Need For Speed (2015)

  • Thread starter Ameer67
Said by @GTRufus in YouTube comments and now confirmed (dusk to dawn):

I'm not sure if this is news to you all, but I've just found an article by (Swiss gaming website) and it gives a few pieces of information - and since this was shared by the official German NFS FB page, I assume this is 99.9% (my father always says there's nothing that is absolute :D) legit. :) I've just quoted and translated the sections mentioning information that has, as far as I know, not been mentioned yet. I've also highlighted the interesting parts.

The article can be found here:

The sections that are of interest - first page:
Wir mussten lernen zu verstehen, was die Auto-Kultur ausmacht. Eine Kultur, in der es nicht zwingend um Geld geht, um den teuersten oder exotischsten Schlitten. Wir wollen, dass ihr mehr Zeit mit euren Autos verbringt, euch Gedanken ums Handling macht, das Aussehen, aber auch den Sound des Motors variieren könnt.
Translation: We needed to learn to understand, what makes up car culture. A culture, where it's not about the money, the most expensive or exotic ride. We want, that you spend more time with your cars, bother yourself about handling and looks, but also can modify the sound of the engine.

(yes, this sentence is a bit strange, but the original isn't any better :D)

Second page:
Nilsson möchte zwar nicht auf genaue Details eingehen, aber wenn ihr euch mal zurückerinnert an die guten, alten „Underground“-Teile, dann beeindruckte dort vor allem die Unterbodenbeleuchtung.
Translation: Nilsson doesn't want to go into details, but remembering the "Underground" titles, the underglow was especially impressive.

Auch Musik spielt eine große Rolle. Ich denke wir sprechen heute sehr viel mehr über einen perfekt auf die Situation abgestimmten Soundtrack, als beim letzten Teil.
Translation: Music plays a big role as well. I think we're talking way more about a more fitting soundtrack than for the previous title.

Das Spiel wird übrigens wieder voll auf Open-World in Kombination mit dem All-Drive-System setzen, allerdings dieses Mal mit dedizierten Servern.
Translation: The game will, again, use an open world in combination with the All-Drive system, but this time with dedicated servers.

Third page:
[...], [D]ie Cops sieht Nilsson vor allem als atmosphärisches Element: „Sie spielen eine große Rolle, weil sie für Nervenkitzel sorgen. Aber auch nur, wenn ihr das möchtet. Wir werden die Möglichkeit anbieten die Präsenz und Aggressivität stufenweise zu variieren.
Translation: Nilsson sees the cops as an atmospheric element in the first place: 'They play a big role, because they ensure thrills. But only, if you like. We'll offer the opportunity to gradually adjust the presence and aggressiveness.

„Ich kann noch nicht zu sehr ins Detail gehen, aber wir haben eine innovative Möglichkeit gefunden die Geschichte zu erzählen. Es ist uns wichtig, das sie sich glaubhaft anfühlt und das Spiel tragen kann. Wir reden hier über schnelle Autos und Racer, da passt kein „Fahrt und rettet die Welt“-Plot. Die Charaktere sind tief verwurzelt in der Auto-Kultur, deshalb fungieren die Cops auch eher als K.I-Gegner, nicht als spielbare Fraktion wie in anderen Teilen. Wir wollen uns auf eine Kampagne konzentrieren und die packend erzählen.“
Translation: I can't go too much into detail, but we found an innovating method to tell the story. It's important to us that it feels authentic and can support the game. We're talking fast cars and racers, a "Drive And Save The World" plot doesn't fit in there. The characters are deep-rooted into car culture, that's why the cops act as AI opponents rather than a playable faction like in other installments. We want to concentrate on a campaign and tell it in a thrilling way.

(By the way, it should be mentioned that the writer of that article also mentioned Furious 7 and the NFS movie as inspirations ... not quite sure what to say right now :lol:)

Fourth page:
Auf jeden Fall wird’s richtig edel aussehen, denn DICE und seine Partnerstudios haben die Frostbite-Engine mittlerweile zum Maximum ausgereizt [...].
Translation: It'll definitely look really great (they wrote 'noble', which works in German, but doesn't in English), because DICE and its partner studios exhausted (I couldn't find a better translation for it) the Frostbite engine to the max.
We needed to learn to understand, what makes up car culture. A culture, where it's not about the money, the most expensive or exotic ride

I wish this statement would stop. It's not like "money" was a factor in any of the need for speed games. There's nothing affordable about turning a civic or a supra or an eclipse into a race car. The reality is you're still going to be spending a premium making your car do what a high performance car naturally does, you might even spend more than what the average high performance car costs.

We want, that you spend more time with your cars, bother yourself about handling and looks, but also can modify the sound of the engine.

They should have just focused on this statement. The fact you can change the sound of your engine is interesting in itself. Not sure where they'll go with this one and what kind of options but it's still neat.
When all of your muscle cars sound exactly the same, it starts to get annoying. :yuck:
The M5 was the worst IMO. Stock it has the awesome V10 sound (sounds amazing) but tuned it sounds like a freaking NASCAR! Too bad the racing exhaust looks awesome!
What I really want for NFS 2015 is I would love to have a livery editor just as good as the Logo editor that the WWE Games have. *And I think Forza has that now.* That would be a huge improvement for customization from the previous NFS games that had car customization. :D
What I really want for NFS 2015 is I would love to have a livery editor just as good as the Logo editor that the WWE Games have. *And I think Forza has that now.* That would be a huge improvement for customization from the previous NFS games that had car customization. :D

I remember the NFS games on the Nintendo DS had a logo editor: wouldn't be half bad to see them re-appear.
I think that there are crews in this one, so logo editors are a possibility, and Carbon also had somewhat of a livery editor, out of shapes and stuff.

But, what if we could have Online Crews in this one?! With Specific liveries for all members and stuff, and logos too.
A livery editor like that would be nice. In Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 and the Japan-only Racing Battle C1GP, there is a sticker editor that allows you to use a MS Paint-like editor on the car layers similar to that. There is even the ability to insert a wired USB mouse to control the mouse in the game like you would on a PC, alloying you to carefully edit the stickers.
if they use Furious 7 as inspiration then wouldn't it count as "Drive and save the world" theme ?
That's the thing: Furious 7 is exactly "Drive and save the world". I guess/hope the editor of that article messed that one up. :lol:

*And I think Forza has that now.*
Forza does it differently; There, you have a selection of shapes, which you can resize, rotate, move, skew and colour. Let's see for which one they'll go.
What I really want for NFS 2015 is I would love to have a livery editor just as good as the Logo editor that the WWE Games have. *And I think Forza has that now.* That would be a huge improvement for customization from the previous NFS games that had car customization. :D
This would be the best thing they could ever implement in the NFS series for me! :P I really hope it happens! :D
A livery editor like that would be nice. In Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 and the Japan-only Racing Battle C1GP, there is a sticker editor that allows you to use a MS Paint-like editor on the car layers similar to that. There is even the ability to insert a wired USB mouse to control the mouse in the game like you would on a PC, alloying you to carefully edit the stickers.
You COULD actually do that in TXR3?!