Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
I got really annoyed with this one since it's the second time it has happened. Why on earth does google maps show parking lot pathways as streets?!

I don't like to use the prescribed directions. I study a new place on the map for a few minutes and decide on my own way to get there before driving. Problem is now all of a sudden I find myself looking for small connecting streets that don't even exist! I stop and check out what's going on and I find out these streets on the map are going straight through a shopping center. Stupid crap!

Guess I'll just have to verify the area with satellite view. Still, I can't understand the logic behind adding the paths running through lots. Why would such information ever be needed? Directions over a distance is one thing, but needing a map for a parking lot? What next? Mapping every driveway and garage space?
Google Maps. The reason my parcels haven’t been arriving. It lied to me about my postcode. I only found out last night the correct postcode for my neighbourhood. I’ve been living there 6 months now.
A movie isn't funnier if it's full of swearing. *cough* Spy *cough

I mean, it's a good movie with good full of humour, but all those swearings make it a bit "far-fetched".

yeah im sounding like a 10 year old now
Sitting in a queue of traffic, in the dark, and the car in front feels the need to sit with their foot on the brake. It was bad enough with 21watt bulb brake lights but nowadays with multiple leds that can let the car behind know it's stopping from half a mile away, it's beyond annoying. And did I mention it was raining so I have thousands of BRIGHT RED lights on my windscreen?

Sitting in a queue of traffic, in the dark, and the car in front feels the need to sit with their foot on the brake. It was bad enough with 21watt bulb brake lights but nowadays with multiple leds that can let the car behind know it's stopping from half a mile away, it's beyond annoying. And did I mention it was raining so I have thousands of BRIGHT RED lights on my windscreen?


I have a feeling this is probably people with automatic transmissions so they don't creep into the car in front of them. I really can't think of any time where I haven't seen somebody with their foot on the brake, including myself.
I have a feeling this is probably people with automatic transmissions so they don't creep into the car in front of them. I really can't think of any time where I haven't seen somebody with their foot on the brake, including myself.
Here in Los Angeles county so I can safely say 99% of the folks on the road are driving automatic. A lot have the habit of jumping on throttle and slamming the brakes again. Instead of a nice slow roll everyone lunges and stops and lunges and stops.
I try to keep a good distance and let the car creep in slow traffic. I stay off the throttle when needed so I can keep off the brakes as well. Never really been in a standstill long enough to feel the need to pop into neutral and pull the parking brake.
Sitting in a queue of traffic, in the dark, and the car in front feels the need to sit with their foot on the brake. It was bad enough with 21watt bulb brake lights but nowadays with multiple leds that can let the car behind know it's stopping from half a mile away, it's beyond annoying. And did I mention it was raining so I have thousands of BRIGHT RED lights on my windscreen?

Even worse when this happens.

Even worse when this happens.

I realized after making a customization to my car that I'm now that guy.

All I wanted was to trade the illogical OEM red turn signals for amber lights, using combination amber+white LEDs in the reverse light sockets. However, by doing so, I have taken LED driving light bulbs designed for front-mounted DRLs and pointed them at the driver behind me. :embarrassed:
Today, clicking on numbers of photos (links) of beautiful babes, the website refreshed or reloaded or whatever happened because to website was slow, almost every time I pointed the mouse pointer on the number (link) to open another photo. Exactly when I want to click to open the next photo, the page refreshes. I HATE that when something like this happens or something similar. It is so 🤬 annoying. If it should happen once or twice, not a problem but almost every time ...................... :mad:
The recent trend of movie posters where the only colour palette is blue and orange, or variations of the two. Some examples:


I'm willing to believe that's it's just because blue and orange are complementary colors and they work well together.

Although, while trends do come and go, complementary color combinations have been happening in media for so long that I'd hardly consider it a recent trend. Maybe you just haven't noticed it until recently? I mean, that Spy Kids movie is just over 15 years old (It's really been that long? Wow, time flies :().
I'm willing to believe that's it's just because blue and orange are complementary colors and they work well together.

Although, while trends do come and go, complementary color combinations have been happening in media for so long that I'd hardly consider it a recent trend. Maybe you just haven't noticed it until recently? I mean, that Spy Kids movie is just over 15 years old (It's really been that long? Wow, time flies :().

It's something I've been aware of for a while, and I've seen various explanations as to why these two particular colours are used the most, whether it be to emphasise coolness or enthusiasm, or to point out an all-encompassing theme within the movie: good vs. evil etc.

Seeing one poster doesn't make it so obvious, but when it's practically every other poster that is blue/orange... it's like a bad itch that you just can't scratch.
I wouldn’t call them “recent” movies but yes, there’s a trend there.

The Tron colouring dates back to the first movie in the early 80’s so if any one of them themes is original it’s Tron.
When a lot of people claim to have some mental health issues only to ruin it for those who genuinely have it. Especially social anxiety... Feels like a lot of people around my age post on social media "I have social anxiety, that's why I hate everyone! LOL"

Meanwhile, people I know, including myself who do have anxieties are often told to 🤬 off with our "fake" problems. Because of these people, I keep getting told "Shut up with your stupid millennial made up problems."

Doesn't help when people think facing your fears will make them go away. Especially for me when I get yelled at to do something I don't want to (out of my anxiety).... I always had a fear of talking to a stranger over the phone, whether it's calling customer service or answering a call from an unknown number. My supervisor at my first job used to yell at me for being fearful of "simply" taking orders over the phone (during a busy day) at the restaurant I worked at, even though my position was working in the back room with no customer interaction.
When I was younger I never worried about anything and now that I'm older few years away from 30 I get anxiety for like a very short amount of time and then it goes away the thing that annoys me most is that I believe it when I have it but if I ever had anxiety when I was younger I had good reason to belive it is this a thing that just happens when you get older???
When I was younger I never worried about anything and now that I'm older few years away from 30 I get anxiety for like a very short amount of time and then it goes away the thing that annoys me most is that I believe it when I have it but if I ever had anxiety when I was younger I had good reason to belive it is this a thing that just happens when you get older???
Generally speaking and in my honest opinion; no!

I think it is caused by air, water and food pollution, stress, electromagnetic smog and so on. It is no conspiracy theory. I think that people who have a genetic predisposition are more likely to develop anxiety caused by the stuff I mentioned above. As I said, it is only a personal opinion and no medical explanation.
I found a lot of my problems with anxiety were from not breathing properly. Nobody ever teaches how to breath, right? We do it naturally but there’s good and bad ways to do it and proper breathing has reduced most of my anxiety problems to nothing.