The GT Sport Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter ukfan758
It's a start, they weren't listening on the Tokyo track though. Looks like a race taking place post-apocalypse.

As soon as I said that just watched more of the trailers SAME A.I GOT D:censored::banghead::grumpy:🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Can anyone tell me if Sport has,.........

Pitlane limiter?
Dynamic track?
Pull up on the grid by yourself?

I need 4 out of 4 or I'm an iRacer in the winter.
It doesn't make anyone but PD look foolish. Turn 10 had a bit of a pass, because even though it was ridiculous that even cars that were created while Turn 10 were working on Forza 5 were dropped for Forza 5 (and even though it's clear that some of those "ground up" Forza 5 cars were rather blatantly touched up cars from the 360 generation), some of the car models in Forza 4 were just bad. Standard Car bad. Throw them out and do them again bad.

For PD, we've had it pounded into our head for over half a decade now that they were so amazingly on the ball and their assets were so fantastically better than everyone else's that they could be used to sail straight into the PS4. PD, the company that outright wasted so much time with their modeling depth that you could show off the embossing on the headlights of some cars or the stitching in the rear seats of some others, felt fit to throw out all of their work made up to this point anyway, even models they made for a game that released after the PS4 launched?
Couldn't agree more. They better add all the premium cars, extremely disappointed on that part.
Can anyone tell me if Sport has,.........

Pitlane limiter?
Dynamic track?
Pull up on the grid by yourself?

I need 4 out of 4 or I'm an iRacer in the winter.

Don't know.
Don't know.
Yes, but not dynamic
Don't know, probably not.
For a game that carries the word "SPORT" in its name, photomode is sure a big part of it. I honestly see no purpose of this mode other than to praise GTS's lovely graphics, when gameplay, AI, sound, and so forth should be top priority... PD is yet again aiming to make their game look pretty and nothing else matters. That's why the last two games were stale IMO.
I'm seriously 🤬 fed up with Kaz's misinformation.

Ever since GT5, I've learned to take whatever Kaz says with grain of salt. But after these past two days, I cannot believe anything he says anymore.

He made bold claims in the past saying that the premium cars that were used in GT5 and GT6 are future proof and PS4 ready. Yet here we are, with news that the car models in GTS are built from the ground up. So all of that hard work required to make those hundreds of ultra detailed car models that took 6 months each to develop, has been binned. It just blows my mind how anyone can waste those valueable resources. This is a major thing to be wrong about.

Now Kaz's latest claim is that GTS is currently at 50% of its potential quality. Yeah, whatever. The bottom line is, competition from other games has grown stronger since GT6's release and GT is late to the party this generation. PD needs to show their best in the coming months, BEFORE release, instead of feeding us shaky promises that things will get better and relying on GT's name to win people over.

And having heard reports from other members that the track environments are bland and the AI is still timid, I'm not buying into another mediocre game this time, especially if I have to go out of my way to buy a PS4 to do it.
...Out of various infos I learned, it's the pricing that gets me the most. This isn't a full-fat GT game (allegedly) yet is priced like one. Sigh.

Now I see why it's not called a Prologue - so Sony can price it as high as they want!!


But you know what, I'm a glass-half-full kinda guy. I'll just wait a bit after the release, then pick this up when the inevitable price drop happens.
One thing I immediately noticed during that direct capture gameplay is how inconsistent the framerate is. It goes from 60 down to almost 40 halfway through the car passing by the camera.

also return of the jaggies.



and it sure cant be a next gen gran turismo game without its signature screen tearing techniques
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Hm, was gonna base my decision to eventually buy a PS4 for Gran Turismo on GTS. Might be worth it to someone who's got a PS4 sitting at home already, but the reveal and the leaked gameplay didn't impress me enough to consider doing that. Bit of a shame, really, as I still feel kinda-sorta attached to the franchise. With Forza coming to PC, I actually got an alternative that doesn't involve shelling out for a console in order to play the game. though. Had hoped for something that actually made me go "wow" and pumped enough to willingly through the necessary 400 bucks at it, but... Eh.

From what I remember, it's supposedly going to be playable at the Nürburgring 24 Hours which I'll be attending, so I might get some hands-on experience if that's true. Dunno how that'll affect my opinion.

