The Funny Screenshot Thread



Maybe I'm just an old fart (I'm getting there, no doubt). But your memes seem a bit...niche.
Ahh, shucks... I'm just a beginner Meme artist. At this moment, I'm only focusing on a random Japanese-mobile racing game, hardly any Westerners ever heard of. Later, other racing games...
Not getting it.
Do you know that old "Tom & Jerry" cartoon, where Jerry had a whistle that summons Spike (the bulldog) if he was in trouble from Tom? It was supposed to be a reference to that, but if you blow that WRX whistle, you would be able to get a free WRX, in any game you have. (Even though, you've bought one in the past.) Think of it as, a "nameplate whistle".

@Obelisk To be honest, I am okay. It's just me, feeding my addiction towards a Japanese mobile game that relates to cars turned into girls. No problems with me.
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I've missed the part where 'memes' you've made are screenshots.
I-I didn't know what else to post, so I've made this... I'm willing to have my posts to be deleted, for irrelevancy and attention seeking stupidity. You have my permission. I just don't know, where else I should put these screenshots at. They're not even funny, either. Just plain and non-understood.

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