Online Meeting (NTSC)

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slicecom - sorry about the punt! i was trying to avoid the a** in the blue lancer, and i ended up costing us both a chance. sorry about that. :guilty:
slicecom - sorry about the punt! i was trying to avoid the a** in the blue lancer, and i ended up costing us both a chance. sorry about that. :guilty:

Haha no worries. That was a crazy race! I fell 15 seconds off pace, and thanks to boost, I worked my way back up to 4th! Through Dunlop I passed 3 cars weaving in and out (2 on the outside, one on the inside). I knew SOMETHING bad would happen, but hey, I was on a roll! :lol: Tons of GTPers at Suzuka 750pp right now! Great races!
Tons of GTP_ers for sure, but also plenty of punters. To anybody who's thinking about joining, use extreme caution and prepare to go off-roading :) .
I got punted from 2nd to 6th.... repeatedly punted by a red ferrari until I lost control and took him out... That made me smile a little bit.
Had a few clean races, but for every race there was at least two "lost connection" races. Got fed up of 750pp and went to 600 for a while.
Today I had my first race with the infamous wonderwilley. I held him off for the first lap and on the second lap he drafted me down the backstretch, I pulled to the left to block him, and he just rammed me so hard I instantly lost control and crashed while he continued on without a care in the world

His car definitly is hooked up, his cornering speed in the esses is impressive. He was able to over come many mistakes
Not bad racing out there tonight. I'd like to point out publicly that LoveIsDead pulled over to let me retake my position after an accidental bump into the sand. Much appreciated and very standup move.
I haven't raced in the PP600 for a while and just needed to get the rust off of the rotors so to speak LOL. I was going to PM you about that actually, well which yellow car should I pick now hmmmm.
:cheers: Those were some great races. Unfortunetly I screwed up the setup on my GT Test and it was basically uncontrollable, hence my somewhat erratic driving. It's fast when I'm out front and 100% focused, but when I'm if traffic (which is usually my strength) it's a handful! Hopefully I can find a setup that's a happy medium between fast and controllable tonight. :)

working on the same thing. I got all i could from the Vette, but it just isnt enough with the likes of Div out there.

After a five day layoff, I had fun racing Panjandrum last night. I was competitive with him on HSR, but not so much on Suzuka. Of course my '03 Z4 had a lot more power than his '91 Alfa?? Racing him really has helped my lines. Now I just have to stop screwing up my final laps looking in my mirror... :)


I enjoyed the races also. That was my first night out racing in the '91 Lancia, which turns out to be a pretty darn good car in the bends. But it isn't very quick in a straight line compared to a lot of the competition.
working on the same thing. I got all i could from the Vette, but it just isnt enough with the likes of Div out there.


Yes I saw you with the GT, you were definately faster, just need to tame that beast now.

EDIT : I'll be in 600PP Suzuka most of the morning.
Raced some 600pp last night on Suzuka Circuit. Saw about four GTP names on the grid at one time. Actually recorded the race. Might share it later tonight.
Raced some 600pp last night on Suzuka Circuit. Saw about four GTP names on the grid at one time. Actually recorded the race. Might share it later tonight.

Yeah, you were in the R8 right? You almost had me at Suzuka, sorry if I nudged you a bit in that tight chicane before the sprint to the finish. Good race, though. I always have issues once I get to the front, the whole grip thing really gets me and I start understeering through corners.
Yeah, you were in the R8 right? You almost had me at Suzuka, sorry if I nudged you a bit in that tight chicane before the sprint to the finish. Good race, though. I always have issues once I get to the front, the whole grip thing really gets me and I start understeering through corners.

Yea, it's no problem. I enjoy a good battle. I was laughing at your name during the race. Funny tag.
ugh..need to get used to this stupid Clio tuned..with no traction, its a real handful
I had fun racing quite a few of you at Suzuka 600 earlier tonight. And as I bumped/scraped/spun pretty much all of you at one time or another, I apologize. Digital_Relay, I think I got you the worst. I spun you out on lap 2 at the Casio Triangle. If it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure that as I T-boned your car your driver turned to look at me and gave me the finger.

Edit: I'm pretty sure it was Kensei that I spun at the Casio Triangle. Sorry Kensei. My apologiy still stands to DigitalRelay as I know I hit you a few times.
I think I got the Clio pretty well dialed in. Alot of fun racing in the 600 class.
I'd say so. You were pretty fast in that thing. Sorry for ramming you at Degner curve. I think someone stopped just ahead of you, which made you come to a complete stop. And then here I come. Your car made a funny "whoop" sound as it went flying though, I don't know if you heard it too. Anyway, I couldn't really avoid you. Sorry.
ps-city is a total ASS!
He ruined several races I was in tonight.
The guy is worthless, he literally can not pass someone without crashing them!:grumpy:
stop crying you know who you are. plus you kepted on losing every race you baby. when you lose take it like a man. plus i was not taking anybody out!! so relax you baby.
Digital_Relay, I think I got you the worst. I spun you out on lap 2 at the Casio Triangle. If it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure that as I T-boned your car your driver turned to look at me and gave me the finger.

That was a funny line, Chris. I know you got me a few times, but I was really glad to see you pull over and let me get back in. In fact, I think I saw that happen more times last night than I ever recall.

One of the funniest accidents I had was when someone bumped me on the last turn. I tried to pull out of it, but used too much throttle and just spun myself around. By the time I corrected, I was in pit lane and I was like "what the...". The guy that bumped me, I think it was RedSuini or something like that, slowed down the entire straight and waited for me to get back on.

Other races... FLASH48 put me into the sand on turn 1 after I had been leading the first two laps, but immediately pulled over to let me back on where we had a pretty good battle the rest of the way. Lynk26(sp?) also gave me an accidental bump and pulled over to let me retake my spot. Much respect to all drivers that do this.

About the only guy I thought was messing things up for people was GTP_DarthDrift. I only mention him by name because I checked the directory and didn't see him there. He was a pretty good driver, but bumped and nudged me and several other drivers around while passing and I never saw him give anyone their position back.

GTP_RavenMave made a nice pass on lap three of one race with me to snatch first place out of my hands. Nicely done.

GTP _SpyHunter gave me a nice bump draft at one point. Then going into the last chicane, I saw him go inside in my rearview mirror, so I tried to go wider to give him room, but I think I just slowed us both down. Sorry about that and thanks for the bump.

Early races with GTP_Breaker_Ohio, I just could not catch up. Took me a while to shake the rust off and I kept putting myself into the sand.

Lots of GTPers out there last night too. Good times and good racing guys (and girls?).
