Project CARS - Logitech Wheels NOT Supported on PS4

  • Thread starter biffdiver
Signed too, but right now there is likely no monetary motivation for Logitech to develop new drivers.

Costs for personnel to develop drivers, testing, licensing,...) --vs-- they could sell some units, but on the whole, most are wanting to use their existing hardware.

I think they are missing out though. I migrated away from PC to console a number of years back, tired of spending $$$ chasing PC specs, & I wanted away from all the hacking on PC games. I really enjoy the GT series, but bought the DFGT instead of the G27 because of complaints about the clutch in the GT series. (Not going to debate the GT4/5/6 clutch, some people like it and some dislike it.) There were enough negative responses to prevent me spending the extra $$ to upgrade on something for one game that I might end up disabling.

Project CARS, GT7, & The Crew, for me, has changed this. I'm ready to upgrade my rig. Am I the only one?

The amount of $$ Thrustmaster is wanting for setup w/clutch & shifter is just shy of double the PS4 costs. Better equipment? Maybe? Worth the $$?? Logitech fits in at quality experience at a mid level price.

It's not a big thing to upgrade from an 50-100 buck DFGT to an new wheel but it is an problem if you have just bought expensive fanatec stuff for 500-1000 bucks last year and now you don't know if its supported or not.

I agree with you, what keeped me away from pc gaming was all that hacking, cheating, glitches and unfair stuff. You have that on consoles too but not on that level like on pc.
Well I better start saving for the Thrustmaster then , and a stand to go with it, possibly the WheelstandPro. Going to be an expensive end to the year. :)
I hate that it is SMS taking the heat for Sony/Logitech/Fanatec.
While I agree with the sentiment, I'm sure SMS would like to know how big an issue this is now rather than at release.

From their perspective this response is important to show Logitech/Sony what this means to their customer base. I'm sure people saying they won't buy or recommend a Logitech product again, or saying they'll buy an Xbox or go to PC before buying PS4 is a huge motivator for change. Project Cars can be a massive success for SMS/Sony if they win over the hardcore market, without wheel support that's just not going to happen. S2U was an absolute joke on PS3, it had a great mix of cars/tracks, autolog, aggressive AI, but input lag made the game unplayable. Once bitten twice shy, this game needs to knock it out the park to win people over, and not supporting the most popular wheels is not a good start.

This issue will have flow on effects for the Gran Turismo series going forward, I have no doubt. Let's all hope it can be sorted before release.
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It's not a big thing to upgrade from an 50-100 buck DFGT to an new wheel.....

It is a big thing for me and I'm sure many others. I have a newish DFGT (120 uk pounds) in use and a new back up for when it breaks. There isn't an equivalently priced replacement.

I already have a PS4 that was a present (primarily as a driving game machine). Project Cars, The Crew, Driveclub and at some stage probably GT7 will all need a wheel for me to enjoy them.

Is there a technical or legal reason SMS can't code their own support within the PS4 version of PCARS without a specific driver for the PS4 (especially if Logitech are no longer interested)? Isn't that what Sony have said is up to the developers? I hope SMS are somehow able to get this sorted.

Playing on DS4 is not an enjoyable option especially when what appeals about a game is the simulation aspect.

Maybe this will be sorted out closer to launch but in the meantime I can't commit to a pre-order.
The problem is that game devs are not hardware or firmware engineers. It's a different type of coding to do such low level support, that normal engine or engine devs just aren't really the people to do it. Can the devs find someone to do it? Probably. Is it in their best interests, bearing in mind they would have to pay for the licensing for creating the drivers, and then wouldn't be able to sell them on? Probably not.
Is there a technical or legal reason SMS can't code their own support within the PS4 version of PCARS without a specific driver for the PS4 (especially if Logitech are no longer interested)? Isn't that what Sony have said is up to the developers? I hope SMS are somehow able to get this sorted.

SMS support just about every wheel you can think of on PC side (even the old sidewinder wheels!). This would suggest they want to support as many devices as possible for every platform.

The issue for SMS is they can only support hardware that each platform will recognize. As of now Logitech & Fanatec are not valid controllers on the PS4. There is nothing SMS can do about this.

