Standing Starts

  • Thread starter Gids
In the current rolling start format in GT6, the car on pole usually gets a two-corner head-start (also usually in the fastest car). It's annoying, and unfair. All career races need to have standing starts, apart from Nascar, LeMans & karting.

And qualifying, like real racing.

...Has Polyphony actually ever seen a real motor race? :odd:
In the current rolling start format in GT6, the car on pole usually gets a two-corner head-start (also usually in the fastest car). It's annoying, and unfair. All career races need to have standing starts, apart from Nascar, LeMans & karting.

And qualifying, like real racing.

...Has Polyphony actually ever seen a real motor race? :odd:
In their defence, for the AI to have an unfair head-start is among the only ways to make the race genuinely fair, as the AI drives much more cautiously than most humans.
Agreed, we have a tendancy to overdrive our cars so normal AI wouldnt work.

What might work, is basing a standing start on PP settings. Like a handicap in golf! For many the rolling start would still happen, but if you reduce you're PP past a certain point it auto sets to a standing start, that way taking a players overdrive into consideration!
In their defence, for the AI to have an unfair head-start is among the only ways to make the race genuinely fair, as the AI drives much more cautiously than most humans.
I'm sure that's why they have rolling starts, but those races still have heavy rubber band AI. I think the rubber banding will work just as well for standing starts.

Standing starts worked really well in The Red Bull Junior races, too. 👍
I would love to see standing starts with a penalty system similar to the one you get for cutting the track if you jump start!

That's EXACTLY what we'd like !!! There's not much skill in just holding the Revs until the system lets you speed off the starting grid. Give the Players the ability to hold their car stationary & react to the Lights (going from Red to Green, or All Reds, to Lights Off, like F1).

10 second Penalty for jump starts or a Pit Drive thru.
I think that one of the reasons they don't make a complete GT with TEST MACHINE AREA (imho) , is that in the last TWO GT's there aren't standing starts ... :mischievous:

PD, just give all grid start options in all modes. Except Career mode, just give us different start types suited to each event.

I remember having standing starts in GT5. But they were removed after a certain update.
Never really liked rolling starts. Felt like a cop-out to me when PDI made almost every race "rollers" after an update in GT5 - and I still don't get why there's no qualifying. Implement them when it's appropriate, I say. Say, you are in a Nascar event, then have a rolling start, fine; if you are doing FGT, then no. Can't be that difficult to implement......Is PDI holding out on us?
I never really cared for the track dependent sometimes rolling/sometimes standing start system of the 4th game. I liked the consistency of the first 3 installments, where every event had a standing start, with the exception of championships in 2, and endurance races in 2 and 3. As for rolling/standing starts in licenses, I don't care how consistent it is. But in proper races, I want some consistency.
In addition to that, there are some career races where there is a ridiculously long period before the race where the cars are just rolling along to the start line. Why??
400th like!

For some of the tracks like Circuito de Madrid, it takes a very long time for the race to actually start because of the rolling start. To make it short, I'm for standing starts for all tracks.
Yes Yes Yes!!! Rolling starts were bad, but now, in GT6 they are terrible when your opponent has 20 seconds of advantage, it`s really unfair and annoying. And there also qualifications should be brought back , I don`t understand why qualification round was removed.
some have mentioned, the frame rate drops at the start with all 16 cars in view. I just think back to Tourist Trophy on PS2. PD did the same by starting bikes with big gaps between them. Doesn't make sense when the standing starts would have been fine. I do hope this is not the case in GT7.
I hate these rolling starts. PD, if you really want to make GT7 the best GT ever give us Standing starts again!

And of course all other high voted suggestions :D
I just got pretty angry because of these stupid rolling starts. Come on PD, Rolling Start at a 3 lap race and of course from the last place??? That has nothing to do with reality!
In the current rolling start format in GT6, the car on pole usually gets a two-corner head-start (also usually in the fastest car). It's annoying, and unfair. All career races need to have standing starts, apart from Nascar, LeMans & karting.

And qualifying, like real racing.

...Has Polyphony actually ever seen a real motor race? :odd:

so true, i hate PD for that....