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  • Thread starter boomee

looking at you @nascarfan1400 i see u with that D.Va play time

Right now is the best time for you to start playing competitive, get competitive points, and get golden weapons.

Right now, the current competitive meta revolves around tanks (the actual team composition is Reinhardt, D.Va, Roadhog, Lucio, Ana and Soldier: 76).

Ana's healing is broken right about now, and as such, is amazing for healing members of your team (for reference, it takes Ana 3 seconds to heal a critically injured D.Va; it takes Mercy 10 seconds to do the same thing), and Lucio is great for negating ults and AOE healing.

Soldier got buffed last patch, and as such, has become...a problem. He's way above the other DPS/Offence characters when it comes to attacking close up, as well as at range. Hell, since his buff, it's not out of the ordinary for a Soldier to kill 3 members of the other team when he uses his ult...

...unless D.Va is around, as she can stop the majority of his ult with Defence Matrix. A few patches ago, D.Va gained 100hp to her total health pool, and was able to move faster when attacking. This meant she went from being hardly picked in competitive matches, to being a near must pick in the majority of matches.

Roadhog also became a must pick due to him being able to one-shot a large amount of the character roster; you're near guaranteed to lose a 5v6 after Roadhog takes out a member of your team.


You'd probably need to get this done quickly. Ana, D.Va and Roadhog are all currently in the PTR with huge changes.

Ana is getting a 50% decrease on her healing after throwing her Grenade (though she is still far and away the best healer in the game), Roadhog is getting his hook changed so that it relies on LOS to reel you in (making it slightly more difficult to hook characters with a large amount of movement options). He's still in a relatively good spot.

D.Va, on the other hand, is getting hit hard. She's getting a DPS decrease, as well as a reduction on her armour. This means that she gets knocked out of her mech in 2/3 Roadhog shots, and most likely killed with his 4th. She's also melted by Soldiers ult, meaning that if these nerfs end up going into the live game, she'll be thrown out of the meta, and be on the verge of being a troll pick, unfortunately. :(
I stay loyal to D.Va. if you are good enough with her (and have good healers), her health is irrelevant; D.Va plus a Lucio ult or with a Mercy behind her and she is unstoppable.
I was going to start to get good with McCree, but ever since Soldier got buffed beyond recognition, I don't see the point in playing him right now.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to improve my Sombra so I can get ready for when she's eventually buffed.
I was going to start to get good with McCree, but ever since Soldier got buffed beyond recognition, I don't see the point in playing him right now.


Btw does anyone have some Bastion pro strats? C:
This is too damn adorable to not share:

Well this is a shocker, im surprised Blizzard hasn't made a statement on this....


But apparently Mcree made a film in the 50's!
Someone on reddit suggested evil skins for all the members of Overwatch, imagine Tracer as a wild assassin.