As far as SMS making compatible drivers, Logitech and Fanatec still owns all rights to their products. Say SMS were to get permission to make a driver and somehow the driver causes harm to the wheel (bricks it, etc). I don't see that being a viable option for SMS.

That was my point earlier. Everyone should be pissed at SONY / FANATEC / LOGITECH. IMO SMS are simply stuck in the middle, and taking all the heat from the community.

Everyone's complaining here and on SMS forums. Instead, the community as a whole needs to focus their rage at SONY / FANATEC / LOGITECH!
I think this discussion is starting to look like this... see picture below... going round and round with and the hamsters representing the parties of who think is to blame. hamster 1=Sony&Manufacturers and hamster 2=SMS. Maybe we lack a hamster but I couldn't find a image with 3 parties/hamster involved.


Small disclaimer: just meant is some silly stuff amongst the serious discussion to lighten the mood. Not to insult anyone in any way shape or form. :)
SMS support just about every wheel you can think of on PC side (even the old sidewinder wheels!). This would suggest they want to support as many devices as possible for every platform.

The issue for SMS is they can only support hardware that each platform will recognize.
Well, of course. On PC you could drive with a flight joystick and use the mouse buttons to shift gears, if you wanted to. PC games generally accept anything with compatible drivers for your OS (although some limit you to one non-KB/mouse device). I found it a little odd that SMS even posted a "PC" list.

On that note, Logitech wheels should remain compatible with PC games for years, until new titles require some new version of Windows that doesn't play nice with Logitech's drivers.
I'm selling mine G27 and buying T500RS instead, sining petitions is pointless. Unless you can organize money raise for backing up this G27 drivers project I seriously doubt that anyone from Logitech will support wheels they announce to stop supporting few months ago.

Some good memories I've had with G25 and then with G27, it's time to move on.
I'm selling mine G27 and buying T500RS instead, sining petitions is pointless. Unless you can organize money raise for backing up this G27 drivers project I seriously doubt that anyone from Logitech will support wheels they announce to stop supporting few months ago.

Some good memories I've had with G25 and then with G27, it's time to move on.
Are 100% sure that the T500 is going to be compatible with the PS4?
Perhaps, you should look at the T300RS instead.
Very disappointed that Logitech aren't likely to be supported at this current stage. I really don't want my G25 to go to waste but I don't want to go to PC either.

I hope the initial list gets updated with more devices in the future to include Logitech wheels.
I think it would be a good idea to; when we know for sure PS4 won't be compatible next to the already non compatible Xbone, stick our heads together and start working on a good affordable pc build we can all copy and is more or less on par with the next gen systems. This as many of us are going to be in the same situation (PC noobs wanting to make the switch), and there are enough members of the master race present on GTP to assist us with their know how.

Call it our own little GTP boycott. But let's wait until we absolutely know for sure though, as now we only have the SMS hint with their compatibility list.
A T300RS will retail for well over £300 so anyone that says we should just suck it up and upgrade I think is being unfair that is a lot to pay for and then what in a couple of years the next console comes out and we have this all again? Not for me thanks
I think it would be a good idea to; when we know for sure PS4 won't be compatible next to the already non compatible Xbone, stick our heads together and start working on a good affordable pc build we can all copy and is more or less on par with the next gen systems. This as many of us are going to be in the same situation (PC noobs wanting to make the switch), and there are enough members of the master race present on GTP to assist us with their know how.

Call it our own little GTP boycott. But let's wait until we absolutely know for sure though, as now we only have the SMS hint with their compatibility list.
Excellent idea. Be nice to know which components provide the most bang for the buck and which work best in terms of the game. I know nothing about building a PC but I can sure pay someone that does!
Excellent idea. Be nice to know which components provide the most bang for the buck and which work best in terms of the game. I know nothing about building a PC but I can sure pay someone that does!

I made the switch already and putting a PC together is a breeze (with no previous knowledge). Had it together in a little over an hour if that. If you all decide to go PC route i promise you guys won't be dissapointed. The options are endless with hardware and games.
Excellent idea. Be nice to know which components provide the most bang for the buck and which work best in terms of the game. I know nothing about building a PC but I can sure pay someone that does!

