So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
Sad day.

Been putting it off for so long, but the junkman finally came and took my old Grand Prix away. Kind of sad to see it finally go, but I got $160 for it and my garage space back. It did leave a pretty nice trail of oil and rust from my garage on down to the street. :lol:

I have a week holiday from work, my father arrives in a few hours and I get to spend all week with my daughter to go swimming and do fun stuff. I also managed to maintain sobriety by avoiding a party I was seriously tempted to go to yesterday evening. Plus I get my car back from Honda, freshly rebuilt after a crash.

Busy day, I can’t wait.
It all started yesterday afternoon. What a day. I slept very badly due to the stress because we had no internet, digital television, mobile phone and the landline. Today around 12 (midday, is that am or pm) the internet provider said the internet amplifier was broken. It turned out that it was not the amplifier was not the problem, it was the electric socket that was the problem.

Today I went ice karting with 6 other friends and I'm hooked. I want more, I want my own ice karting track. :D
It was my very first time and I was only 1.5 seconds slower than the fastest driver. I am that good. :mischievous:
Normal times for first timers is close to 60s. My fastest lap was 47:368. My very first try and fastest lap was 49:060.

There was a crazy Belgian girl who crashed on purpose into other drivers. Luckily there is a headrest or I'd have had a neck injury.

Another exciting evening yesterday. I went karting with the same friends I went ice karting with. This was my very first time in a kart used for racing. Besides ice karting, I never even sat in a kart in my entire life. It was pure fun. I felt it in my forearms though, thank you medication.
I refused to go because of the exhaust of the karts but finally gave in because my friends were nagging every day to go with. My clothing is still smelling bad because of the exhaust fumes of the karts. This can't be healthy.

4 of my friends go karting regularly. For one guy, Niels was also his first time. The first few laps, I discovered that I was almost constantly pushing my brake pedal slightly. :D After that my lap times improved. My heat was only 13' because I didn't want to stay on track too long because of the exhaust fumes (call me crazy or stupid but it was a genuine concern of me). :sly:

The very first righ-left-right chicane I went from tire to tire like a pinball because I was not used to the directness of the steering. :D
These karts are not that fast but sitting so low to the ground, I was sometimes genuinely a little bit scared when I was pushing to get a good result. :scared:

After this kart experience I have a lot of new-found respect for real race car drivers and certainly open wheelers (mainly F2 and F1). What they have to endure during a race must be incredible (G-forces, speed, excitement and so on).

Another exciting evening yesterday. I went karting with the same friends I went ice karting with. This was my very first time in a kart used for racing. Besides ice karting, I never even sat in a kart in my entire life. It was pure fun. I felt it in my forearms though, thank you medication.
I refused to go because of the exhaust of the karts but finally gave in because my friends were nagging every day to go with. My clothing is still smelling bad because of the exhaust fumes of the karts. This can't be healthy.

4 of my friends go karting regularly. For one guy, Niels was also his first time. The first few laps, I discovered that I was almost constantly pushing my brake pedal slightly. :D After that my lap times improved. My heat was only 13' because I didn't want to stay on track too long because of the exhaust fumes (call me crazy or stupid but it was a genuine concern of me). :sly:

The very first righ-left-right chicane I went from tire to tire like a pinball because I was not used to the directness of the steering. :D
These karts are not that fast but sitting so low to the ground, I was sometimes genuinely a little bit scared when I was pushing to get a good result. :scared:

After this kart experience I have a lot of new-found respect for real race car drivers and certainly open wheelers (mainly F2 and F1). What they have to endure during a race must be incredible (G-forces, speed, excitement and so on).

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So that explains why you've been very busy lately?
A hot girl, new to my company, asked me out on a date today. We’ll go cycling tomorrow and chew the cud. I’m looking forward to seeing her in tight clothing. :D
A very tiring day walking around some of the busiest districts in Tokyo but nevertheless, the weather is cold and did not make me feel exhausted at all.
Sunday (yesterday) was rough.... Wanted to sleep in, but couldn't. Hot water hose for my washing machine burst, shooting water everywhere in my apartment bathroom and kitchen. Ceiling, walls, and of course, the floor were soaked. While cleaning it up, the power went out as well...for the whole day.

Yet again I woke up in the middle of the night with what I'd eaten for tea dribbling out of my nose.

This is an unpleasant experience, especially when it was a curry using super hot chilli's.

I do not recommend drowning in your own stomach acid, it really is very difficult to get rid of the burning in your skull.
A bad, bothersome day since I feel like I have a fever due to a tough cough and colds existing for more than half a week already. :indiff:
I'm having a few days off and I amazed how sad my life is, I don't know what to do with my free time but sit in front of the computer and waste away watching random youtube videos and listening to music for hours. :grumpy:
The only silver lining being weight lifting at the end of each day, but that's about it.
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painted my room a bit, listened to music, watched car videos had breakfast and slept the day away. What a useless day. Now I’m figuring out how to get myself to sleep.

I'm having a few days off and I amazed how sad my life is, I don't know what to do with my free time but sit in front of the computer and waste away watching random youtube videos and listening to music for hours. :grumpy:
The only silver lining being weight lifting at the end of each day, but that's about it.
lol, I had this revelation a day or so ago. I stayed in because of the snow and cold weather. All I did was the same stuff as you (- the weightlifting)
Me too, man, but at least you have the NHS which won’t leave a dent in your wallet.

Turns out it's "only" costochontritis... which is inflammation in the rib joint cartilage. It got a lot worse over the night, at one point I was seriously considering calling an ambulance. I couldn't regulate my breathing because of the pain it caused, and found myself desperately short of breath - like being suffocated and being stabbed in the ribs at the same time. As for the doctor, he's prescribed rest and over the counter remedies. I mean, I don't support over prescribing medications but over the counter stuff general does **** all for actual pain in my experience. He wouldn't offer anything stronger without working the basics first... so now I'm experiencing the most pain I can remember ever having, with super market Ibuprofen.... this reminds me of the time I went in complaining of acute throat pain, being told the paracetamol and 'manning up' would do it, only to then end up on a ward a couple of days later drooling into a cup with hypodermic needles being stuck into my throat, and having to take my pills up the bum, because actually paracetamol and manning-up didn't work... no **** Sherlock.

The NHS is about giving the best care they can with the framework they've got, but sadly I think that framework is lacking. Nothing against the Doctors, nurses or staff, I know they do their best but it's difficult to put you faith in them when the MO seems to be, do nothing unless they come back worse.
Looks like I'm going to have a very bad day recovering all files that I have from an old hard drive amounting to almost 350GB. :indiff:

Computers these days. Sometimes I don't understand why they have to be so complicated. :ouch: