Morse code on Nike One 2022

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Unfortunately the Nike ONE has never been built as a full size. We did talk about it for the Detroit Auto Show but that would have been some serious cash. I do have a preliminary 1:18 scale model at my desk that was built to evaluate the surfaces off the computer. It looks insane sitting next to the S7 and GT40 models that are in the same scale!

There was also a billet aluminum model created as a gift to Kaz from the Nike One Team. I had to simplify it a bit for machining but it came out so sexy!

Keep your eyes out for a 1:43 scale model in the future. I'm pushing for a 1:18 also so keep posted.

I'm out, Phil


That is one bad-ass car. I love it. That 1:18 model looks it available in stores? I collect diecast models and would love to have one. Come to think of it I'd love to have one of the S7 too, such a sexy car. Nice job.

That is one bad-ass car. I love it. That 1:18 model looks it available in stores? I collect diecast models and would love to have one. Come to think of it I'd love to have one of the S7 too, such a sexy car. Nice job.
hardcore collecter :)

The 1:18 model shown above was a one off CNC'ed block of aluminum that was then hand polished and is problably worth about $5K. So it is not coming to a store anytime soon. But as I said there might me a dicast 1:18 at some point.

As for the S7 those are available in multiple scales so look around.


The 1:18 model shown above was a one off CNC'ed block of aluminum that was then hand polished and is problably worth about $5K. So it is not coming to a store anytime soon. But as I said there might me a dicast 1:18 at some point.

As for the S7 those are available in multiple scales so look around.


That is quite an amazing piece of artwork. Do you get to keep it at your desk or is it somwhere else? Again very awesome to see you post here often. 👍
Wow phil that is a awesome car. The first time I saw that thing I was amazed. You all say it has never been built so I feel proud saying i'll be the first. We are going attempted to build this amazing vehicle. My friends think I am crazy. But I have got a group together and we are going to make this happen.

We are going to extend the frame to fit in a Briggs Vanguard 20HP Engine witch will mount in between the legs of the driver. It will have a 44 series torque converter and comet differential. There will be independent suspension with CV axles in the back. The wheels we are going to try to have a friend make at his high school. The plan is to have the wheel come in 3 parts the outer slide and then the 2 inner slides. The wheel will act like a track for a inner wheel with bearings it should look some thing like this... The throttle will be and thumb button like on an ATV. The brakes are also going to be hand brakes. The reason for not using pedals is because when the driver accelerated the driver would be pushed back pushing the pedals. The driver will lay in it as shown in the pictures but we plan to build what is almost a bed for the chest and neck so you dont get sore.

We really want some feed back, so if any one has any questions on how were going to do some thing please share. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks every one.
Don't you need to get permission first?

what up oregon!!!!! 👍

they probally don't need permission unless it's called the nike one and is powered in the same way...sounds to me like they're just makin a car based off of the ideas of what the nike 1 looks like but it'll be completly different....... :)
what up oregon!!!!! 👍

they probably don't need permission unless it's called the nike one and is powered in the same way...sounds to me like they're just makin a car based off of the ideas of what the nike 1 looks like but it'll be completly different....... :)

Yeah I don't think we need permission because it's not going to be exactly same as the nike one looks now. We are not that good. But it will has inspired us to build some thing similar ad it should have many of the same features. And no we are not calling it the nike 1 we have yet to come up with a name. Also we probably wont sell it.

Unfortunately the Nike ONE has never been built as a full size. We did talk about it for the Detroit Auto Show but that would have been some serious cash. I do have a preliminary 1:18 scale model at my desk that was built to evaluate the surfaces off the computer. It looks insane sitting next to the S7 and GT40 models that are in the same scale!

There was also a billet aluminum model created as a gift to Kaz from the Nike One Team. I had to simplify it a bit for machining but it came out so sexy!

Keep your eyes out for a 1:43 scale model in the future. I'm pushing for a 1:18 also so keep posted.

I'm out, Phil

You couldn't have choosen a better date? :scared:

Still, it's a very nice piece. Wonder how much it would be worth if he ever sold it...
You couldn't have choosen a better date? :scared:

Still, it's a very nice piece. Wonder how much it would be worth if he ever sold it...

Just go day/month/, Nov 9, 2004...whats so wrong with that?

Truly an honor to see you on the forums, the innovation in the Nike One is truly amazing, the first time I used it in GT4 the logic of the driving position took some understanding, but after a few minutes of viewing the replays I couldnt help but wish that somehow one day I could really have a go in one!

Amazing design, amazing car.

Best Regards,

Interesting easter egg. Thanks for sharing (:

So how's the Nike car drive? Is it worth spending time with? What kind of mods and tuning can you do?

