Reefer Madness: Power Through the Noughties Sat 10:30pm UK time from 8th April

  • Thread starter reefer
It's not quite 430BHP...yet. :P The goal is close racing, so whatever power-limiter percentage is necessary to make that happen I'm happy to accommodate.
Speaking of power, I can not recall if I have done the oil change on this and the Honda yet.
I have 478hp @92% for the TVR. Maybe an idea to include the respective hp figures on the driver and % list to allow a double check if we have all the beans.
Also, can we change wheels - same size- or no?
Speaking of power, I can not recall if I have done the oil change on this and the Honda yet.
I have 478hp @92% for the TVR. Maybe an idea to include the respective hp figures on the driver and % list to allow a double check if we have all the beans.

Good point Slant. I've been so busy recently though that I don't have time to do everything I'd like to do. (I've only been online for about 3 hours in the last 3 weeks.) So I'm gonna leave the "running with the correct bhp" responsibility up to the drivers. There's no tuning and testing to do so hopefully the drivers can oblige with getting their bhp right. If in any doubt about your oil status, jump in and do it. It only takes 30 seconds and costs washers. I'll double check the numbers on race day.

Also, can we change wheels - same size- or no?

It's car/track dependent. Some tracks will allow you and others won't. If the track allows it, yes, you can do it. To find out just change your wheels to +1 or +2, open an untuned room at the designated track, and see if it allows you on the track. There were one or two tracks in the last series that allows larger rims.

Zo, is it true that you run without ABS? If so, other drivers please take this into consideration when running beside/behind Zo. My brakes in the TVR are set to 1/7 or something which maybe another thing to note if you're running behind me as I may be breaking a touch earlier than you think. As a reference to my pace online @88%, I'd consider a decent lap as 2'06.8, a fast lap as 2'06.3. (I think my fastest to date is 2'06.0) Even on lap 11, a sub 2'07 is doable. In traffic, you can easily knock 2-3 seconds off those times.
Zo, is it true that you run without ABS?

It is. And you're right, it does sometimes cause issues, especially when I'm with chaps I don't race against very often. It doesn't help that, when I am under pressure, I find myself being more careful not to make a mistake, so I probably sometimes brake even sooner than I might when I'm alone, not trying to defend. It's only a yard or two, but it does occasionally catch people out. I think that I'm a 'slow in, traction out' kind of driver anyway, which magnifies the problem.

There is an additional issue; people are in danger of getting choked to death on the smoke I throw out when I get it wrong, those racing brakes snatch like a spoilt three year old when you're not using racing tyres :)

Cheers, Zo.
Regarding braking without ABS or running a low front brake bias: yes, you're right Zo, there can be issues when running with racers we don't know, therefore, could all racers please be aware of this. Also, because some brake early, this will ripple through the pack so, the guys at the back have to be on their toes too.

I just ran out with Ibu-san at Silverstone. He will now join Longbow at 87% on the power limiter. I know I've said this before but we've got a real talent in the making with Ibu-san. He's fourteen years old but drives with a certain poise. Also, please be tolerant of his lack of English.

I might need to rethink my brakes for the TVR (1/6); got mugged twice going into Vale, once by Ibu-san and once by frisco. So if you want an "in", get me in Vale (if it puts a smile on yer face).

Re the Civic for R2, I'll practice tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be really hard to pass at Cape Ring.

I haven't seen Clarkey online for 10 days or so. And he hasn't checked in here. At least Venari has logged into gtplanet but he hasn't "liked" post #49 yet... same for Tom Ascar. Please check out post #49 lads so that we know you're coming. It keeps the reserves sweet.
I haven't seen Clarkey online for 10 days or so. And he hasn't checked in here. At least Venari has logged into gtplanet but he hasn't "liked" post #49 yet... same for Tom Ascar. Please check out post #49 lads so that we know you're coming. It keeps the reserves sweet.
It would be worth tagging @Venari and @mgo for this.
I might not be able to race every week but I can help out here and there. ;)

As requested above.

longbow/ibu-san------------------------------87% on limiter

TVR Tuscan Speed 6 TOURING CAR - power figures (with oil change)
longbow/ibu-san---------------------------------------------------- 451bhp
joe/famine/leo/------------------------------------------------------ 457bhp
zolon/john/------------------------------------------------------------- 462bhp
gu1tar3rich/Venari/------------------------------------------------ 467bhp
buybon/sutsagrd/autope/fadmad/Tom_Ascar/IfAndOr/Slant6---- 478bhp
footieclarkey----------------------------------------------------------- 488bhp
quentin/------------------------------------------------------------------ 499bhp
tooma--------------------------------------------------------------------- 519bhp

Honda Civic Type R (EP, EU) - power figures (with oil change)
longbow/ibu-san---------------------------------------------------- 180bhp
joe/famine/leo/------------------------------------------------------ 182bhp
zolon/john/------------------------------------------------------------- 184bhp
gu1tar3rich/Venari/------------------------------------------------ 186bhp
buybon/sutsagrd/autope/fadmad/Tom_Ascar/IfAndOr/Slant6---- 191bhp
footieclarkey----------------------------------------------------------- 195bhp
quentin/------------------------------------------------------------------ 199bhp
tooma--------------------------------------------------------------------- 207bhp

For conversation to kw

Hope that helps (and is correct!).
Thanks Paul. With the 101 things I could be doing to make it better, I often find it's just one thing piled on top of another. So any help is always welcome!

Longbow, I'll update post #1 with your details:tup:

Please clear your cache and do oil for both cars. And come early. Cheers.
So any help is always welcome!
I was going to work through the following weeks cars but if you were to tweak the drivers limiter allowances the bhp figures would become incorrect and may cause confusion. So I'll hold off until nearer the next race and try and get them posted up then.

Please clear your cache and do oil for both cars
The oil is changed but I couldn't find a cache anywhere so I've given them a wash and polish instead. :dopey:
I was going to work through the following weeks cars but if you were to tweak the drivers limiter allowances the bhp figures would become incorrect and may cause confusion. So I'll hold off until nearer the next race and try and get them posted up then.

Are there no limits to your generosity Paul!:)

Practice room open for 30 minutes..soon bedtime here...

You're definitely on standby for tonight Paul.
Despite still being broken from my angry kidney, I've set up my home office again and will hopefully be on the wheel tonight. Yay.

You're definitely on standby for tonight Paul.
Story of my life!

Anyway glad I was because there was some excellent racing.

Well done to Joe and Famine* on their wins. In fact well done to all for keeping contact to a minimum in such a large pack.

Talking of contact I got interrupted mid race at Cape Ring which broke my concentration somewhat, so apologies for any erratic driving or taps during that time.

Hopefully I'll make it to a few more of the races too.

* How did the angry kidneys hold out; hope they escalate to furious status?

PS - I'll get a picture of my "rig" soon. I'd better tidy up the desk first.

Week 1 - Qualifying - Tooma's Pick - TVR - Silverstone GP Circuit - Stock & Oil Handicap


Week 1, Race 1 Results - Tooma's Pick - TVR - Silverstone GP Circuit


Week 1, Race 2 Results - Suts' Pick - Honda Covic Type R - Cape Ring (Reverse Grid)


Standings After 1 Meet (2 races)

1. joe 40
2. Longbow 32
3. Famine 29
4. Ibu-san 27
5. Zo 26
6. buybon 25
7. Slant 21
8. richy 17
8. IfAndOr 17
10. Tom_A 15
11. fad 14
12. suts 11
13. Quentin 9
14. DC 5
15. GarthTooma 2



I didn't save the replay of the first race so I have no idea what happened behind. If anyone can send it to me, or post a video, I'd be grateful. Looking at the results it appears that there were some good fights in the TVR. But I really have no idea how it went for others. My job was just to keep it within track limits. Any mistake and Ibu-san would have been all over me.

R2 flashed by. Twelve cars within 12 seconds after 20 minutes of racing I think means almost everyone had something to think about. The general idea with the handicapping is to always have a car just in front and a car just behind so that you've always got someone to have a crack at. Wheel to wheel racing is fun. I'm glad you all know well the rules of engagement! Next week I expect the Nurb to be different though.

Well done to Joe and Famine* on their wins.

I'd be delighted with one double-points finish and one top 10. Anything else is a bonus running at 88%.

That civic race was mental! Very close, think the limit system has worked a treat Joe. Going to be a good series, and will be tough to get a win.

To always have a chance of passing someone hopefully keeps the majority interested throughout. The Civic was a different animal from the TVR, and yeah, it was a bit mental.

Even although the Cape Ring race was a great one to be involved in, it was difficult to edit the video. Every time I changed the camera to another car, I'd get a black screen for 2 seconds. Who wants to watch a replay full of random blackness?There appears to be some random editing, big apologies guys, my worst to date. As usual, I'm trying to follow the action so sorry if you're not involved in it much.
Thanks must go to Suts and Tooma for providing us with 2 great combos:bowdown:

Next week is Tokyo and the Nurb. Will be in touch about any power limiter changes.

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And to save me writing a separate message, please "Like" this post if you intend to race next weekend.

Try the video now, Colin. If you still can't see it, let me know.

Edit: something has just occurred to me. Between our youngest and eldest member, there's more than 50 years difference. Also, I wonder what our combined on-track age was at Silverstone! 500?

I've totalled it up and I think it's very close to 634 years of brawn, brains and Brut 33 were on display last weekend.
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Enjoyed the racing but disappointed by my pace ,think my brake problem is still there .
Good to see a full grid of great driver's
Joe I can't watch your videos on you tube for awhile now ,can only watch on gt planet..think it might be coz of the music UK blocked ..
Just got a chance to watch the video while eating my dinner @reefer. All looked good to me, the editing was just fine.

Very entertaining in fact. So much so my dinner went cold and I had to reheat it!

Now if you can just add a (Muddly Talker) Zolon commentary to it...
You'd need to hear one to understand. Best not to ask to include his neighbors cat! ;)
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I was reasonably satisfied with my performance overall. I don't practice for races, which was definitely a mistake for the first race. I'm not very good with race cars, and I seem to be lacking now at Silverstone to compound that issue. The second race was more in my wheelhouse, even though I had never driven the combo until the race. It was tough, but generally fair. It's been a while since I've been in a grid that large - it was certainly unforgiving.

The video is excellent too, I enjoyed the music mix.