Personally I prefer nVidia over AMD as their cards seem to be optimised for more games, and have less issues with AMD optimised games. Can't be said the other way around.

Interms of nVidia Geforce cards the 760 and upcoming 860 (so the x60-series) seem to always have had the best bang for the buck.

In terms of CPU's I prefer the cooler running Intel processors. The more heat generated the more fans you need to cool either you air cooling block, or the radiator of your water setup. So the less fans you need or the lower you can let them run, the quieter and nicer it is to use the PC.
The minimum I recommend for gaming is a top model i5 cpu or a i7 cpu. It depends on your budget.

Memory can be anything, but I got a liking for the Corsair Vengeance range. Good quality and bang for the buck.

Motherboards. I am an MSI guy, but Asus is a good alternative. Choosing a motherboars is basically looking to how much inputs/slots you need now and how much you think you might use in the future. So you need to do some planning ahead, or at least take a guess.
So you'd look at if you need 2 usb ports or 10, 4 sata slots for your drives or 8. That kinda thing. One pci-x 16x slot or maybe 2 slots for SLI. Maybe you'd like an extra pci-x 1x slot for a good soundcard (soundblaster or xonar) and another one for a capture card like an Avermedia Gamer Live HD or whatever it is called.

I would always choose an SSD as your Windows boot/installation drive. Grab one of at least 256GB as games will write their savedata and settings to your my documents folder. Which can sometimes take up quite a bit, especially with a games list on Steam as me (300+ games).
For a harddrive I would personally grab a 3TB WD Black drive. I need a fast drive as I want to install my games on it, but I want low load times with those games. If a 3TB SSD was an option I would recommend it, but currently you'd need to sell some organs.

Case... totally your pick. I prefer big towers personally. The extra room makes it nice and comfortable to work in. I own a Coolermaster HAF X myself, but there probably are better cases out there.

Case cooling. Most cases come prefitted with fans, so no need to buy any... unless you want to of course. Refer to the case specifications sheet to see what fan sizes will fit in your case.

Powersupply... I have been using Coolermaster power supplies and haven't had issues. Others might also wish to share their experience.

Ehm... lastly cpu cooling. I use a Noctua NH-14D as its more silent than the waterpump of the Corsair H100 set I once tried. Air cooling will always be safer than water cooling, as a leak can quickly form due to a small mistake.

Eh... that was the short explanation to get you guys started. I hope it helps.
I also think to build me an new pc. Maybe in November when the game comes out. Here in Germany you can get a r9 280x for around 200€ what is ok. A nice pc would cost around 600€.

Besides Assetto corsa I also want to give other sims a chance then. IRacing looks interesting but petty expensive. Arma looks nice too.
I also think to build me an new pc. Maybe in November when the game comes out. Here in Germany you can get a r9 280x for around 200€ what is ok. A nice pc would cost around 600€.

Besides Assetto corsa I also want to give other sims a chance then. IRacing looks interesting but petty expensive. Arma looks nice too.

I am going off topic, but I seriously love the following game that's coming soon.
Which shows that pCARS isn't the only jaw dropping game. :drool:

Elite: Dangerous

I'm guessing some bright spark will make a convertor box for all wheels to work on the PS4, It's been done before for other consoles, so all is not lost.

For building a PC I recommend to keep an eye on this forum:
The top sticky gets updated regularly with build suggestion. These are very experienced guys
The most promising seems to be the CronusMax. It doesn't work for the PS4 yet, but that's because the PS4 hasn't got full support yet. There is a new version coming out with an ARM10 processor, sometime end of this year, possibly early next year, that should have enough grunt to properly work with wheels.

That looks awesome, & very reasonably priced too at just £39.95.


For building a PC I recommend to keep an eye on this forum:
The top sticky gets updated regularly with build suggestion. These are very experienced guys

Pretty expensive tough. I recommended tgis site, at least for Germany. I will build tge 600€ one but take an 280x graphics card. But end of November so I guess the prices go down till then.