The GT Sport Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter ukfan758
Problem here is Kaz. He should have left this with GT6 and allowed new talent to drive this onwards with new ideas and "kill my darlings"
attitude. As it is now he feels like an old person or dictator that thinks that he knows what all want and is immune to what others need and criticize.
Hey, GT is just a game and in the end, others will do it better. He has done this 20 years now....i feel this game is just a marketingplace and complaianceinvestigation of Kaz is in order to do if it is used as that. Ok im angry...sorry. Kaz is great but to really deserve my respect then he just needs to let go.
Well, for now; the only thing that annoys me is that PD decided to not include the premium cars from GT6 in favor of making some new models from scratch for the PS4. I just hope this time that they're enough for them to feel that they're future proof and can continue to just build on models for as long as the series is running.
Coming in I didn't have high expectations, as it became obvious to anyone that PD is lagging behind and will release a prologue like game. So maybe that's why I'm not as disappointed, I knew what to expect. My impressions:

Graphics- I'm not disappointed on this front, the graphics are good enough for me, I'm more concerned with content. GT has good graphics in it's own way, and Forza has it in it's own way as well. Forza is more colorful, bright, less gloomy, more lively. I do agree that the environment needs work, but the level of graphics is good enough. The car models look better to me. That's not enough to win me over, I think Forza car models are also good, and they have many more premium cars.

Physics- I like it, seems like every move and millisecond matters. The suspension is working, even on the straights I could notices the vehicles suspension adjusting over bumps, minor bumps. Physics is what won me over for GT(started playing at GT5P), there was no alternative at the time on playstation. I believe the racing will be competitive, if the online mode doesn't have connection issues and there aren't people trolling. I noticed some were upset over collision physics, I'm upset with rate of development/content more and can give them a pass here.

Sound- Maybe I'm wrong but the engines sounded like they were working hard, the sound still is familiar but it's there's more energy and passion to it. Previous GT's, I noticed no suspense or change of tone going across the power band, in this GT I do notice a change, which is good enough for me. It doesn't seem like a complete overhaul yet, will need to see more footage though.

Damage- Some people are stating damage was disabled for the event, and that it is a thing. I'm not sure, so we will have to wait on that front. Do I want damage? I would like it on Forza's scale, not much more than that, however.

Platform- The new menu looks clean, so does the new font. Similar to GT6, which I didn't have a problem with.

Content- Knew what to expect, honestly. PD is lagging behind badly, I'm not even sure what they're focusing on anymore. The competitor put out a full game in Q4 2015, that impresses me with the content. The graphics are great on Forza, in it's own sense. There are enough cars, and the car list is really nice, they secured lots of big name brands and the most fascinating cars of these brands. That are all fully modeled. The customization is very wide on Forza, they have packed campaign mode and some other fun modes. On other hand, what we get is a smaller game, that might not even have career mode, with 140 cars, some of which are not real. So know we know not to expect GT7 until late 2018 probably. This rate of development is bothersome. I got a PS4 primarily for GT and Uncharted 4, Naughty Dog has delivered, PD, however, is under performing big time.


So is it a huge disappointment? Depending on what you were anticipating, I had no high expectations once it was clear the title is not the seventh installment(technically). I'm contemplating getting an Xbox at this point, but debating if I should go that route or try this GT plus AC along with a steering wheel setup. The racing in Forza doesn't seem as competitive or fun, it seems milliseconds and every little input is not important in Forza, rather the overtaking happens abruptly. Everything else, however, is great. The content, sound, damage, graphics blows me away on Forza.
Maybe it's because Kaz spent 20 minutes talking about photo mode, and hasn't said a single word about the things you mentioned.

In that case it's awful and he's lost total direction of his own franchise.

Actually, complaining about graphics is justified and here is why.

It's the first Gran Turismo on a brand new piece of hardware that is much more powerful then the last system. A system some people might have even bought specifically to play a new Gran Turismo in higher fidelity. The other reason is because of the amount of time you have to wait between Gran Turismo releases which makes you expect leaps in quality because of the long development time. If graphics didn't matter then you might as well just stick with GT6 on PS3.

The other things you brought up are definitely important and things like physics even more so but graphics do matter.

Sure I understand what you mean. But then we look at the history of Gran Turismo:

- GT1
- GT2, same graphics
- GT3, better graphics
- GT4, same graphics
- GT5, better graphics
- GT6, same graphics

That means this next GT should have better graphics, right? Well... I beg to difer. I'm extremely worried about PD caring so much about graphics when from GT1 to GT6 we've been playing the same game with better graphics and physics.

At this point I don't care about graphics. I don't care if the lugnuts have modeled scratches ("next gen"). I care aobut the gameplay. Like I said, from GT2 to GT6, going through GT4 and GT5, I've been playing the same game all the time. It's ridiculous. TOCA showed me what a racing game could be. It was vastly different to any GT game I've ever played, in every sense of the word. It made racing feel real.

That's what I want from GT. And this is one of my two main criticism to the GT franchise: its focus on graphics and car count.

I mean, if GT Sport were to improve on everything I mentioned, and it made the racing feel real and alive... would you be still bothered by the graphics? I know I would, but I wouldn't care, frankly. The most noticeable issues I found with GT6's graphics was standard cars, awful environments, and lack of computer thingies like anti-aliasing.

One way or another, I still haven't got the GT5 I expected to get after playing both GT4 and TOCA, and if Kaz did spend 20 minutes talking about Photomode, I'm guessing this still won't be the GT5 we should have got six years ago. Because really, anybody who actually believes GT5 was a good entry to the franchise... well, they can't complain about the GT we are getting next.

I know I'm sounding like a douche at what not. But I would expect the leader of a franchise that supposedly "listen to its fans" to share my mindset, which is to deliver to the player a good racing experience and not just a photography simulator.
That means this next GT should have better graphics, right? Well... I beg to difer. I'm extremely worried about PD caring so much about graphics when from GT1 to GT6 we've been playing the same game with better graphics and physics.

At this point I don't care about graphics. I don't care if the lugnuts have modeled scratches ("next gen"). I care aobut the gameplay. Like I said, from GT2 to GT6, going through GT4 and GT5, I've been playing the same game all the time. It's ridiculous. TOCA showed me what a racing game could be. It was vastly different to any GT game I've ever played, in every sense of the word. It made racing feel real.
If outright physics is what you want, then you are playing the wrong game completely. GT has never been close to full on sim, and falls more towards the "Sim-cade" than outright sim(for lack of a better term), to be honest. This has always been their focus, to have a casual game for people to be able to pick up and play, but that can also offer a decent challenge. With that said, visual fidellity is going to go hand in hand with that concept.

There are two different approachs really. One focused on physics first, and one that has a focus on physics, but also choose to be a bit prettier in the meantime, offering something for the casuals just like Forza. However, there are games coming out that should satisfy that pure racing need for you, as well as Pcars that has already been out for some time. You're asking it to be something that it seemed to never really aim for in the process. Now I understand this new iteration focus a lot on Esports, and the FIA and whatnot, but that doesn't mean that it'll be any different concerning the physics. It can still do all this with the same physics it always had. However, that's not to say we shouldn't expect updated physics with each new iteration, more so that the philosophy you're so against won't change as the target is always mass appeal, and it has been for a long time.

However, I do agree to an extent. The graphics are something that where already pretty fine in my honest opinion. Sure they could have touched up things here and there, but I'm not sure all of it was absolutely necessary. I'm not complaining though, because I'll likely use this game more for its photomode more than anything to be honest.

I know I'm sounding like a douche at what not. But I would expect the leader of a franchise that supposedly "listen to its fans" to share my mindset, which is to deliver to the player a good racing experience and not just a photography simulator.
Not a douche at all, you're just expressing your distaste for certain things just like most of us. Do I think the graphics needed a major overhaul? No. Do I mind that they did seem to get changes? Also no. Like I said, its a series that wants to caters to the masses, and with that, there are going to be things that diehard race fans aren't going to like.
While I'ld rather hear it from the horses mouth (PD or SONY), the apparent loss of the Beta is very disappointing.
An extra 6 months wait before getting my hands on it would definitely be worth 'whining' about.
If outright physics is what you want, then you are playing the wrong game completely

Not physics. Gameplay. Events. Disciplines. Things to do other than "race the same brain dead AI in different events with vastly different cars on the same lineup".

I would be lying if I said TOCA had better physics than GT6, but it sure as hell was a much more fun game. Nothing beat being spun out at the beginning of the race and being out of it for the rest of it. It made seasons far more challenging since it wasn't a matter of who was fastest, but luck also played a big part.

Those things I never experienced in Gran Turismo. And I would love to.

However, I do agree to an extent. The graphics are something that where already pretty fine in my honest opinion. Sure they could have touched up things here and there, but I'm not sure all of it was absolutely necessary. I'm not complaining though, because I'll likely use this game more for its photomode more than anything to be honest.

I would say "same here" if I was planning to get this game. My opinion is pretty much the same as yours.

Not a douche at all, you're just expressing your distaste for certain things just like most of us. Do I think the graphics needed a major overhaul? No. Do I mind that they did seem to get changes? Also no. Like I said, its a series that wants to caters to the masses, and with that, there are going to be things that diehard race fans aren't going to like.

Also, this worries me. It's funny because my first GT was GT2, but I'm always against making a game that caters to the masses. It generally means that it is far more simpler than it need be.
Not physics. Gameplay. Events. Disciplines. Things to do other than "race the same brain dead AI in different events with vastly different cars on the same lineup".

I would be lying if I said TOCA had better physics than GT6, but it sure as hell was a much more fun game. Nothing beat being spun out at the beginning of the race and being out of it for the rest of it. It made seasons far more challenging since it wasn't a matter of who was fastest, but luck also played a big part.

Those things I never experienced in Gran Turismo. And I would love to.
Ah my mistake, I misinterpreted your post. 👍

I would say "same here" if I was planning to get this game. My opinion is pretty much the same as yours.
That's my problem though. Photomodes on any game has always taken more hours from my life than anything else :lol: I think I have it backwards. I eventually bore my self of it from over use, still, that's not to say I don't enjoy the racing as well.
No sim is perfect on all matters. But graphics is the last thing that matters, photomode even less. Damage, tires, sound, wind, weather, starting, pitstops, speedfeel, failure, dirt, heat, ai....all that way more important. GT6 graphics are fine if all else was correct. Even less cars is ok for me.

I'm a bit shocked Eurogamer would make such a scathing indictment of the graphics this early on. The game seems kind of hit or miss; when I saw the Tokyo track in all its gray glory I was very underwhelmed, whereas Brands and Nurburgring looked great in my opinion. But to say everything looks lifted from GT6 is a bit unfair, especially when new videos are releasing from new builds sporting some improvement. I suppose the days of GT being far and away the best graphically are over, but even so, GT Sport looks just about as good as any console sim save for possibly Forza 6. And Forza 6 is far from flawless either.
I'm a bit shocked Eurogamer would make such a scathing indictment of the graphics this early on. The game seems kind of hit or miss; when I saw the Tokyo track in all its gray glory I was very underwhelmed, whereas Brands and Nurburgring looked great in my opinion. But to say everything looks lifted from GT6 is a bit unfair, especially when new videos are releasing from new builds sporting some improvement. I suppose the days of GT being far and away the best graphically are over, but even so, GT Sport looks just about as good as any console sim save for possibly Forza 6. And Forza 6 is far from flawless either.
Actually this is from VideogamerTV, so Eurogamer weren't the only ones stating this :P
Negativity is also because of the framerate drops and screen tearing aside from the graphics looking a bit similar to GT6.
Actually this is from VideogamerTV, so Eurogamer weren't the only ones stating this :P
Negativity is also because of the framerate drops and screen tearing aside from the graphics looking a bit similar to GT6.

Yeah, the screen tearing is really hard to ignore. And if GT6 is any indication, there's no guarantee it'll be solved by release. But I'm not too worried about the flashing trees and LOD pop-in.
No sim is perfect on all matters. But graphics is the last thing that matters, photomode even less. Damage, tires, sound, wind, weather, starting, pitstops, speedfeel, failure, dirt, heat, ai....all that way more important. GT6 graphics are fine if all else was correct. Even less cars is ok for me.
I don't agree with that. All of those things matter. Some of them matter more than others to you or to me or to some other guy. We won't all agree on what is important to us but you can be sure that someone out there will be more interested in the photomode than anything else. That's why it's vitally important that the game is consistent, all these things that different people find important need to be of a similar quality. So right now it looks like photomode guys are in for a treat but PDI need to make sure those of us who are into the racing side of the game have a similar quality experience to the one the photomode guys are sure to get.
I also find it surprising that the PS3 premiums aren't in GTS. I would have assumed they would've been one the one thing to realistically expect PD to carry over from GT6. It also makes the people who accused Forza for FM5 look a little foolish.
It also makes the people who accused Forza for FM5 look a little foolish.

It doesn't make anyone but PD look foolish. Turn 10 had a bit of a pass, because even though it was ridiculous that even cars that were created while Turn 10 were working on Forza 5 were dropped for Forza 5 (and even though it's clear that some of those "ground up" Forza 5 cars were rather blatantly touched up cars from the 360 generation), some of the car models in Forza 4 were just bad. Standard Car bad. Throw them out and do them again bad.

