So now we can "bribe our way to victory"? (PRICES REVEALED, SEE OP)

  • Thread starter tankuroded
Agreed, at least for online. In Single Player, you can purchase what you want whenever you like, but you should be a certain level to drive a high performance car online.

I hate the idea of buying credits (something about a fool and his/her money, departing etc) But really, in ANY GT game it has been easy to get a very fast car early on. Also, sadly, many people that played up to level 40 still can't drive. I have no problem letting fools, er people that are willing to spend real money on credits race the cars online.
And those kids that will buy the money packs are really losing THE BEST moment of any GT game.

The beginning. Low funds, a crappy used Nissan or Honda fighting for some bucks here and there. Nothing beats this... that's why I'm sad that seems that the UCD is gone.

I don't even want the 1mil credits from the Anniversary Edition!
Although you know, PP caps in career will nerf the effects of that... ;)
The only problem I'll have with this is if they do, what a game I've been playing recently on my android phone does, and make it, literally impossible, to "level cap" without paying real dollars for in game currency. That will definitely kill my enthusiasm for GT6 and future iterations of the franchise.

Any other company and I'd fear the same thing, but I have faith in PD and Kaz to do the right thing.
Microtransactions have sucked for many years. EA has been doing this forever. The best way to voice your opinion is to keep your money in your wallet.

The most frustrating microtransactions lately have been with GTA5. Not only does GTA5 have microtransactions, but they are going out of their way to make it even more difficult to earn in game money. They have cut almost every single in game payout in half since the game was released. Basically trying to push you toward the microtransactions.
I am against this move. This caters to the lazy people who can`t be bothered to progress, which is what I thought Gran Turismo was all about. The whole point of GT was to start out in a low end car and work your way up to the cars of your dreams, but being able to buy money will eliminate that aspect. I will play GT6 the way I played previous iterations, even if they make it harder to earn money. I will not ever support regimes such as this.
Seems like a good idea. Cheap and saves time.

I am against this move. This caters to the lazy people who can`t be bothered to progress, which is what I thought Gran Turismo was all about. The whole point of GT was to start out in a low end car and work your way up to the cars of your dreams, but being able to buy money will eliminate that aspect. I will play GT6 the way I played previous iterations, even if they make it harder to earn money. I will not ever support regimes such as this.

There's a difference between being lazy and being busy with other things.
Though I understand that I'm not necessarily supposed to support this notion, undertaking it will help me in what were my favourite hobbies in GT5 (and will be for GT6) - reviewing and tuning cars, with an outside shout to fan fics.

Therefore I do actually see myself using this feature rather frequently. However, I do think that I will go through the main game in a perfectly normal manner and only use the bought credits for those outside purposes. That should keep it most fair.
Good move by PD / Sony. Credits were so hard to come by in GT5. Earn cars by playing the game? Who has time for that?! Hashtag sarcasm.
Any other company and I'd fear the same thing, but I have faith in PD and Kaz to do the right thing.

The "right thing" is highly subjective in nature. What some would call right and what PD and Sony call right will be driven by very different priorities.
What I'd like to know is where this has been officially been said or confirmed. I'm amazed no one is even asking this and have chosen to instead go into full whine mode.
wonder if we can gift money to other players.
I remember back when GT5 came out I made like $120 selling Red Bull X2010's on ebay LOL. it pretty much paid off the game for me and I wouldn't mind making some money from this game too lol
I don't really have a problem with this. I probably won't bother since (based on GT5) there wouldn't be any car I want to buy that is so expensive I couldn't do it with a few races the usual way.
I am against this move. This caters to the lazy people who can`t be bothered to progress, which is what I thought Gran Turismo was all about. The whole point of GT was to start out in a low end car and work your way up to the cars of your dreams, but being able to buy money will eliminate that aspect. I will play GT6 the way I played previous iterations, even if they make it harder to earn money. I will not ever support regimes such as this.
Haha, lazy now for playing a game to get these highly expensive cars people don't have the time to get? Amazing... Let people play the way they want to play, why are others telling them the way they should play? It's their game, they bought it and it's their money, enough with this elitism already guys.
As Toko says, let people play the way they want. If spending real money, to be able to progress quicker in the game, is your bag, more power to you. If others are, more patient, about their progress, then allow them the same opportunity to progress as high.

Just don't make spending that real money the only way to get it.
What I'd like to know is where this has been officially been said or confirmed. I'm amazed no one is even asking this and have chosen to instead go into full whine mode.

