Secret Black Cars in Dealeships

  • Thread starter Castrol96


United Kingdom
Southampton, UK
While using some cheat codes, i discovered the black cars appearing in the dealerships, using the code where all cars are priced the secret cars became available too, while selecting the racing version of the car you will see another colour for it in black.




What's the mileage on them if you buy one? If it's 0 or 6.2, it's interesting. If it's the same mileage they have in the UCDs on Week 100, not so interesting.

Garage mileage, not dealership mileage, BTW.
is this a PAL or NTSC? I have a PAL version of the game.
Both. As I said before this has been discussed a lot in this forum. You would do well to browse the lists of FAQs that are stickied at the top of the list of threads. Or, do a search for "black beauty"/"black beauties".
I hear there are other "Black Cars". I think one was an S2000. Think you could get us some pictures?

Never heard or scene a secret black S2000 but I think there is a black RX7 race car which some assume a secret black car. Although, this car does not come in the cycle of the other cars.

You guys do know that we have complete car lists including colors -- used cars, new/dealership and prize cars -- NTSC and PAL, right? They can be found by looking through the FAQs . GT4 is one of the most thoroughly researched games ever. And the results are all available here in this forum.
Did you use a armax or codebreaker to unlock the secret Black Cars in showroom? if so, please comment the codes.
Why are you so obsessed with the Codebreaker? Just wait until day 694 and the black cars will spawn in the two 90's used cars dealerships. You'll need a total of 8+ million credits to buy all 4 of them.
I read sometime back that someone claimed they were able to get the Special Blacks with Zero Miles with a code breaking program. When asked for proof he then claimed he didn't know how to post photos here... here is a News Flash... It can NOT be done no matter what codes you use as far as I have been able to determine. I welcome anyone who has done it to share the secret with photos but I won't hold my breath...
Cash is never been a problem in GT4 if you know what to do :D I can't remember how many CLK GTR I've sold in my entire GT career...
Considering that you can sell your first CLK GTR after your tenth race from a fresh game start, yeah, cash isn't a problem.
And yeah, I've sold my share of them, too.
The Cheat Code To Bring Secret Black Car to the Dealerships

For Pcsx2
//The Black Cars in Dealerships
The Cheat Code To Bring Secret Black Car to the Dealerships

For Pcsx2
//The Black Cars in Dealerships

What mileages do the cars have?
Hello gtplanet members,
Is there a code/codes to unlock the LM cars (Mazda RX7 and RX8 Concept, Jaguar XJ220 etc.) and Nissan OPTION Stream Z on showroom? So you can buy them anytime you want? I have a ntsc version.
So here is the question that many over the years including myself wanna know for sure... and that means explanation and proof... Has anyone been able to get the special blacks with “NO” mileage on them... ??? I saw an old thread here that claimed it could be done... ???

Here is link where I read it... not just getting them in the dealership, but the miles at -0- is what I refer to...
So here is the question that many over the years including myself wanna know for sure... and that means explanation and proof... Has anyone been able to get the special blacks with “NO” mileage on them... ??? I saw an old thread here that claimed it could be done... ???

Here is link where I read it... not just getting them in the dealership, but the miles at -0- is what I refer to...

You can, i use a "all cars in shop available to buy" and "all colors in shop" this gives me the option to buy any car, in any color, therefore enabling the black counterparts of the black cars (you can choose the black variant when you select the 787b. for example.)

my cheat file for gt4 looks like this:

Enable Code:
9058EF88 0C1691C9

All Cars purchasable & all Colors Available:
201639F8 24100000
204489A4 24020000
Thanks Reameb... not sure what platform you refer to with the numbers provided but, what I would love to see is some simple photo shots taken by any means like a simple cel phone shot or wharever that shows the mileage area in the left hand bottom corner of the purchase when the purchase is completed, not just in the garage, cause that doesn't mean anything about "ZERO" (-0-) miles". The photos from some time ago in this thread above have that portion cut out and makes me wonder. Not interested in just getting the cars cause that's a easy no brainer... what would interest this forum I'm sure very much is showing clearly that these black cars can be purchased with NO mileage... no photo shops please...

I'll go one step further on my request... If I had some no mileage blacks I could video them with my cel phone easily with my TV showing clearly in the background as the car rotates with the mileage area shown. I could then post it up to YouTube or a video source and have it all done in about 1/2 hour. That is Not rocket science. So, that's my challenge which clearly would be hard to photo shop or cutout or change. Any takers ?
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Those are RAW format cheats for gran turismo 4 using an actual ps2, i load the cheats by using OPL. all of this is for modded ps2, can be done on an emulator too, tho.

Here are the pics, when you buy them, you get them at 0 miles, just like any other car you buy brand new.




As you can see the cheat allows me to have the black cars in the showroom, and buy it.
I'll repeat myself again... Most of us already know that getting the blacks into the dealership can be done. Again... what many are very curious to see is the garage photos (not shopped) with the mileage. Certainly not hard to do if in fact they have no mileage. It seems that all the photos on the forum always strangely seem to not include the mileage... that is why I request a moving video of the TV screen with the cars in the garage doing their dance which is much more viable as proof... Now if someone has that I'l be astonished !