None. You can't do nothing with it. Not even change the oil. All you can do it take it to the test course.
PHIL! guys...
this is without a doubt one of the most valuable threads ever to air on this forum!!! i read through all 9 pages and i wish it were 90! wow! i can only repeat what has been said so many times it is a great pleasure to see you actually posting here phil! i fell in love with this thing while readin through the thread and i will foir sure try to race it alot to make it faster (as someone suggested earlier...seems very reasonable!) and i dont care if its a special car or if i can race it or not its a great collaboration and this kind of stuff makes the GT legend even more special. someone said earlier that you inspired him to become an industrial designer and i must say having flirted with design for a long time now i am seriously considering abandoning my business studies:) great stuff guys really awesome! looking forward to the NIKE ONE-R and all the saleen mustangs(!):)
I think I am late to this thread
This is so awesome ... it makes me wanna become a designer as well
With Phil showed us the stuff behind the scene, GTPlanet is so blessed
and I am so surprised he is helping Saleen
(the Saleen SR351 is one of my favorite long long time ago)

btw, I am going to buy the Nike One model when it is available
even I am not into futuristic style

I haven't checked in for a while and was surprised to see you all are still interested. Just remember it was all done for you the enthusiast, yes I had a great time doing it, but in the end it was just to have fun and think out of the box.

To much of the same thing is not good.....look around us. Bring me a brighter future someone!

I'm out, Phil
i sure am glad there's still guys like you around...with the way everyone is going retro, i've sort of lost something to look forward too. Anyone can just look at past successes and change this and that, but it takes real imagination and skill to bring about completely new designs that still capture what the car is all about. Wish i could have seen your hand at the new Mustang...boy...that was a dissapointment....guess i'll just go buy a '66 Fastback...pretty much the same thing....

I hope too see more of your work in the future and possibly see another collaboration between you and another company. Keep up all the good work!


Their new EMC2 vehicle—the Nike ONE, uses the next generation of the E-Suit combined with heel mounted Microcaps and internal Microbatts to power its HEP drive (Human Energy Potential) with speeds up to 230 MPH. Because the vehicle is powered solely by an individual’s personal energy reserves, transferred to the Microbatts from prior training sessions, combined with their ability to create energy on-the-fly, a new breed of athlete has arisen. Intense mental focus, combined with the need for tremendous physical stamina and a unique blend of fast/slow twitch muscle fibers, make those who master the Nike ONE amongst the most respected athletes on the planet.


Training to compete in the Nike ONE at an elite level is legendarily intense. Foundational methods follow the basic tenets now familiar to users of Nike’s EMC2 products. Specifically, focused neuromuscular control training to recruit adjacent/local muscle groups (plyometrics) combined with strategic high-load strength training. Intensive cardio work is recommended to improve the efficiency of aerobic respiration. Meanwhile, elite drivers of the Nike ONE have been known to pursue intensive regimens aimed at building tolerance to lactate, a harmful byproduct of anaerobic respiration. This is commonly referred to as pain-training, or PT, and is NOT RECOMMENDED for any but the most serious competitors. PT Methods include sitting against a wall for hours on end, repeated deep lunges while carrying enormous weights, and so-called micro-methods, like standing on the tips of your toes or hanging by the hands from a bar for hours at a time.

About the Car

Drivers of the Nike ONE describe it as a cross between wearing a machine and being a machine. Control, acceleration and braking is achieved with the large muscle groups of the legs and arms, similar to working on gym training equipment vs. traditional wrist and ankle movements. The driver controls are centered around a gyroscopic cyber-throttle which integrates cornering, acceleration and braking in a single mental motion. The mind-machine interface uses one non-invasive bio-port at each hand to connect neurotransmitters in the brain to neuro-tranceivers in the vehicle CPU. All controls feature the latest generation Supersensortm components enabling micro-resolute command-calls for maximum efficiency in breaking, acceleration and cornering. Drivers say it helps them make tiny adjustments in speed and direction, and contributes to their overall feeling of connection, power and oneness.
I'm out. Phil

This would explain why you hear the hearbeat of the driver when you drive the Nike One.... because the engine... is YOU

Awesome little car, wish i could win some money with. Might take it around the ring just for the heck of it :)

You are in luck. I had my buddy Toru Kosaka, the master renderer, knock out some serious renderings of the NikeONE. Here is a great wallpaper. Visit his site in the near future, he should be getting the rest of them up soon.

Enjoy, Phil

Well, lucky us!

Thanks, Phil for sharing this with us. It is a great design and a great wallpaper, installed here at work, doing the same later at home!
None. You can't do nothing with it. Not even change the oil. All you can do it take it to the test course.

welll you are the engine so i suppose youn can change the oil just pause the game then goto the toilet then go and drink some stuff then you have just changed the oil and have improved you body by 20hp
anyway phil the car is phat and i want one in real life