In addition, from launch at retail you’ll find a new option for building your ultimate fantasy car collection in-game credits will be purchasable through PS Store or your friendly local retailer at the following denominations: 500K, 1 million, 2.5 million or 7 million credits which you’ll be able to apply in-game for cars and parts. To know how much your credits will get you, take a look at the menu of choices. For 1 million credits you could get all the cars below.
As Toko says, let people play the way they want. If spending real money is the way you want to be able to progress quicker in the game is your bag, more power to you. If others are, more patient, about their progress then allow them the same opportunity to progress as high.

Just don't make spending that real money the only way to get it.
Excatly. 👍
Shameless revenue raising if you ask me. And to think PD claim they are all about the cars... They're no better than EA or any other company.

The ridiculous thing is people will pay the money too
If it gives them enough money to spend on getting out and modelling more cars, I am all for it.

Yeah, because, you know, Sony and buzillion sells worldwide don't worth nothing.

You know how this stuff goes, imagine a sort of GT5 career mode where people is forced to grind in order to progress through the game. Sure "you don't have to" you can always buy in game credits and progress faster... at least that's what they said in other games. But the truth is game develeopers intentionally give an advantage to micro transition customers, just think about a free2play fps where "for only 9,99€ you can buy that super duper weapon and 'pwon all the noobz".

Next step in a racing game would be something like this: "take a performance advantage over your opponents online! More hp, more downforce, less weight, less PP!!! The Performance Pack."
You know what I'm saying.


I said the same thing on the News thread. It is just the beginning.
won't help you get gold on license tests or anything or win on any restricted race...

Not with licence tests, no. But at any given PP level some cars are faster then others. For instance I think a 500 or 550 pp race a tuned subaru might struggle to compete with a gallardo. And so on.
Once again, you seem to miss the point. This is no different from ANY other game. If others make profits doing this why can't PD? Also, this is NOT AFFECTING THE GAME in any way other than making it quicker (which in most cases people wouldn't want, since it turns the game
Also that last bit IS laughable because most DLC is probably already available in bare-bones on the disk already.

So you're saying that transactions are okay because PD needs the profit? Dude, Gran Turismo is extremely successful right now. They don't need transactions, they were okay with selling DLC (Which by the way wasn't even on the disk because why did you download so much update data?). So no, profit is not a problem. Also, going back all the way to my first comment, I said that the gaming industry overall is going downhill. That means that almost everyone is trying to get more money from people. Why do you think EA won the golden poo award for worst company? Because they want a quick buck off people by forcing people to get into Origin. Why do you think Capcom is in Financial trouble? Because of the free-to-play garbage they give to consumers. Why do people prefer the PlayStation 4 over the Xbox One? Because Microsoft destroyed their credibility with DRM. If these transactions become successful, then thats horrible. Because PD wants even more profit so they'll try to FORCE you to buy stuff that should of been on the disk already. So no, even though I certainly won't do transactions, I fear PD will somehow try to get more out of our wallet even after paying $60 for a full game.
They are just following the current trend is business
But but but its not the gt ephos! Just like livery editor isnt or a good damage model isnt the pd way, Or at least thats what pd appolagists keep parroting

How is it ripping off to provide an option to grinding for cash?
Well perhaps the inclusion of grinding itself is a rip off? Grinding is the result of a poorly thought out game (or zero thought possibly), Also perhaps they now include grinding so players will get fed up and buy virtual cash with real cash? The next installment of gt could have its whole single player mode designed on frusterating players to buy virtual cash with real cash, Its ok though becase its a "choice" even though you've forked out your hard earned for a game you didnt expect to be incomplateble without paying through the nose again.

Games gets more and more complex, and it's not like the retail price raise equally to compensate.
Its called progress, Which has only been possible because of customers supporting the game industry, Games have also become a lot easier ad shorter with less though put into them and also copy pasted (fifa, tiger etc every year honestly?) Plus games are pretty expensive as they are so i see no reason why prices should have gone up, Movie efeects get more and more complex too so should the retail price of blurays go up too?

More importantly i dont see how this isnt seen as anything other than something that is purely dispicable, They are charging you for absolutley nothing in return by means of work or craft, They are not charging you for a car they spent a month modeling after the game has been released,They are making free money and it will also come at the expense of poor ingame economy for people who dont want to get leached

What next? give you an option to pay to skip gears 1,2,3,4 and 5 to jump straight to top speed? 0-200 in 000.1 seconds!