The Project CARS Photo Pron Thread

  • Thread starter Wardez
@Chikane Its a bug in the photomode which never got fixed if you press 'photo' in the menu- standard screenshots from replay are ok. The only way round it is to crop it off on pc if you are able to do that or take 2 photos of the same shot and the second one always seems to come out ok but this is a bit of nightmare when transferring to usb as you have to check each pic. 👍 Overall this photomode is not the easiest to master with the slow sliders, menu box in the way, no tilt or low angles..It just takes longer than other photomodes to get the right shot but some good ones can come out!!
Best thing to do, if you're on console and are tired of the photomode restricting you to having the camera fixed on the car, is to hook up a keyboard to the console and use the free cam shortcut (I think it's ctrl+k from memory) and then you can move the camera around to where ever you want during replays and get some really nice photos.
"Playing" with Pcars, while playing it (if you know what I mean) :D

I still have difficulties to choose which to post, Pcars is gorgeous.
Cheers :)