Same three tracks all week in Sport mode?

  • Thread starter isamu
Yeah doing the same three races for a week is so boring expecially when only 1 of them are actually good. They need to change them every day in my opinion like the demo. If not the game will die fast.
This is one of the reasons I only did 3 races since the game came out (the Suzuka East one). During the demo, I did dozens of races... Gr.3 Interlagos and Gr.4 and Lake Maggiore were great. Now, the N300 was bollocks, so they changed it... to a FF car. Not for me. The oval, I don't even care. Raced once during the demo and never again.

With Suzuka, even if it is a track where you can barely overtake, due to the constant flow of corners, there's not so much fun to get atm.

I'm just lapping by my own and trying to get faster with the 4C Gr.4 and compare my time to that of the aliens. Currently with a 52.2xx lap. Probably can shave one or two tenths before Tuesday. Went on a race today with Ziko (top1) and saw his line in the replay. Immediately went to practice and improved 0.3sec. :D

Hoping for some decent combos next week.
Suzuka is the only good track this week, but is bad for overtaking and when it is only 4 laps you have to make silly moves what causes so much crashes and dirty racing.
Well, I dunno what's going on but perhaps they're listening to us? Tracks changed today, not one but all three(Yippee!). Seems weird they changed it two days before tuesday. Anyone know what their reasoning behind this was?
I guess they are called daily races because you log on every day and to them. But it's generally a very misleading title. A daily activity that updates weekly.... I mean, c'mon.
I guess they are called daily races because you log on every day and to them. But it's generally a very misleading title. A daily activity that updates weekly.... I mean, c'mon.

But that's my point. It hasn't even been a full week since they changed the track. Only been 5 days.
Well, I dunno what's going on but perhaps they're listening to us? Tracks changed today, not one but all three(Yippee!). Seems weird they changed it two days before tuesday. Anyone know what their reasoning behind this was?
No idea, but this webpage has other updates (after-the-fact) about service disruptions, so might be the place to keep an eye on.

Edit: The new races have 12 instead of 24 drivers, and the few I've entered so far seem to have much much better match-making (no D-E with A-S!)
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Guys, I remember that for now their servers are being adjustment, they are probably trying not to overload the servers because, by making daily races, there would be a lot more people online, probably so they manage better for now servers.
Give it some time;)
Also why did they decrease the grind to 12? 24 was much better and more exciting. Seems like they're making all of changes with no reason or explanation given to the community.
Also why did they decrease the grind to 12? 24 was much better and more exciting. Seems like they're making all of changes with no reason or explanation given to the community.

Typical PD sad to say. They never cease to amaze and not always in the best of ways.
Im fine with 3 races ATM while people are completing the content, learning the ropes and getting the DR & SR to the correct levels. I prefer the 12 car races. 24 was just too chaotic for my liking. You start at the front and get shunted you are then middle of the pack in the bump and grind. In a 12 player race you fall back and can slowly pick off the cars.
Children, could it be possible they have reasons for making the changes, including the drop in grid sizes? Could they be checking, evaluating, testing, and learning during this FIRST WEEK of an entirely new type of GT experience? Hard to consider, I know, but it might be possible.

I'd expect random changes and odd happenings for the first month or 2 before they get it locked down, and not a word from them about when, where, or how they are doing it. Same as ever, why do so many of you continue to expect different?
The demo with Interlagos was a lot of fun...the week with Suzuka east was 1 day too got old real fast for me just for the simple fact that it's almost impossible to overtake and 24 cars on that short track was a bit overkill...both my DR and SR took a beating with so much dirty racing.

With that said, I'm noticing that today there's only 12 racers per race, I think that's too little...find the happy medium with 16 or 18.
Let’s not forget that most people only play casually and will hardly log on daily to grind races like dailies in MMOs - seems like a chore. Also, from a practice POV it makes sense to host tracks longer than just a day, to get accustomed to tracks. PD’s emphasis is clearly on online this time around, in particular Sport Mode. They need to give people time to practice tracks. It also gives an incentive to race on tracks you’d normally skip solo. I hate Brands Hatch for instance, and have never touched it in pretty much any racer since TOCA on PS1. Last week however I was kinda forced to try it and I really enjoyed the races there.
The problem with last week was the combination of a large grid on 2 short, and curvy courses. 24 Gr. 3 cars on Suzuka short is just asking for trouble. Other than that I think it makes more sense to rotate every 5-7 days or have a different choice for Sat/Sun than daily.
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Let’s not forget that most people only play casually and will hardly log on daily to grind races like dailies in MMOs - seems like a chore. Also, from a practice POV it makes sense to host tracks longer than just a day, to get accustomed to tracks. PD’s emphasis is clearly on online this time around, in particular Sport Mode. They need to give people time to practice tracks. It also gives an incentive to race on tracks you’d normally skip solo. I hate Brands Hatch for instance, and have never touched it in pretty much any racer since TOCA on PS1. Last week however I was kinda forced to try it and I really enjoyed the races there.
The problem with last week was the combination of a large grid on 2 short, and curvy courses. 24 Gr. 3 cars on Suzuka short is just asking for trouble. Other than that I think it makes more sense to rotate every 5-7 days or have a different choice for Sat/Sun than daily.
I thought the same. last week was just the bad combination. I just can't wait to race on Lake Maggiore when I got back home.
Children, could it be possible they have reasons for making the changes, including the drop in grid sizes? Could they be checking, evaluating, testing, and learning during this FIRST WEEK of an entirely new type of GT experience? Hard to consider, I know, but it might be possible.

I'd expect random changes and odd happenings for the first month or 2 before they get it locked down, and not a word from them about when, where, or how they are doing it. Same as ever, why do so many of you continue to expect different?

Uh, wasn’t the whole point of the beta, and by extension the demo, to get this system sorted out before the game released?
I guess there’s something about adjusting the rating. Today I took part in 4 races and the driving level was waaay more even than last week.

Maybe PD is still testing their servers? Even though that what the Beta was for.

Thinking like PD people, for them having a track/car combo up for the whole week is a way to help players improve on their driving skills by running the same race over and over. They may think that rotating the combinations too often might get not experienced drivers overwhelmed. That’s how I think they think. Gotta get the game more acessible.