Bottom line, from my point of view, is that the reveal wouldn't make me want to take a second look at the game if it wasn't for it being part of the GT franchise.
One thing I immediately noticed during that direct capture gameplay is how inconsistent the framerate is. It goes from 60 down to almost 40 halfway through the car passing by the camera.
How do you know it was down to 40?
you can literally see the framerate drop to half in the ferrari gameplay it doesnt take a scientist to tell the difference between 60fps and anything below that.
How do you know it wasn't 55 or 32 or some other number?
are we seriously going to get into such a petty argument. the framerate drops reguardless. its clearly visible unless you watch it in 480p which then locks you into 30fps
Who's arguing? I'm just asking questions. If you are going to make such an accurate statement about a highly technical subject I'm probably going to assume you had some sort of frame rate analysis software going. It's important to know you're just guessing.
...Out of various infos I learned, it's the pricing that gets me the most. This isn't a full-fat GT game (allegedly) yet is priced like one. Sigh.

Now I see why it's not called a Prologue - so Sony can price it as high as they want!!


But you know what, I'm a glass-half-full kinda guy. I'll just wait a bit after the release, then pick this up when the inevitable price drop happens.

The cost of a game has so little to do with the amount of content. That ship sailed 20 years ago.
WHERE ARE ALL THE CARS!? I remember saying that FM5 and 6 sucked because they dumped PERFECTLY GOOD CARS for their "autovista" garbage. PD just did the same thing. There were plenty of "premiums" that were perfect for this game, but they scrap them all to do this stupid "autovista" garbage!? GAH!

Not sure whether you're defending the practice, or condemning it...

Neither. I mean, maybe it would be nice, but then you'd have prices fluctuate in both directions. Would you be alright paying, say $80 or more for GT6? My point was just that the market doesn't operate that way. Game prices aren't based on a number of cars or tracks or hours of play time. It's about development/marketing costs and what the publisher can get away with charging people to make a profit. And a game sized somewhere between GT5 Prologue and a full-scale release is just as easy for consumers to justify at a $60 price point as most other racers.
Neither. I mean, maybe it would be nice, but then you'd have prices fluctuate in both directions. Would you be alright paying, say $80 or more for GT6? My point was just that the market doesn't operate that way. Game prices aren't based on a number of cars or tracks or hours of play time. It's about development/marketing costs and what the publisher can get away with charging people to make a profit. And a game sized somewhere between GT5 Prologue and a full-scale release is just as easy for consumers to justify at a $60 price point as most other racers.

...And my point was that I'm not happy about the game's pricing. I'm not talking about the market, nor how it's fluctuating or not - I'm specifically saying that, in this instance it feels to me like a con.

GT:S might have a bit more content than a regular Prologue title, but it still looks like one, with curiously small car list, truncated SP, and the seeming lack of other general bells and whistles that make up a numbered GT game.
Some of the questions might get answered as the launch date closes in, which I do hope for.
Can anyone tell me if Sport has,.........

Pitlane limiter?
Dynamic track?
Pull up on the grid by yourself?

I need 4 out of 4 or I'm an iRacer in the winter.

I hate to say it but it sounds like you want an exact replica of iRacer. In which this isn't the case. Seeing videos on the game, it looks good, but it looks like its graphical features lack behind most games of today. While graphics aren't everything, they play one of the most important roles in the experience. Each game is different which makes i unique (a cliche as that sounds).

The fact that there are frame rate drops is mostly a hardware issue, that of which Sony should have thought of before they released a turd of a console. Albeit capable of decent output, it was far outdated before it's release and therefore the games released nowadays are to be expected to have these issues. Even Forza 6 I've noticed has very buggy shadowing. But as Polyphony has stated, they were limited on the PS3 due to hardware capabilities and should be able to do much more with the PS4, so they need to follow through with their word if they are to make a statement about it. So yea, frame rate can be fixed and ought to be before final release.

This gameplay from the recent videos looks ok to me, but I have a so-so internet connection and cannot make the best judgement based upon a few videos and my ISP being bad about connections at times as well. The game is essentially a Prologue mind you, so it will definitely lack many features than the finished product is deemed to have.

