The Crew: Wild Run Edition

True. I think we're just so used NFS's drifting style.

All I care about is, that the cars handle feel are not super responsive, meaning that they have turbo lag and that sort of stuff, where you can actually feel the power coming with more rpm's. But again, I'm way too excited for the game and for the closed beta to which I'm hopefully picked to enter. Only game that's going to keep me from playing it too much is GTA 5 on PC :D
Getting this as a Christmas present from my parents. Gonna be like a kid on Christmas Morning, driving everywhere like a madman. Then when I'm stuffed after lunch I'll slow it down and role play.

As a Brit, it's just nuts to think I can drive from the metropolis of Manhattan, upstate, by the great lakes, down through middle America, across the desert and end up on Santa Monica pier. Wow, we live in a great age.
Source or just a random prediction?
TDU's server ran since 2007 all the way through 2012, and that's more than plenty.

But I'm just going to guess that (if the game is going to be a success), we'll be having a follow up title to which we can switch over!

There's no source, its just a trend which has been seen with both first and third party titles which rely on dedicated servers rather than switching or starting with P2P. I wouldn't want to buy into a game which is soley based on online play anyway but thats just my opinion.
When I told my parents about this game allowing you to drive between the different towns and cities and from coast to coast, they were really quite interested and when it comes to games they rarely humour me, let alone take an interest.
When I told my parents about this game allowing you to drive between the different towns and cities and from coast to coast, they were really quite interested and when it comes to games they rarely humour me, let alone take an interest.
Careful, they might just end up keeping it for themselves! :lol:
Multiple devs have said it's around 5000 km². It takes about an hour and a half driving top speed coast to coast. If you're going offroad then it takes about two hours. While it's very much scaled down, this is going to be a huge map.

Multiple devs have said it's around 5000 km². It takes about an hour and a half driving top speed coast to coast. If you're going offroad then it takes about two hours. While it's very much scaled down, this is going to be a huge map.

An article from September 2013 that says it has 7,000 miles of road and +4x the size of Oahu from TDU1. Most likely, it is not true and it is indeed 5000 square kms as these devs have been saying.
An article from September 2013 that says it has 7,000 miles of road and +4x the size of Oahu from TDU1.

Everytime I read about the actual size of that map I get more and more excited. The world of TDU 1 was already huge (I took like an hour to round the whole island, if you drove like a maniac) and to read that it's 4 times the size, and that we're getting race tracks in there and Pikes Peak, just :embarrassed::tup:
Using the map above, several map comparisons online as well as going with BlackPanthaa stating that a large city in The Crew is comparable to GTAIV's Liberty City, I made an approximate comparison of the The Crew's US, Rockstar's worlds, JC2's Panau and TDU/TDU2's Oahu.

This game is big.

Using the map above, several map comparisons online as well as going with BlackPanthaa stating that a large city in The Crew is comparable to GTAIV's Liberty City, I made an approximate comparison of the The Crew's US, Rockstar's worlds, JC2's Panau and TDU/TDU2's Oahu.

This game is big.


Not as big as FUEL :D

It's a shame FUEL was a barren, desolate wasteland (both on and offline:lol:)
I don't think this generation of consoles would even be capable of such a feat. I think the map is the perfect size, 4 times the size of Oahu in TDU is a massive enough playground for cars as it is.
Exactly. 4x the size of Oahu is indeed perfect. The TDU2 map above does not show the other island in the game called Ibiza which was another fully drivable island. I really like the size of TDU2 especially with both islands. So much to explore.
Fuel was just simply way too large. 5,000sq miles and it took about 3 hours to get from one side to the next in a straight line as fast as you could go. And as mentioned it was mostly empty.
The more I see of The Crew the more excited I get. Really about the perfect size. In fact since its larger than TDU2 with both islands, then The Crew is actually quite large.

Fuel has so much potential, I actually liked to play it alot, just put on some music and keep driving.
Yes very fun with a group of friends. A bit boring by yourself.

That Mini sounds good! :)

Interior view looks fantastic. Very well detailed especially for an open world game.
Exactly. 4x the size of Oahu is indeed perfect. The TDU2 map above does not show the other island in the game called Ibiza which was another fully drivable island. I really like the size of TDU2 especially with both islands. So much to explore.
Fuel was just simply way too large. 5,000sq miles and it took about 3 hours to get from one side to the next in a straight line as fast as you could go. And as mentioned it was mostly empty.
The more I see of The Crew the more excited I get. Really about the perfect size. In fact since its larger than TDU2 with both islands, then The Crew is actually quite large.

Yes very fun with a group of friends. A bit boring by yourself.

Interior view looks fantastic. Very well detailed especially for an open world game.

Looks rather blurry to me...
You want to see blurry interior google some interior gameplay video for the new Grid Autosport. :lol:

The Crew interior looks fantastic for a sandbox game. And better than all the standards in GT5/GT6.

I know you have this huge issue with GAS, but lets not forget The Crew is "next gen". Should do better.
I know you have this huge issue with GAS, but lets not forget The Crew is "next gen". Should do better.
I cut down on my fiber so I don't have much "GAS" anymore. :sly:.

In terms of next gen interior and "Should do better" , I hope you have the same opinion of GT7, because if you didn't already know, it will still have standards. Which means MUCH less detailed and that's next gen.
I cut down on my fiber so I don't have much "GAS" anymore. :sly:.

In terms of next gen interior and "Should do better" , I hope you have the same opinion of GT7, because if you didn't already know, it will still have standards. Which means much less detailed and that's next gen.

Find someone who doesn't have that opinion of GT7.
Find someone who doesn't have that opinion of GT7.
As sad as it sounds, yes it looks like quite a few people don't mind poor quality interiors in GT7. :indiff:

170 people 22.7% here
426 people 56.9% here
There are more in the GT7 forum.

Oh well I still think the Crew interior looks pretty dang good. The audio is very impressive in The Crew.

On a side note, did anyone notice that New York is in a really strange place compared to real life? Its all the way on the East coast. The other cities are quite close to their real life location, just New York is way off. Well I guess San Francisco is a bit north of where it should be. It will be interesting to drive near my house and see if the light house is there. I know I saw a light house in one of the videos that looks almost exactly the same as the one by my house.