Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
^ Sometimes I see pics of ordnance with funny messages on them like "this bud's for you" or "delivered in 30 mins or the next one is free". I've always wondered if this was the sort of thing that is frowned upon or if it is acceptable only in certain instances.

We Brits don't appreciate that sort of stuff falling on us :grumpy:
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Nothing wrong with now that's a sick, twisted site.
You read when you sit on the bog?

I hate that, so horribly unhygienic. If I ever see books in a bathroom, I die a little inside.

Something I've never seen the point in either.
Defecation and associated odours is something that I'm keen to get done with and away from as soon as I can.
There's probably something to be said for being relaxed and taking your sweet time on the loo though, and Sod's Law now dictates I'll die of a pooing related aneurysm from trying to go too quick!! :scared:
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Me (far right) not being mature enough for a museum and making other people not be mature enough either.

same place, same immaturity

Ya, the museum people just rolled their eyes whenever we walked past pointing at sculptures and saying "let's get a picture with that one!"

Another one from that same day:

And people say museums are boring :rolleyes:
What do you mean no colour? His hair is naturally green - he's dyed it a wacky mousey brown in this picture.
It's actually dark violet at the moment. Might have made it a bit TOO dark though.
For some reason, I've been reminiscing of the "glory days" lately.


So this was my senior year. I'm on the left. Note the popped collar. I think I was going for the whole Dwight Yorke look.. haha...

Honestly though, I can't believe this was 5 years ago! I feel so damn old now! :guilty: