|| Team BURST || Waiting endlessly for GT7

  • Thread starter Duman079
Du-du where are you?
Lol Ben sup! I´m busy with my exams these days. Playing usually during the night.

Argh I really want to get on GT6. However... I overplayed GT5 and GT6 is pretty much the same. I´m working on a couple of changes in the team with some members. I hope they will be able to get us back online more often. Problem is almost everyone is dissapointed in GT6. Not just our members, but many other friends as well.
Hey guys. I hope this story will be taken in a good way.

It is 2010. A 16 year old kid who has been in love with drifting since Need for Speed Underground 2 decides to buy Gran Turismo 5. Finally he can afford to get his first race game since Gran Turismo 4 as his PS2 broke down and he waited years on the PS3. This guy buyed GT5 with zero knowledge of drifting but he works hard to learn the basics. After starting to drift in his chrome BMW E92 and sport hard tyres he hears of a website named GTPlanet. After he can drift decently he decides to start a team. Team Burst. The moment he starts the thread people make this guy out for a thief, copycat and dumbass for not knowing who the REAL Team BURST is.

The owner starts recruiting Cerberus, Uxious, Weiga- and keeps looking for new recruites. In the video thread he sees the_kingb_ . Right away he knows this is the kind of Arab he needs in his team. After drooling on his videos, giving him respect and compliments the_kingb_ joins Team Burst and a team with high hopes has started. Time passes and people like LoosinGrip, Professor-Haze, crazy irish Powellx234 and one of the funniest ( most cheating) guy kriticalz join Team Burst as well.

Meanwhile a Japanese drifter from Canada is dominating GTPlanet, YouTube and GT5 with his reverse entries in his blue BMW Z4M. By many known as the best drifter around.

The leader starts to look at more succesfull and good drifters to bring his team up. It doesn't take long and drifters such as LR-L2L-xDriftzz, MonsterGAUZ, driftkng, GunzABlazin aka sixspeedsideways, SupraTT1, hamtidamti007, decoy187, gonales and various drifters join the team. Meanwhile he decides to recruit an AWD Nissan Skyline R33 GTR drifter. His name is Lerk84. He is obviously a noob but the leader has a good feeling about him.

The leader - now 17 finds himself in wonderland. How can a guy with zero knowledge make it this far within a year.

After the Japanese guy with the BMW Z4M sees the_kingb_ and MonsterGAUZ he ASKS to join Team Burst. This is unbelievable. One of his favourite drifters asks to join his team. A team with a stolen name.

It doesnt take long and many others notice the success. OnoMaToPeja, anthaliscious, LR-L2L-iSlide and three others who he put more time in to get in the team that hit on his girlfriend join the team. xXxManiackzZz and boy wonder LayNLow get in Team Burst.

He never saw this coming. Even in his wildest dreams he would never expected all these great and prestigous drifters would join his team.

But if history has learned us anything, it surely is that every golden period comes to an end. Team BURST starts to fall apart. All these stars are hard to handle for the now 18 year old kid.

From ones who ask to split up Team Burst in team A and team B to get the best in one way and the less good ones on another team, to drifters who think because they are better they should earn more respect.

He keeps telling himself it will all be fine but it didn't.

Succes is a thing you should be afraid of. See when tough times are coming you will only have a handfull of friends who will stay with you. Life is full with gloryhunters. Ask a rich man how many friends he had before he was rich. Or ask a poor man how many friends he had before he was poor. It is always the same and it will never change. Just like this team. It was made fun of, then respected and feared. Now we prefer keeping a low profile and not to drift competative. Succes nearly took this team down. Thanks to guys like sixspeedsideways, lerk and powell I had a reason the keep this team alive.

I was really shocked to read that many known drifters can take other drifters down in forum try to make fun of eachother. I used to be silly myself and made many mistakes in my first year by discussing on GTP but I learned. I cant believe people from GT5, the older and "mature" drifters could be so hard.

Every team, club, crew will be in a difficult position once. I'm glad with my current members. What people get wrong is that a team shouldnt just be a team who drifts. You talk to eachtother, kill eachother on GTA and talk about stuff and most important you never argue. If you do you never do it in public.

People who keep saying GTP moderators are noobs should be ashamed. Thanks to this community you have your team and you are known for who you are today. A comunnity, who has seems to have been losing its soul since 2014.

I hope our ex-members wont get it wrong. I will be always gratefull that I had you guys in my team. Especially the_kingb_ thank you very much for giving this Team this "prestige".

Gotta love teams like Nemesis, Red-Suns, D-MAX and a couple others to remain active since 2010 or earlier. They are the ones who know best what trouble is.

Long life justice, long live equal rights and long live respect. I hope to see the GTPlanet back as in the first year of GT5. Times where everyone wanted to help you, post their car pictures and no one was making fun of eachother.
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Hey guys. I hope this story will be taken in a good way.

