Rocket League

  • Thread starter evanzo7
Imagine hearing "trade" every .3 seconds. :nervous:

I moved from XB1 to PC and honestly the "trade" in chat problem is almost non-existant on PC from my experience. The chat does become toxic a lot more often though as almost everyone has quick access to a keyboard, but at the same time praise and positivity are also slightly more common than on XB1, again probably due to more people having that quick access to a keyboard.
I hope that cross-platform between the PS4 and PC doesn't become a thing. Being able to type fast just enables all the idiots. Playing online on PC is downright insufferable, not because their community is worse, but because it's easier and faster to throw abuse at people.

Cross-platform between PS4 and PC has been a thing since release, you just can't make cross-platform parties. It's worth noting however, that cross platform between XBOX and PS4 is not a thing.

Unless you're talking about cross-platform text chat which will never happen unless they implement a Sony sanctioned swear filter.
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Meanwhile between this console-PC talk, hype boys mention more Fast & Furious
Starring a cleaner Charger


Ft. Nissan Skyline

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It'll be even better if they pull in more fictional cars..... like you know... tofus and devils, and such. :drool:
Oh you can paint the skyline to look more normal. Nice, thought we were stuck with the overrated horribly dated tuner design.
Oh you can paint the skyline to look more normal. Nice, thought we were stuck with the overrated horribly dated tuner design.

Well the Ice Charger had a "decal" to turn your car into a plain body. But yes, nice to see this being a thing for real cars.

I don't know, Toyota may not be too willing to allow the former nowadays :lol:

Really I only said tofu to avoid saying the series title. All I really want is the R32, but they probably won't because it's not the "main guy's car". A shame.
Do it for the wheels alone!

I dunno, this may sound really odd for you guys but I'm not really into the whole customisation thing, I like a few bits and pieces but most of my presets are very simple.

Very boring I know :lol:
Anybody watch the Rocket League Championship Series?

This season has been great. PSG looking unbeatable in Europe!
Whew. Achieved Diamond 2 in Standard, Diamond 1 in Solo Standard, though, if my understanding of the patch notes is correct, pretty much everyone below Champion got shifted up a rank anyway.
Whew. Achieved Diamond 2 in Standard, Diamond 1 in Solo Standard, though, if my understanding of the patch notes is correct, pretty much everyone below Champion got shifted up a rank anyway.

did they adjust the bell curve again?
did they adjust the bell curve again?
Looks like the minimum MMR for each rank was brought down by approximately ~100 points, with the exception of Champ 1 and above. A user on Rocket League's subreddit made a table comparing this here.

I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Season 4 vs Season 6 Percentages:


It's still early in the season, so I'm hoping things will smooth out,!
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If the ranks are based on a fixed number of rating points, then that would inflate the number of highly ranked players and devalue its worth. But we all know this anyway.

I'm just glad they fixed the issue with unranked from a few months ago. I can go back to where less unhappy people are.
Opened a few crates for the first time in a while, Got the Popcorn Goal Explosion. Already got the Hellfire one though. So i have to wait a week until i can trade it. Hope it doesnt go down much in value. :(
I started playing rank yesterday. I'm Gold 1 for Doubles and Bronze 3 for Solo. Who knew I sucked at 1v1 that much. Anyway if you're around my skill level and don't mind me screwing up once or twice and are on Steam, let me know, maybe we can partner up a few times.
Opened a few crates for the first time in a while, Got the Popcorn Goal Explosion. Already got the Hellfire one though. So i have to wait a week until i can trade it. Hope it doesnt go down much in value. :(

Just rolled a Cauldron from the Halloween crate. Want to trade that when the time comes? Wait. Are you on Steam?
More rank inflation going on nowadays? I'm now plat 2 in solo standard even though my style of play hasn't changed since last season when I was gold at best, also played a single regular standard game against a below average team that turned out to be diamonds and platinums... :confused:
More rank inflation going on nowadays? I'm now plat 2 in solo standard even though my style of play hasn't changed since last season when I was gold at best, also played a single regular standard game against a below average team that turned out to be diamonds and platinums... :confused:
If you just got placed at Plat 2, then it's too soon to say (I got placed at Diamond 3 but dropped down to Diamond 1-2 after everything leveled out), but it looks like everyone is around 1-1.5 ranks higher than they were last season, excluding Champion 2s and above.
Just rolled a Cauldron from the Halloween crate. Want to trade that when the time comes? Wait. Are you on Steam?

Im PS4, Nice, I got a Vampire Bat Explosion from one of the few Halloween crates i opened. I'll trade that when i can. I should just buy a load of keys and just leave them. When i get something decent i always have to wait 7 days to trade it which isnt ideal :lol:
Now is such a great time to play RL. Been in rooms with lower-level players all evening.

I'm guessing everyone wants those items.
So it's been months since i posted in this thread but a lot of positive things has happened since then. I finally got to Platinum not to long ago, i got 3 goal explosions, bought the skyline, got way better looking rims (dracos, lightning wheels and a lot more), been trading a lot, and just have gotten so much better. I'm look forward to the tournament mode they plan on adding towards the end of this year or start of 2018. That's gonna be pretty cool.
Seems like showing off one's ranks is the only thing that keeps people talking in here.

Just completed my unranked matches... Diamond 2-3 in everything. Didn't do 1s.
I wish we could earn a few more decryptors from the Halloween event. Just earned my third (and final) one last night.

Guess I'll just stock up on HH crates to flog in some trades. I'm on a mission to get every lootbox car in the game without spending a penny, so far I'm 3 cars off from a full set:

-Dominus GT
-Road Hog XL
-Jaeger 619

I did have a Dom but gave it to a friend since he legit uses that hitbox in gameplay. I'm confident on getting the other two but getting the Jaeger is proving difficult since it's the latest car.