For PD, we've had it pounded into our head for over half a decade now that they were so amazingly on the ball and their assets were so fantastically better than everyone else's that they could be used to sail straight into the PS4. PD, the company that outright wasted so much time with their modeling depth that you could show off the embossing on the headlights of some cars or the stitching in the rear seats of some others, felt fit to throw out all of their work made up to this point anyway, even models they made for a game that released after the PS4 launched?
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I think it is a really bad decision, to release Gran Turismo Sport first, instead of Gran Turismo 7. I assume, Gran Turismo Sport has taken 4+ years of development, but it's still in beta form. It has probably taken a lot of resources and money. Gran Turismo Sport isn't even a main game. I am very flustered with everything Polyphony has done, and the direction of Gran Turismo. Gran Turismo used to be the best racing simulator. However, Gran Turismo is lagging for behind the competition.
Imagine the possibilities if PD had more staff than now...
I believe the small staff size is what's crippling PD.
I have a feeling that Tokyo is gonna be another rotten egg like Death Valley, all looks, no feel. Not sure why they cannot recreate the C1 loop.
Although its about time they updated the background scenery to Willow springs.
This new Desert course sounds fishy. Like it's gonna be in stages like the road rally in GT5. Like five segments from the mountains to the border.
I am confident the game will get better on release, but I've doubt it's going to be the genre leading game they say it's going to be (I think they've mentioned that they didn't implemented so many changes since GT1.) The fact that the main focus of yesterday's presentation was scapes (which I think it's an amazing feature, by the way) was kind of sad. I don't expect PD to pull another revolutionary title like GT1, a good game? sure! but revolutionary? absolutely not.
Here's my quick rant so far... I'd like to say I like the game, but I can't, and won't be able to until it's up-to-date vehicle wise, and systems wise:

Sounds have been an issue for how many YEARS now? I try to stay away from the fanboyism, the haters, and place myself in a reviewer's shoes. If they were to look/hear back the same notes as from 2011 and prior, it would never pass. Why? Because PD can't get around an essential obstacle.
I've lost faith in PD, and as a result, I've lost faith in the products they make. The cling-ons they make each new iteration never seem to stick or make a lasting impact.
The Senna advertising? Okay, we got cars, and old Monza layout, and some clothes. We didn't get the featured track(s) in the opening seconds of the intro, instead a crash course in the middle of modern Silverstone. VGT was nice until it fell apart after the fifth one, when it was taking too much time.
Finally communication. Non-existent. There is so much hype for this game for such a short period of time, and then it all goes flat once we've done speculated/and drooled at it all, and then comb through it to find it's just the same old stuff.
Don't know whether i should post here, anyways after seeing the new video and all new stuffs...i am 10% interested 90% bewildered...
- happy in the sense that there are new stuffs coming out...
- but confused as in, it looks like "just another REFINED GT5/GT6 product"... seeing the video of cars at nurb, i am getting sense of deja vu....i know this is still a "prologue" BUT "SOMETHING" is still missing...those new cars/tracks/features, shouldn't they already be a "Given"...

I am keeping my fingers crossed and hopes low... PD tends to over-hype and over-promise their product, and i hope it will not be/is not a platform for Kaz to jump into other non-core areas and starting to derail.... yes I am talking about GT academy/ vision cars, I am not hating them, just hopes Kaz goes back to his original aim of GT games and focus all his efforts on completing his core product
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...when I saw the Tokyo track in all its gray glory I was very underwhelmed...

Me too.

I don't understand why they chose to make that track. If you're making an original track for a game, you can make absolutely anything. If you look at the original tracks that Forza has been introducing they're decent tracks but also set in visually stunning locations. Rio, Prague, the Bernese Alps. They're tracks that you can enjoy driving but that also make you go "wow, that looks :censored:ing cool". If you're gonna make a new track, I figure you might as well make it look awesome while you're there.

That Tokyo track may be a good drive (although I have my doubts that what GT needed was another narrow track with barriers right up against the track edge), but it's the least visually exciting thing I think I've ever seen in Gran Turismo. It's apartment buildings and offices in grey, grey, and more grey. Half the time the track has concrete walls on either side so you can't even see anything but track and sky.

Whoever approved putting work into that track as one of the new additions to the series had a serious lack of imagination.
The game is still in development, it is beta build. It looks pretty good already. But I think the biggest let down is no dynamic weather this time. I hope dynamic TOD is included. That is such a big deal for me :(
Like mentioned above they already have problems with framerate drops and screen tearing, so dynamic weather would be suicide in that regard on the PS4. You'll be able to pick a time of day apparently so it's not that bad if night is available.
Well I got to give them on thing watching the Willow springs trailer they might have finally heard me saying Atmosphere Atmosphere for like the past year or so.

Cause seeing those Hot Air Ballons etc that's fun to me.
Well I got to give them on thing watching the Willow springs trailer they might have finally heard me saying Atmosphere Atmosphere for like the past year or so.

Cause seeing those Hot Air Ballons etc that's fun to me.

It's a start, they weren't listening on the Tokyo track though. Looks like a race taking place post-apocalypse.