Suggestions Box

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The M3 must be equipped with sport tires. It is against my religion. :)
I'll wait for the next WRS, hoping it is with N tires...

Yes CMir is right we all have to run the WRS Qualifier with same car same tyres and same power...

In order to see which Division we are placed in to give it a balanced competition once u have run that u can pick and choose which WRS races you would like to run if u are successful in your Division you will move on up

hope this helps!

Yes CMir is right we all have to run the WRS Qualifier with same car same tyres and same power...

In order to see which Division we are placed in to give it a balanced competition once u have run that u can pick and choose which WRS races you would like to run if u are successful in your Division you will move on up

hope this helps!


Ok, I'll do it. Thanks to all of you for these infos.
Hey guys i had a little thought come to my head while running WRS week 152, Its basiclly suggestion which goes like this.

The 3 top driver from each division battle it out in a 9 man tournement, for lets say "The WRS Cup" of the week in a one day event on the same track, but maybe a different car and a handicap for the divisions, abit rusty on the details but you see where im going with it...

I thought that instead of just racing for the best time each week, why not give them something to race for as well as and to show the last weeks winner put a little cup under there username.

Well its only an idea in working progress but just wanted to here what you guys thought

Some sort of prize is good (even if it is only virtual). One of the things I really like about GT-4 is the way they package the whole racing setup. I do appreciate all the work that goes into the WRS but the way it's structured right now it's rather anticlimactic.

The week starts off, the good racers post incredible times, then the rest of us (me) spend the week trying to catch up. Usually by the end of the week I've something I'm moderately proud of but by that time everyone's gone on to the next race, and results are no longer even being posted to the leaderboard. It starts with a bang and ends with barely a yawn.

I know this will go against the conventional wisdom but I think that this is a consequence of hiding final times until after it's all over. If full lap times (and splits) are posted it would be more interesting because (a) people will know if they're leaving time on the table in the last sector and if they've done enough to win a race. (b) The good drivers can post their videos and we can learn from their technique while we're actually trying to improve our times.

The bottom line will be the best posted time wins, no more private messages. Leaderboard at the time of the deadline will determine the winners. A lot more exciting to me.

I can think of a few reasons people could NOT want to see final times posted.

1. People will keep trying because they think they might be able to win. Seeing good times posted will discourage them.

> Yeah right, see this weeks results for counterpoint. Holl01 is going to win and he's going to win by a mile, I don't need to see his final time to know that.

2. A bit of mystery adds to the excitement.

> Not really, it just makes it seem more like a lottery. Imagine a Formula One Race where they shroud the finish straight. Then a few hours after the race ends they announce the winner, by which time everyone has gone home. Worse the other drivers can't see who's on their tail, or vice versa that definitely adds to the tension.
Interesting Strop, you have some valid points which reminds me of an old cheech and chong joke 'you have a point..... maybe if you wear a hat no one will notice' :P j/k

I like the wrs the way it is personally even though it's not perfect, I've raced on other boards where laptimes are posted throughout the race and there is usually a guy that will waite untill one minute before deadline and then post a winning time. Also in the last bc lap times where posted throughout the races and everyone simply lied untill the last moment.
and there is usually a guy that will waite untill one minute before deadline and then post a winning time. Also in the last bc lap times where posted throughout the races and everyone simply lied untill the last moment.

I agree that could cause problems, in effect it would turn it into what we have now except without the intermediate splits posted during the week. No matter how you construe it if people are racing offline they can always hold back their best times. You could always offset the results and give extra weighting to people who post good times early, but that would kill me for one ... I started this week around 1:12 at T2 and didn't get within a second of my final time until last night.
I like the wrs the way it is personally even though it's not perfect, I've raced on other boards where laptimes are posted throughout the race and there is usually a guy that will waite until one minute before deadline and then post a winning time. Also in the last bc lap times where posted throughout the races and everyone simply lied until the last moment.

Strop made some good points.👍
Either to stay with the system or make an other format.

But the point made by arora ^^is very heavy in this matter.
It is so frustrating to see a last minute submission.
So for now I see no changes for GT4.