I certainly hope the jagged edges of many things in game have gone, and is smooth from here on in. There needs to be more body customization which I didn't see any of in these videos (not that I expected it), and the livery editor looks like it may be a limited choice of where and what you can stick on your car.

More features like drivetrain conversions and motor swaps have been asked for repetitively and seemingly ignored which is also a big let-down. The standard/Premium car issue should also be gone. While Polyphony has mentioned in the past that it takes about 10 to 11 hours to 3D scan a car's interior and about the same time to reconstruct it, it shouldn't take anymore time than stated to create interiors. So the claim that it takes more time than that is complete BS. I don't want to get rid of any of the previous cars in GT, but it shouldn't go on just adding "premium" cars without updating and reconstructing the older models. And the physics is one last thing that needs immediate attention. I feel like I'm one of very few that knew (or at least complained about) the driving physics and tuning in GT6. It was backwards. GT5 was spot on, but GT7 needs to be fixed or they will be taking a step backwards once more. Camber angle should not detract from road grip while cornering, but instead enhance it.

And last but not least, to those wanting the game in roughly 2 years from GT6, it takes time. I would rather wait 3 to 4 years for a finished product than 2 years for a shabby one like GT6. With GT5, we waited years, but the turnout seemed to please. Same goes for other games as well. A year or two longer resulted in a better game. Unless, we want Developers to turn into EA. Gaming will be of no interest to me anymore if we stoop that low. If they add too much content like they did in Grand Theft Auto 5, they will have a hard time topping it if and when Gran Turismo 8 is released. That is another thing to remember when they create games.
Can anyone tell me if Sport has,.........

Pitlane limiter?
Dynamic track?
Pull up on the grid by yourself?

I need 4 out of 4 or I'm an iRacer in the winter.
Why iRacing? Wanna spend $15 per track and a monthly fee?
The fact that there are frame rate drops is mostly a hardware issue, that of which Sony should have thought of before they released a turd of a console. Albeit capable of decent output, it was far outdated before it's release and therefore the games released nowadays are to be expected to have these issues. Even Forza 6 I've noticed has very buggy shadowing. But as Polyphony has stated, they were limited on the PS3 due to hardware capabilities and should be able to do much more with the PS4, so they need to follow through with their word if they are to make a statement about it. So yea, frame rate can be fixed and ought to be before final release.
Framerate drops is the result of poor optimization/overestimating hardware's capabilities, Forza 6 runs at 1080p/60fps locked at ALL times with no drops because T10 specifically optimized for that target despite having weaker hardware than what PS4 offers. It's a design decision by the developers to juggle eye candy/framerate ratio as they please. You could give developers a system 100 times more powerful than PS4 and you would still see framerate drops if they wanted.
I don't notice when my PC drops from 60 to 55 during a game, but you sure as hell notice it dropping from 60fps to even 50fps.

Heh, it's actually the opposite way around for me, maybe it's because of my plasma TV? I'm not sure of the normal support over in the states and other non PAL territories. It has support for both 60hz and 50hz (and others), so anywhere in the middle has noticeable tearing or stutter, while drops to 50 suffer from neither of those problems.

I actually have GTA V on my PC capped to 50fps as I get drops from 60 with the settings and mods I use. While not as fast as 60, it's nice and smooth with no stutter or screen tear.
Heh, it's actually the opposite way around for me, maybe it's because of my plasma TV? I'm not sure of the normal support over in the states and other non PAL territories. It has support for both 60hz and 50hz (and others), so anywhere in the middle has noticeable tearing or stutter, while drops to 50 suffer from neither of those problems.

I actually have GTA V on my PC capped to 50fps as I get drops from 60 with the settings and mods I use. While not as fast as 60, it's nice and smooth with no stutter or screen tear.
There is that very inherent moment when you get that frame drop.
One thing I immediately noticed during that direct capture gameplay is how inconsistent the framerate is. It goes from 60 down to almost 40 halfway through the car passing by the camera.

also return of the jaggies.



and it sure cant be a next gen gran turismo game without its signature screen tearing techniques

They had updated built for day2,day3. Also I have not noticed framedrop from 60-40fps. That would be unplayable. Is there any videos that shows this ? We can compare this to the final release then