It is 2010. A 16 year old kid who has been in love with drifting since Need for Speed Underground 2 decides to buy Gran Turismo 5. Finally he can afford to get his first race game since Gran Turismo 4 as his PS2 broke down and he waited years on the PS3. This guy buyed GT5 with zero knowledge of drifting but he works hard to learn the basics. After starting to drift in his chrome BMW E92 and sport hard tyres he hears of a website named GTPlanet. After he can drift decently he decides to start a team. Team Burst. The moment he starts the thread people make this guy out for a thief, copycat and dumbass for not knowing who the REAL Team BURST is.

The owner starts recruiting Cerberus, Uxious, Weiga- and keeps looking for new recruites. In the video thread he sees the_kingb_ . Right away he knows this is the kind of Arab he needs in his team. After drooling on his videos, giving him respect and compliments the_kingb_ joins Team Burst and a team with high hopes has started. Time passes and people like LoosinGrip, Professor-Haze, crazy irish Powellx234 and one of the funniest ( most cheating) guy kriticalz join Team Burst as well.

Meanwhile a Japanese drifter from Canada is dominating GTPlanet, YouTube and GT5 with his reverse entries in his blue BMW Z4M. By many known as the best drifter around.

The leader starts to look at more succesfull and good drifters to bring his team up. It doesn't take long and drifters such as LR-L2L-xDriftzz, MonsterGAUZ, driftkng, GunzABlazin aka sixspeedsideways, SupraTT1, hamtidamti007, decoy187, gonales and various drifters join the team. Meanwhile he decides to recruit an AWD Nissan Skyline R33 GTR drifter. His name is Lerk84. He is obviously a noob but the leader has a good feeling about him.

The leader - now 17 finds himself in wonderland. How can a guy with zero knowledge make it this far within a year.

After the Japanese guy with the BMW Z4M sees the_kingb_ and MonsterGAUZ he ASKS to join Team Burst. This is unbelievable. One of his favourite drifters asks to join his team. A team with a stolen name.

It doesnt take long and many others notice the success. OnoMaToPeja, anthaliscious, LR-L2L-iSlide and three others who he put more time in to get in the team that hit on his girlfriend join the team. xXxManiackzZz and boy wonder LayNLow get in Team Burst.

He never saw this coming. Even in his wildest dreams he would never expected all these great and prestigous drifters would join his team.

But if history has learned us anything, it surely is that every golden period comes to an end. Team BURST starts to fall apart. All these stars are hard to handle for the now 18 year old kid.

From ones who ask to split up Team Burst in team A and team B to get the best in one way and the less good ones on another team, to drifters who think because they are better they should earn more respect.

He keeps telling himself it will all be fine but it didn't.

Succes is a thing you should be afraid of. See when tough times are coming you will only have a handfull of friends who will stay with you. Life is full with gloryhunters. Ask a rich man how many friends he had before he was rich. Or ask a poor man how many friends he had before he was poor. It is always the same and it will never change. Just like this team. It was made fun of, then respected and feared. Now we prefer keeping a low profile and not to drift competative. Succes nearly took this team down. Thanks to guys like sixspeedsideways, lerk and powell I had a reason the keep this team alive.

I was really shocked to read that many known drifters can take other drifters down in forum try to make fun of eachother. I used to be silly myself and made many mistakes in my first year by discussing on GTP but I learned. I cant believe people from GT5, the older and "mature" drifters could be so hard.

Every team, club, crew will be in a difficult position once. I'm glad with my current members. What people get wrong is that a team shouldnt just be a team who drifts. You talk to eachtother, kill eachother on GTA and talk about stuff and most important you never argue. If you do you never do it in public.

People who keep saying GTP moderators are this? Gtp moderators are noobs should be ashamed. Thanks to this community you have your team and you are known for who you are today. A comunnity, who has seems to have been losing its soul since 2014.

I hope our ex-members wont get it wrong. I will be always gratefull that I had you guys in my team. Especially the_kingb_ thank you very much for giving this Team this "prestige".

Gotta love teams like Nemesis, Red-Suns, D-MAX and a couple others to remain active since 2010 or earlier. They are the ones who know best what trouble is.

Long life justice, long live equal rights and long live respect. I hope to see the GTPlanet back as in the first year of GT5. Times where everyone wanted to help you, post their car pictures and no one was making fun of eachother.
amazing how i can learn so much from one comment, big likes duman
I have my new G27 & will be on today. Anyone want to buy my old G27 I got it working again it was just a cracked optical encoder disc.
Any chance you could give me just the wheel? I had the same problem except I broke something else before I realized it was the encoder. My pedal box and everything is perfectly fine but useless.
I liked the story @Du :D

Especially this part:


Honestly though I miss drifting with you man, known you since the TSS days! :embarrassed:

Lol seriously recruiting Lerk84 was one of the best things I did. But he really wasn trying to impress me in his lime green R33. He was sailing in his AWD car lmao.

I know Ben. Those times were way better. Not just for this team, but I think for almost everyone. GT5 wasn't that good, it were the players and teams that gave you a reason to get online everyday.
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Lol seriously recruiting Lerk84 was one of the best things I did. But he really wasn trying to impress me in his lime green R33. He was sailing in his AWD car lmao.

I know Ben. Those times were way better. Not just for this team, but I think for almost everyone. GT5 wasn't that good, it were the players and teams that gave you a reason to get online everyday.

Du, the story was great!! A lot of lesson can be learned there, I hope people read it.

When I joined GTP, 4 years ago?? (That long, damn...) I didn't know a :censored:ing thing about drifting. I just stumbled in here, thinking, "I wonder what this is all about." I mean, I was into JDM, and I knew of drifting...I just didn't know anything about it.

But when I started watching some of the videos that were up by BURST, NEMESIS, D-Max, D5, Gauz, Ant, Sai66, etc, my jaw hit the floor....and in some ways more influential on me were the photos being posted by @SeanWelland, @Cerebus, Blitzu, Seal, and a few others. Trying to emulate what these guys were doing is what got me into drifting in the first place.

In my early days, everything I knew about tuning, technique, line selection, etc, came from GTP. When I first started drifting online, I was fortunate enough to bump (not literally, I stayed out of there way, or at least, I tried :lol) into iputworkin and ja. I followed them around like a sad puppy, met the rest of NEM, and the rest is history.

I guess my point is, as someone who came up through GTP, and as someone who knows what kind of valuable resource, and great place to meet awesome people this forum is, it kills me to see that amount of fighting and BS that's been going on lately. I mean, we're all human, there was always a bit of drama, but not like it is now. In many ways, the GTP drift scene feels like it's become nothing more than a giant pissing contest.

It really saddens me, but there are days that I'd rather run test laps by myself, than go into the open lobby. I don't want to hear person A smack talking person B (who's not even there...), I don't want to hear endless trash talking (usually from subpar drifters), I don't want to constantly hear about how fast you are, or how someone else's correction messed you up. To quote a friend and someone who I consider one of the best I know, "less talking, more drifting!!"

Don't get me wrong, I haven't given up hope yet. There are still a lot of great people around here who do a lot to contribute to the scene. I just feel their positive contributions often get swept aside by the latest soap opera drama.

I 100% agree with you that the GT games are actually sub-par as long term games, but that it's the people you meet within the game who keep you coming back for more.

I do disagree about GT5 being better though. GT6 definitely took some adjusting, and PD still strangles us with countless bugs and :banghead: design decisions....but even with that, GT6 can still be pretty damn awesome. In my opinion, better than GT5 ever was. Once I figured out how to control the cars in GT6, I'm feeling like I have more control than I ever did in GT5. The new tracks offer some great new sections, and there are more tracks than ever with rain (btw, we're making Wet track Wednesdays a new thing :) ).

One last thing, hopefully as a bit of a push in the back :sly: You could say that NEM has taken a bit of a step back from the forefront of the GTP scene, similar to BURST. That said, over the last couple months or so, we've had some absolutely amazing team sessions, some of the best we've ever had! We're still here, and still on your door :).

Hope to slide with you guys again real soon!! You stay classy, @Duman079 👍
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Well said bro! That is like a conclusion of what I meant to say.

I didn't try to say that GT5 was better. The problem for me is that the game improved in very few points. I agree on what you said. It surely is better and more realistic. What I mean is that GT6 doesn't have the pull-factor that GT5 had.

All the drama makes me want to come back online actually. Our events will be coming on sunday again soon. This time, I mean it!
The golden age of GT was probably the first year of GT5, the forum was full of activity back then.

My point wasn't really about remembering some "golden age". It's more about, "Hey, we've got a whole bunch of awesome possibilities at our finger tips, and a valuable resource in these forums, so let's focus on doing awesome things, instead of fighting with each other."

No hostility, just saying :cheers:
My point wasn't really about remembering some "golden age". It's more about, "Hey, we've got a whole bunch of awesome possibilities at our finger tips, and a valuable resource in these forums, so let's focus on doing awesome things, instead of fighting with each other."

No hostility, just saying :cheers:

Come at me bro!

Just kidding, yeah we could do with less hostility. None all together actually, but in reality what are the chances of that happening? Pretty slim if you ask me, we can do as much as we can to keep **** civil but sooner or later **** hits the fan. :lol::lol::lol:
@twitcher awesome write up there^

Haha,wouldn't have thought to see my name among those photographers there,but i'm pleased to hear that :)

As couple of guys stated already,we should start to spread the positiveness which once filled gtplanet's drifting community more than nowadays..Ah, i can still feel the good ol' gt5 days :lol:
Daammnn. . .That was. . .some good shzit!!! Hahahaahah. All wheel drifters it seemed, though. The power of skill, yep.
Some were, I was ds3 at the time, a few others as well, but it's all the same. We are just there to have fun and have sick runs.
First of all, I would like to welcome GTP_Slenderman to our team. Have known him since 2010 and he is the guy we need in our team! Respected touge racer and a good drifter, but more important, a man with respect. Damn I guess it is time to bring back our lobby every sunday. I'm using my phone atm so I can't quote everyone. Thanks for the support! We will be hosting our events again from NEXT sunday. I will be making a new thread or some changes in this one. I have to rush now as I have to study for an exam on monday! See you soon folks, very soon!

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