Street Fighter vs Tekken

  • Thread starter Brainhulk
Thats was also on Ps2 and PS3 and better on PS3. Ps2 version was good too as it included Tekken 1/2/3! That was the definitive version. But going back to older versions you can see how gameplay has evolved and the old ones feel nearly unplayable "compared" to the modern versions. I never played 4 or 6.
Don't both of you mean Tekken 5? Dark Resurrection was only a update to added Lily and Dragonuv then few tweaks to certain characters like Bryan and Steve.
Don't both of you mean Tekken 5? Dark Resurrection was only a update to added Lily and Dragonuv then few tweaks to certain characters like Bryan and Steve.

You are right DR was not on Ps2... My mistake.
I finally saw the trailer and I must say it looks good and I actually can't wait for this to come out.
Thats was also on Ps2 and PS3 and better on PS3. Ps2 version was good too as it included Tekken 1/2/3! That was the definitive version. But going back to older versions you can see how gameplay has evolved and the old ones feel nearly unplayable "compared" to the modern versions. I never played 4 or 6.

The one on PS2 that had Tekken 1/2/3 was simply called Tekken 5.
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection was was simply an update and was released on Playstation Network(PSN) only at first, then was released on PSP. Tekken 6 was a whole new game and was released on both PS3 and PSP.
a bit of hype at first, but from the looks i feel it's just going to be predominantly a SF game... with added characters, and a few new things you can do such as assisting
a bit of hype at first, but from the looks i feel it's just going to be predominantly a SF game... with added characters, and a few new things you can do such as assisting

SFvs Tekken is being produced with the SFIV engine vice versa with Tekken vs SF.
Its the concept that Tekken is in a SF game ( etc etc). I like it because it will have a TvC tag system in the capcom game and a Tekken Tag concept in Namco's version. But who knows, Marvel vs Capcom 2 came out with infinites, snap backs and 8 hit combos that could take out a good portion of your life.
well, considering nina pops up about as often as Gouki/Akuma does... :P

i think if they're smart, each version will have the manufacturer's moveset settings. IE the motions and button presses associated with that particular franchise. the hardest thing for me to pull off with the Tekkens was anything beyond some basic attacks. cross button combos used for Tekken's moves are physically painful for some of us, and don't translate well to a joypad.
I´m a big tekken fan (in tekken 6 the campaign mode was ?&%$!!) but this is not about it.. i love tekken. also i´ve played Street Fighter from the beginning on my Amiga but tekken and streetfighter are 2 different thinks! i dont like this idea!

i think they should focus on each game individually! (maybe remove this crappy campaign mode from Tekken 6) :)
For some odd reason, Everyone is focused on Capcom's version for now.
It will be kind of hard to play as Balrog on a Tekken engine unless it is something like Foward, Foward+ RP or Hold Down, Up+ LP or RP. I wonder if it will be like Bryan's dashin punch Foward, Foward+RP But checking out Ono's Twitter:


I haven't seen any knews about Tekken Vs Street Fighter on the Zaibatsu Forums but most likely it will come towards Srk first. But I am also finding news that Lars will be in Naruto's latest game.
I found this just now:

Also to report:
Soul Calibur 5 signature thread
Dark Stalkers 4
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Ryu's character Model in Tekken x Street fighter
The Namco Bandai team responsible for Tekken X Street Fighter (the 'sister' title to Capcom's Street Fighter X Tekken) were able to show a prototype in-game model they had been working on for Ryu. They stressed that its very very early, so they asked folks not to complain too much. It was so early, in fact, that Ryu was using Paul Phoenix's clothing data!

What do you guys think of these shots? I really dig the promotional art with Jin/Devil Jin next to Ryu/Evil Ryu. The reports also mention that fans at the Panel were shown the same Street Fighter X Tekken gameplay that was shown at Comic Con before getting to see some of this stuff, so it looks like we will be waiting quite some time to see more of this unlikely crossover.
Matching Things That Don't - Street Fighter X Tekken

by Keits
Published on 08-20-2010 10:36 AM
Many of us here in the fighting game community have had this conversation over dinner with friends at least once. How would you try to mash up Street Fighter and Tekken? What gameplay elements would you use? Well, SFxT producer Yoshinori Ono talked with Kotaku on that very subject, and the answers are not all that surprising.

"Ultimately what we are heading for is a Street Fighter game, so everyone will have Street Fighter-esque moves," said Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono. "The Tekken characters will be entering the Street Fighter world, so they will play like Street Fighter characters but their moves will be Tekken style." (Click for more)

How did this project come to be? Years and years of discussion and planning? Begging corporate directors for the chance to make it happen? Shockingly, no.

"Harada (Tekken Producer) and I are good friends," Ono said. "We know each other fairly well, have meals together, eat yakitori, and talk about doing a game together. We used to have this conversation all of the time. We decided to bring it up to our management but we thought the discussion was going to go on forever," he said. "We were expecting them to have a long discussion over years and years, but as soon as they had a one high management meeting together, they just stood up and shook hands two seconds after the meeting. That was the moment the decision to make this game was made. I was a bit shocked."

After getting approval so quickly, the issue that really stuck with Ono from the get-go was the way that Tekken characters tapped a series of buttons to perform a wild set of combo moves. He made the connection to Darkstalkers, which was one of the first Capcom fighting games to use what they've called "The Magic Series". In the magic series, you can press the following buttons in this pre-set order, skipping over any that you want in the series, to make a chain combo;

Weak Punch > Weak Kick > Medium Punch > Medium Kick > Hard Punch > Hard Kick

...or, for you old-schoolers;

Jab > Short > Strong > Forward > Fierce > Roundhouse

When the first Street Fighter X Tekken footage came out, we reported here at that we saw both Ryu and Kazuya doing chain combos, and it turns out that this will be one of the core systems of the SFxT game.

"We see great possibilities in these two mixing up," [Ono] said. "In that same sense, like how chain combos are used to play Tekken, we'll bring back Nina and Law's (If law is in the game) into Street Fighter X Tekken, incorporating that chain combo style."

I sure most of us think that Law is a shoe-in for inclusion in the crossover title, perhaps being rival to Fei Long. But, as excited as Ono is about working on such a historic project, he would still really rather be doing Darkstalkers. He continues to pitch Darkstalkers every week at his meetings with Capcom's Kenji Inafune, but has yet to get approval to start on such a project. I guess Ono will have to settle for epic crossover for the next few years. Poor guy!

"Street Fighter X Tekken is part of a grand scheme of making fighting games the biggest genre of all time."

I'll drink to that!
IN other news:
In a rare sit-down with two producers working on two separate games for two separate companies in the same crossover series, IGN got to talk with Katsuhiro Harada (Producer of Tekken) and Yoshinori Ono (Producer of Street Fighter) together! So, whats the scoop?

"..speaking to [these two] and [seeing] the way they casually criticize each others' games like childhood friends, you get the impression that this crossover was more of an inevitability than chance occurrence.

The two often met at industry events, and eventually talk shifted to expanding the popularity of the fighting genre, and the idea of a franchise crossover grew out of that. While we now know about both games, they're not all that far along in development. "What we announced at Comic-Con really was a teaser of a teaser," said Ono. "We just wanted to let fighting fans know that the next project was started. We're probably one step ahead of Bandai Namco, and that's why we'll be able to release it a little bit earlier." (Click for more!)

Harada and Ono go on to discuss the difficulty of character selection. Harada thinks that most Street Fighter characters are strong enough personalities to be the main character of the entire series, making his choices very difficult. He also noted that the popularity of Tekken characters is much more regional than the popularity of Street Fighter characters, again, making selection for both himself and Ono quite the chore.

"Ono agreed that whittling down the character list is a tough task. "To be honest, whoever we put in the game," said Ono, "there are going to be people saying Capcom fail, or Bandai Namco fail. We can't please everyone."

One of the most interesting parts of this crossover for the core gamer (thats us!), is how fundamentally different Tekken and Street Fighter are. But that isn't stopping Ono at all. He feels the "Tekken characters are basically a rip of Street Fighter characters... We just basically have to bring them in and they fit as if they were meant to be there." Ono calls the addition of super-moves "gifts" to the incoming Tekken cast in his game.

Harada, of course after defending Tekken's roster a bit from Ono's harsh but playful words, notes that one of the biggest questions on Tekken player's minds is that of the almighty fireball. "I think it's safe to say, at least for the fireballs, that they'll be in our game," said Harada. "If there's no fireball then it's no Ryu and it's not Street Fighter." I'm sure that leaves almost everyone anxiously waiting to see exactly how Harada and his team will make this work.

So, how easy will it be to jump right from Street Fighter 4 into SFxT? Most anyone in-the-know who checked out the videos would tell you that even though its using the Ryu and Chun-Li assets from SF4, that it plays very differently. The goal of both teams is to make a new game, not a continuation of SF4 or Tekken 6. Ono mentions that "It is going to be Street Fighter and Tekken, and that includes all the titles.", to which Harada jumps in and says that "I'm sure that the graphical look of the game might change and the gameplay elements and such will be quite different. For each of our franchises it's not like each cross game is just going to be a continuation of our individual franchises. It's something that's going to be quite different."

With these games so far out (SFxT is expected in two years, while TxSF is due sometime after that), its hard for the teams behind them to have any feature lists nailed down. That certainly doesn't stop people from asking, though. Ono, a man who dressed as Chun-Li that very day, also a man who told us Super SF4 was never coming to arcades, can never be taken too seriously. So the only feature he would confirm for SFxT? "...when you install Street Fighter X Tekken, all Bandai Namco game save data will be erased."

Stay tuned to for more updates on both titles.
I wonder who are they going to pick for the games...I really want King in SFxTekken. He could be like Alex
Street Fighter X Tekken producer Yoshinori Ono did an interview with French website JeuxVideo about the upcoming crossover. According to some of the comments left on the interview, Ono specifically mentions 35 characters as the target number in SFxT.

Remember that Ono is the man who told us that Arcade SSF4 would not happen, and that 35 was already the upper limit on characters for the game to be considered a 'fighting tool'. We know now that Arcade SSF4 is coming and with additional characters. So what do you guys think of this? With the game not due until 2012, and with the possibility of reusing the models from Street Fighter 4 for the Capcom side, is 35 total characters too few?
It will be like SSFIV!
Didnt know there were going to be 2 games! Tekken vs SF and SF vs Tekken.
Personally, given the choice, I'd rather play the one where you have the SF characters in the Tekken game engine.
Always wanted to play as Ken, Ryu, Chun Li & co in a more realistic way.

The other one where you have the Tekken characters in the SF game doesn't appeal to me at all.
If they made Street Fighter vs Modern Warfare 1 or 2, I'd buy it. I just don't know which version I'd buy, Capcom or Infinity Ward's. Who am I kidding, if they made Modern Wafare air filter for my car, I'd buy it.
if capcom took the time to dig up obscure characters from "tatsunoko", of whom americans have probably ONLY heard of "G-Force", then bothered to port it over here...

I had a toy of this thing when I was a kid, but I'm guessing not many of you did..... :P No, I just checked out the character listing, and other than the Gatchaman characters, they were somewhat "obscure", even in Japan, including my little cigarette lighter in the picture here. :lol:
While I'm not really for people dressing up as anime(type) characters, but the Chun-Li here's pretty dead on!
Those wacky Japanese! Yeah, Chun Li is pretty cute. But what the heck is that girl behind her doing? Is she praying?
Focus Attacks Will Not Be In Street Fighter X Tekken

by Keits
Published on 09-29-2010 10:45 AM 70 Comments

In an interview with Eurogamer, Street Fighter X Tekken Producer Yoshinori Ono was willing to talk about the gameplay and characters they are thinking of including in the unexpected crossover title. On page two, Ono mentions that his boss was very upset with him for saying SFxT would take two years, and that the time frame for release as been moved up internally. The interview goes on to talk a bit about the 3DS version of SSF4, as well.

"Eurogamer: Are the fundamentals of SvT's fighting system the same as Street Fighter IV's? Will fans be able to seamlessly transition into the game?

Yoshinori Ono: Yes. We're working on the sweet spot. In terms of gameplay, as a Street Fighter fan, you'll have no problems. There is no barrier. You can just play it as if it was Street Fighter.

For Tekken players, we understand they're going to be quite wary and they're going to think the game system's very different. We're going to have Tekken but with eight-direction stick and six buttons. I'm definitely sure they won't have a problem either, but because we know they're going to be quite wary, we reckon the Tekken fans will start off slow but grow exponentially because they know it's still Tekken as well."

"Eurogamer: Will the Focus attack from Street Fighter IV be in the game? Will the Ultra and Super system be in it?

Yoshinori Ono: Super combo and Ultra combo are a part of the Street Fighter genome, so we can't take that out. In terms of Focus attack, that was only there because of the Street Fighter-style mind-reading type of game. When it comes to Street Fighter X Tekken, that kind of rhythm will differ a little bit, and Focus attack may not be the most appropriate system.

So we will come up with something that probably advances the tempo and rhythm a bit more. But we have to come up with something new for that one.

Eurogamer: So the Focus attack won't be in the game?

Yoshinori Ono: Next time this year I might be saying something completely different, but for the moment we've taken Focus attack off the candidate list and we're trying to devise something new."
No more focus attacks!