However with the info I got from some off line races with GT5P there is a possibility to do it like Strop mentioned.
GT5 will have online rankings we can use.
Racers can do off course an off line time trail but I reckon that people wanted to record there achievements on the public net.

Advantage from that system will be that everybody can click on a time,even if it is the last on the list,and you will be able to see the settings the time is achieved.(tires,power)
Also the top 10 times always have a replay,free to download to the public.
I've noticed you laying the ground work with gt5p Sjaak 👍

If gt5 ever gets here it would be fun to post a race for a week per the usual hot lap, then get online with the tops and run the same combo in real time.
For next week I wouldn't mind seeing something like the Silvia S15 with N3 tires on a track like Suzuka or something.

Or the Razo Silvia on some track.

If not, any street car on the nurburgring. Maybe a stock 350z, it's so fun to take 'round the 'ring
For next week I wouldn't mind seeing something like the Silvia S15 with N3 tires on a track like Suzuka or something.

Or the Razo Silvia on some track.

If not, any street car on the nurburgring. Maybe a stock 350z, it's so fun to take 'round the 'ring

Week 153 Race Preview :

GT-Mode @ Clubman Stage Route 5
Still ready for a AC Cobra on Suzuka or Infineon on N2 tires, Arcade mode, 20% less power and no change on the weight... :sly:

That will be a great WRS, but wait until the month of june, because I'm going to Europe soon... :)
I had the pleasure of running LAN with Team Smart this past weekend. 👍 These guys have some great combos that they run, many are some version of past WRS weeks. But a few stood out and were new to me or have a little different twist.

I also added a car to their mix that is a great fit for many tracks and a blast to run. I know there was a Clio Cup race series here on GTP once upon a time. But I don't see where that car has ever been used in WRS, and that would be a shame. It's a great, well balanced little car with solid PTW ratio. It runs nicely on the harder racing tires and would still drive well with added power. The car would be a great fit for Opera, Cote d'Zur, citta di aria, costa di amalfi, or some of the shorter road courses, such as Suzuka West or Grand Valley East. We had some great, tight races in this car. :nervous:

Another great car we ran in was the cusco Subaru. It was an excellent fit on many of the wide open road tracks. Again, well balanced and a great handling car that works well on some of the harder racing tires. I would love to give that car a go at Laguna Seca. :dopey:

I'm headed to SFGTP3 the weekend of the 31st, so I'm sure I will come back from that one with all kinds of crazy ideas, but thought I would throw those out there while they are fresh in my mind. 👍

That Clio Race Car was actually used at Opera and with added power, but it was a long time ago... week 20 :crazy:

I guess that was a crappy search on my part, but some might agree we should make our way back to this little car. :sly:
Still ready for a AC Cobra on Suzuka or Infineon on N2 tires, Arcade mode, 20% less power and no change on the weight... :sly:

That will be a great WRS, but wait until the month of june, because I'm going to Europe soon... :)


Lotus Carlton N2 tires on Trailmountain.
I have an idea I've been mulling over for over a year now.....How about for a 2 or 3 week period we temporarily do away with our assigned divisions and instead split the SUBMITTED RESULTS in thirds so the top 1/3 times submitted will be in division one for that week, middle 1/3 in division two and last 1/3 for division three (no matter what division they qualified and run for each week).

We can still split those results into gold, silver and bronze like normal. Just think it may be a new spin on trying to push ourselves to be the best drivers we can. The Division 2 drivers can break into division 2 and the division 2 guys can be highly motivated to finish in a division 1 spot while the division 1 crew will try to prove why they are in division 1!

We can just arrange the luxy board for those couple weeks to make the top third all blue, middle all orange and bottom all green too 👍

Just an idea :D What do you guys think, worth trying something new to shake things up?

I have an idea I've been mulling over for over a year now.....How about for a 2 or 3 week period we temporarily do away with our assigned divisions and instead split the SUBMITTED RESULTS in thirds so the top 1/3 times submitted will be in division one for that week, middle 1/3 in division two and last 1/3 for division three (no matter what division they qualified and run for each week).

