Tasteful Modifications Thread

  • Thread starter Patrik


I thought I'd make the opposite to THIS.

Post pictures of cars you think are tastefully modified.

VöX Volvo Amazon Combi
Rebuilt from 5 door to 3 door, turbocharged Volvo 24 valve engine and a lot more obviously.



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Seems kinda of stupid to leave the transmission exposed on the interior, for multiple reasons. I'm sure this car is a show queen anyway, but heat, the risk of something breaking apart, and the part where you can see the ground (and thus, dirt and so forth can get in).
The way I see it, all the people posting in the questionable mods thread, should have cars ending up in here. I have a feeling most of the ones sitting there and critizise every quality creativity touch and pink Porsches, either drive heaps or stock cars. Time to speak up or shut up.. :)
I love the outside of that Amazon! So nice! Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the guy that built that working at Koenigsegg?
It doesn't matter if a persons car is stock or not...

Missed the point breh.. You don't need more than some taste to judge whether a car is good looking or not (taste is individual though). I just stated that his car is probably stock based of how he's speaking of everything as questionable
Missed the point breh.. You don't need more than some taste to judge whether a car is good looking or not (taste is individual though). I just stated that his car is probably stock based of how he's speaking of everything as questionable

Well you are wrong. He doesn't even have a car. Shows how valid your opinion really is. And the wheels on most of those cars are questionable.

I don't see how this thread really works... I mean we have the Sexy/mean thread, then we also have the Imports and Muscle Car/Hot Rod thread. I think thats enough.
Well you are wrong. He doesn't even have a car. Shows how valid your opinion really is.

I think my point is even more valid of him not even having a car.. Who are people like him (to not call him specifically out) to say how idiotic people modding their cars the way they want it, when they don't even have a car themselves..? :)

And the wheels on most of those cars are questionable.

Presented as a fact. Nice one.. :)
I think my point is even more valid of him not even having a car.. Who are people like him (to not call him specifically out) to say how idiotic people modding their cars the way they want it, when they don't even have a car themselves..? :)

Presented as a fact. Nice one.. :)

It's called an opinion, if inhabitants of this planet could only have opinions about things they have actively experienced, it would be a very boring place indeed.

Having a car/modded car/ not having a car is 100% irrelevant in every way... You either like the way a car looks, or like certain parts/respect the workmanship in it, or don't like it at all. Yes, it's someone elses car and you'd never walk up to the owner and say 'I think your car sucks' (unless you're stupid) but people are still well within their rights to state what they like and don't like.

For example: I REALLY like the way your car looks, but rarely like slammed cars in general. Doesn't mean i'd go up to the owner and state I didn't like their car.
Often the other modifications on the slammed cars look great, including rim style choice, but the one 'blemish' for me is that the car is so low that it looks as if the suspension is dead. I also don't understand why it's 'cool' to make your car so impractical to drive around in...

Granted, some members seem to state their opinion as fact, but I think we can all guess that they're just speaking their opinion. Besides, who wants to type 'in my opinion' every time they post?
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Saying something is ugly is usually more consensual than saying it's good looking.

Definition of "tasteful" will vary greatly depending on the person giving the opinion, even more so than on the Questionable Mods.
For instance, in only a handful of pics this thread has posted, I think half of those cars aren't "tasteful".

I don't think this is a bad thread at all, don't get me wrong. Main problem I see erupting is that mostly what's going to happen is for every other pic posted, there's going to be a handful of people not liking the look of the car.

Just my 2 cents. 👍
I think my point is even more valid of him not even having a car.. Who are people like him (to not call him specifically out) to say how idiotic people modding their cars the way they want it, when they don't even have a car themselves..? :)

Presented as a fact. Nice one.. :)

Well by your logic, all your opinions on stock cars are now completly irrelvent...
I wouldn't call those two Audi's tasteful.

This is the epitamy of tasteful modifications.