigarettes. But there is evidence that it is beneficial, both in expanding lung capacity as well as an expellant. I think the only real risk is smoking some bud that hasn't been properly flushed when grown with certain fertilizers.
As far as vaping, we also used the arizer v-tower. Haven't used it in months though. It tends to irritate my lungs more than smoking. Lately though we have been using a vape pen. Picked up the ooze 510 thread vape base/battery and use either a cartridge from a local dispensary or a glass orb attachment for dabs.
I find that with both the vape juice and dabs that the high is a bit more intense, but is not as long lasting as smoking buds.
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My $4.80 pack is almost $15 in NY. Same pack, same price from the manufacturer in NC. Taxes suck don't they.

Another reason I'm not exactly in favor of legal cannabis... But that is another subject.

If I may ask, what are some of these reasons why you're not in favor of legal pot?
If I may ask, what are some of these reasons why you're not in favor of legal pot?
Taxes. Currently $5-10 a gram depending on the quality. I've seen an 1/8 oz. go for $80-100. That's 2-3 times the current price.

I'm not happy having to pay that much, just cause the government wants their share of something I've been arrested for numerous times. It's not like I'm going to be compensated for that when/if it ever gets legalized.
Even though GA is not going to give us anything other than the medical oils, that doesn't get you high. It's more for seizures and stuff. Some areas in metro Atlanta have changed possession from a trip to jail, to a normal ticket that is only $75. I had to spend over $1000 in fines and to get my license reinstated. They used to suspend it for simple possession. I wasn't even driving.

So even though it will probably never be legalized here I'm very happy with the changes in laws.
Taxes. Currently $5-10 a gram depending on the quality. I've seen an 1/8 oz. go for $80-100. That's 2-3 times the current price.

I'm not happy having to pay that much, just cause the government wants their share of something I've been arrested for numerous times. It's not like I'm going to be compensated for that when/if it ever gets legalized.
Even though GA is not going to give us anything other than the medical oils, that doesn't get you high. It's more for seizures and stuff. Some areas in metro Atlanta have changed possession from a trip to jail, to a normal ticket that is only $75. I had to spend over $1000 in fines and to get my license reinstated. They used to suspend it for simple possession. I wasn't even driving.

So even though it will probably never be legalized here I'm very happy with the changes in laws.

So your concern is that if it's legalized they'll tax the bejeezus out of it and it'll end up costing more than it does now. Okay, I can appreciate that concern.
@ryzno, maybe things will be different for you in Georgia but in Washington the prices for legalized bud were not really any more and often times they were less than my experience when it was illegal.

You can still get roughly $5 grams all day, the only thing you should be concerned about with it's legalization is being annoyed by the people behind the counter selling it to you. :lol:
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Well, my mother in law got stoned for the first time recently. She had a mini-stroke last year (which is they moved back to WA from AZ last fall, to be closer to family). Since then her hair basically feels like it's on fire all the time. She has a strong burning sensation along her scalp. It's especially painful at night when she is trying to sleep. Her doctor has her on a bunch pain meds that she doesn't think is a good long term solution because they have some bad side effects, they're also addictive. I talked to them about alternatives including Marijuana, I know they sell creams and lotions infused with Cannabis so I thought maybe they sell a shampoo.

When we were staying with them a few weeks ago, I sat down with them and explained the differences between a good Sativa, Indica or a Hybrid and just tried to give my wife's parents a basic education on it. My wife's dad was a medic in Vietnam and said he was around Marijuana back then but didn't ever try it. Needless to say, both of them had no previous experience with it.

Well, last my wife got a text from her dad saying, you're mom tried marijuana for the first time and it really helped a lot. I guess she bought an Infused beverage (don't know what kind) and felt great after. Hopefully now she can wean herself off those nasty pain meds and be rid of the bad side effects that come with them.
Does anyone have any helpful input regarding using CBD (oil, vaping, capsules, whatever) for pain management? Not looking for anything containing THC and I don't want to get 'high'! Tia :)
Does anyone have any helpful input regarding using CBD (oil, vaping, capsules, whatever) for pain management? Not looking for anything containing THC and I don't want to get 'high'! Tia :)

Instead of going all hippie, or vaper, have you tried this already?

Devil's claw. It helps me a lot with my worn down joints throughout the body.
Oops looks like my initial post is gone,

I was replying to Ms. Famine.

The short version:

CBD oil made from Industrial Hemp contain no THC and is legal in all 50 states, Vaping it is fastest while an herbal spray is 2nd fastest. You can also buy the oil in tubes and ingest it directly on a spoon, you would want to keep the spoon in your mouth for 90 secs before ingesting.

I have not tried these products so I cannot endorse them but that is from what I've researched on the topic for my mother-in-law.
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Opioid deaths had apparently been increasing in Colorado for 14 years straight prior to legalization of marijuana, and have since dropped:
Colorado has a record high number of opioid deaths in 2017:
Some counties in Colorado are seeing success in the fight against drug overdose deaths. The Colorado Health Institute (CHI) recently published a new report showing Adams, Boulder and Larimer counties all saw a decrease in overdose deaths in 2016. "Adams County, Larimer County and Boulder County all saw peaks in earlier years. So for example, Larimer had 39 overdoses this year -- or in 2016 compared to 61 in 2013," said Jaclyn Zubrzycki, a communications specialist with CHI. But in 2016, 912 people still died from overdoses from opioids, heroin, methamphetamine, and cocaine. In 2017, that number grew to 959. "I don't want to overstate the good news, unfortunately, because in 2017 we did still see a big increase in overdose deaths," said Zubrzycki. "But around the state, a lot of people are paying attention to this issue."

Not drawing any cause and effect but it's interesting to note, not for Coloradans of course, but traffic fatalities are up 29% since 2014. The causes are many but drunk/high driving is probably a contributing factor.
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Heh, yea that study I linked is not all that impressive I guess. Here's the figure:


It wasn't a year-over-year increase for 14 years straight, it was a trend, and the trend has reversed before by more (2010). Sorry for passing on shoddy science. The sharp bifurcation away from the US averages is still intriguing. US went up in 2016, colorado went down. US went up big after that, Colorado went up a lot less.