We can still split those results into gold, silver and bronze like normal. Just think it may be a new spin on trying to push ourselves to be the best drivers we can. The Division 2 drivers can break into division 2 and the division 2 guys can be highly motivated to finish in a division 1 spot while the division 1 crew will try to prove why they are in division 1!

We can just arrange the luxy board for those couple weeks to make the top third all blue, middle all orange and bottom all green too 👍

Just an idea :D What do you guys think, worth trying something new to shake things up?


Sounds like fun. 👍
Give me a bit of time, and I'll see what I can come up with. :)
I'd love to help you out in any way dude, I bet ur kinda swamped atm. Just lemme know :cheers:

Im sure that just like me most people submitting times are doing lots of laps in multiple sittings. I like the "hot lap" competition although it can be very frustrating chasing the ghost and enduring lots of offs trying to match posted splits by some very very quick drivers. I settle into a car and track combination reasonably quickly and then chip away at the times.
My idea is to run in conjunction to the hot lap WRS a 10 lap or depending on track length a 15 to 20 minute arcade race using the identical car settings. Same power settings, same weight, same tyres and same WRS rules with the results being the best total elapsed time.
I would still do the hot lap event first as this is the main event. The multiple lap event for me would be used after i have my hot lap, when Im pretty sure I cant get much better and I literally know the track and car backwards.
The lap times are slower due to the added weight of the fuel and whilst the fastest drivers will still win it adds an extra variable into the competition. At week 171 Tokyo I eventually got a pretty good lap - 1.34.001 - but on that track with the barriers i lost many many laps spinning and bouncing off the armco. If I was going for a 10 lap total time i wouldnt be pushing the limits as far. The event will be won on consistant fast laps, not kamakaze one lap wonders. Replays are to be used for varification. Yes AI cars are part of the arcade race program as are standing starts - more variables !!!

The WRS rules are very strict in relation to off track excursions and wall touching. Maybe these could be relaxed a little with genuine moments - spins, tank slappers - anything other than obvious shortcutting and wall use being permitted since these incidents would only add to the total time and also to the character of the event.

My idea is just putting all that practice into an extra event adding a few variables and maybe bringing a different type of driving skill to the fore.

What do you think ??
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Of course I understand it takes more time to prepare for a GT race than an arcade race (or do I?) but a bit more GT mode would really be appreciated ...

My dream race would be: M3 CSL @ El Capitan, R1 compound, 3 laps, free setup but with limited power figure. A handicap could be added in the form of:

Div1 - NA1 - 442hp
Div2 - NA2 - 477hp
Div3 - NA3 - 524hp

Also, some more AI racing would be nice.
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My idea is to run in conjunction to the hot lap WRS a 10 lap or depending on track length a 15 to 20 minute arcade race using the identical car settings. Same power settings, same weight, same tyres and same WRS rules with the results being the best total elapsed time.
I would still do the hot lap event first as this is the main event. The multiple lap event for me would be used after i have my hot lap, when Im pretty sure I cant get much better and I literally know the track and car backwards.
The lap times are slower due to the added weight of the fuel and whilst the fastest drivers will still win it adds an extra variable into the competition. At week 171 Tokyo I eventually got a pretty good lap - 1.34.001 - but on that track with the barriers i lost many many laps spinning and bouncing off the armco. If I was going for a 10 lap total time i wouldnt be pushing the limits as far. The event will be won on consistant fast laps, not kamakaze one lap wonders. Replays are to be used for varification. Yes AI cars are part of the arcade race program as are standing starts - more variables !!!

I totally agree with you! This is what I always wanted to do. And this comes to mind every time I get frustrated when trying to beat the ghost.
15-20 minutes is perfect, something I always imagined that would be better than doing a hot lap.

You explained everything in your post. 👍
If ever our beloved and much respected steward(s) grow tired or out of creativity for concocting new WRS combo's - of which no sign has been given at all - he should know that there is a gizmo to help him come up with something that has not been thought of before.

Check this link :lol:
If ever our beloved and much respected steward(s) grow tired or out of creativity for concocting new WRS combo's - of which no sign has been given at all - he should know that there is a gizmo to help him come up with something that has not been thought of before.

Check this link :lol:


Well done for that link, i'm enjoying the randomizer very much :dopey: