SNAIL Divison 2 February 2019

  • Thread starter Herimopp89
I dont know how long I will be online tonight I'm hoping to make it the whole time but might have to leave early
Had to call it a night fellas. Wife and kids came in and distracted me in race 1, a tie up in race 2, and just an unlucky collision in race 3, and really wasn't totally in the frame of mind to race tonight to begin with. Decided to cut my losses. See you all next week.
@llNovall i want to apologize for last night, accidentally pit manuvered you race 3, i tried straightening your front back out, but it all went to ****. my router cooked after that race. once again, my apologies
No worries. It was an intense battle with you and Dub on a very tight course, and contact was bound to happen with how hard we were racing. Great race with you, and see you next Sunday.
Internet is down but the Charter truck has been out there since morning. I’ll update here.
Edit: Back in bidness as of 1/2 hour ago. I’m racing tonight.
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I'm good to host, and will have the room open at 9pm EST.

And Welcome to D2 @Rogue Clone and @krusty9rs

Here's a quick review of the qualifying procedures for the new members, and anyone else that needs a refresher....I've seen a few people get caught by the car behind them, and there is a procedure for this.

Qualifying Rules
Prior to the first race of each combo drivers must immediately drive to a spot beyond turn one where qualifying will start and line up single file. The scorekeeper must be the first driver in line. The host will remain on pit road during this time.

Once the driver count has been verified, the host will give instructions to start qualifying and leave pit road to join in at the back of the line. Drivers should give 5 seconds between the driver in front of them leaving and when they start.

Qualifying is not the race. If you get caught from behind during the qualifying session you must allow the driver to pass without incident or opposition.

All drivers will complete an out lap and one hot lap for qualifying.

If, at any time during the out lap or the hot lap, a driver leaves the racing surface for any reason, except to avoid another car on track, they are to pull completely off the track and out of the way at the earliest safe location and wait for the qualifying session to end. They are not to attempt to re-enter the track for any reason.

If a driver is caught from behind during qualifying, they must get off the racing line and allow the driver that caught them to pass without incident.

Once drivers have completed their hot lap, they are to stop on the track far enough past the start finish line as to not be a distraction to anyone finishing a lap.

Once the host has completed his hot lap, he will check that no non-members have entered (kick as necessary) and start the race.

This process can be modified for shorter tracks or to change from 5 seconds if deemed necessary.

Failure to comply with qualifying rules will result in a disqualification for that race.

Have fun & Good Luck tonight all.
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