Looking for friends on PSN to compare laptimes

  • Thread starter foofiemoon
Deadheadbill - Playing again and it seems as if most of my friends have moved on.
I'll send you a request. I forgot to change my privacy settings, whoops.

'This player isn't accepting friend requests right now' :crazy:
I'll send you a request. I forgot to change my privacy settings, whoops. Let me know what your PSN username is. ^_^

ahahaha your couple of videos helped me a lot while I am trying to make my lap time better! recently I did not watch and i knew you are the missing piece of my daily race puzzle thanks for the tips mate!
Awesome, really happy to hear that! :D Thank you!!

Always happy to have more drivers to compare lap times with and drive myself mad trying to beat . Currently A+ DR for those interested in that sort of thing.
PSN AgentBurger
I’m quite new, don’t get on as much as I want but I’m getting dangerously hooked now on GTS.
I brought driveclub with PSVR and loved the experience so much I got playseat challenge and g29 shortly after. Now learning how to race properly(ish...)