Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
I annoy/hate/confuse myself for withholding the pleasures of life. Materialistically I mean! And I don't know why I'm doing it. :mad:
This is not important to have a fulfilling life but it can make you happy.
I annoy/hate/confuse myself for withholding the pleasures of life. Materialistically I mean! And I don't know why I'm doing it. :mad:
This is not important to have a fulfilling life but it can make you happy.
I'm not convinced those pleasures make a person happier overall. It must be different for different people but materialism is a massive turn off (that's nothing to do with sexual turn ons/ turn offs) for me.
I'm not convinced those pleasures make a person happier overall. It must be different for different people but materialism is a massive turn off (that's nothing to do with sexual turn ons/ turn offs) for me.
Agreed, not overall.

I'm not a materialistic guy but if there is something I want, only one thing I really want, I'm still sabotaging myself and not getting it. Sometimes it is actually more satisfying to dream about these things than owning it.

I have been true enough misery from the age of 15 until today to know that there is only one thing that can make me happy every day and that is good mental health without having to worry about anxiety, depressions and what the medication does to my body.

Good health both physically and mentally
Be happy and content with what you have but once in a while treat yourself with a materialistic thing is not wrong.
In Britain, we don't enforce our rule on 'mandatory' face coverings. You can therefore imagine my confusion and annoyance at the spectacle of a couple with a young child where one is wearing a surgical mask over their nose, the other is wearing a cloth over their chin and the child is completely exposed to the world.

In America, I can see why people tick the box with an open nose. It disempowers people from throwing them out of the shop. In Britain, where there is no consequence for carrying on as you would outside, why on Earth would a person think that half-wearing a mask has any kind of effect whatsoever?
Social media only confirms what I already believe in. People whom have made recent jokes about Eminem have used the hashtag "#RIPEminem" , even though Eminem is still alive. I am annoyed at the usage of "RIP" for anything other than an organism that is actually deceased. I NEVER use "RIP" unless someone is actually dead or maybe if one's initials are "RIP." And I also only use "RIP" for deceased people or other organisms (such as a pet dog deceased). Like, I don't use "RIP" to mean the end of someone trying to complete a game level or trying to accomplish something. Again- some people on social media...
Social media only confirms what I already believe in. People whom have made recent jokes about Eminem have used the hashtag "#RIPEminem" , even though Eminem is still alive. I am annoyed at the usage of "RIP" for anything other than an organism that is actually deceased. I NEVER use "RIP" unless someone is actually dead or maybe if one's initials are "RIP." And I also only use "RIP" for deceased people or other organisms (such as a pet dog deceased). Like, I don't use "RIP" to mean the end of someone trying to complete a game level or trying to accomplish something. Again- some people on social media...
I recommend not reading The Sporting Times from 30th August 1882.

Edit: 29th even.
Adverts on YouTube, they seem to have increased overnight and now I have the new option of wasting my time to view them all at the beginning of the content instead of dispersed throughout.
Yea those ads can be pretty annoying at times, especially when being forced to wait on several of them, one after the other. Even worse if they're unskippable. Fortunately, I have AdBlock for both my computer and phone, so that certainly helps.

I have similar feelings towards sponsors in Youtube videos. I see them often, but the worst one I can think of is when one channel I follow needlessly wasted 2 whole minutes of the video talking about Raid Shadow Legends once. I mean I get why they do this, but I find them annoying simply because they often are not very relevant to the content I am watching and often take up too much time of the video. Yes I know I can skip over them, but sometimes you don't really know how long they're going to be and you can accidentally skip over part of the video you actually want to see.
When someone is with you and you hear a song that you like. Only to have them sing along to it (usually not very well) and OVER the song you want to listen to. It's worse when you're stuck in a car with them and you just want to listen to the song. Also happens often at my work where a sales person will try to sing along to a song in the showroom that I was enjoying.
I can relate to this too and I am glad I am not alone. It's annoyed since I was a child and still does to this very day. Hearing people singing along to a song I want to listen to as it plays just ruins it for me and I hate it even more when they aren't even singing it right and/or getting the lyrics wrong. Parodying lyrics is one thing (which I don't mind as much), singing them wrongly is another.

Apparently I have been like this longer than I can remember because my mom says when I was little, she used to read books to me and she says I used to hate it when she started singing. I don't actually remember that, but I certainly don't doubt it.
That and also when they ask you about what somebody on a tv or radio is saying, causing you both to miss what is being said.
Man - just imagine how annoyed I was when my sister did exactly this to me the first time I had to disembark from a ferry. Every word of the announcement - just blanked out into nothingness.
Yea I hate that too and it's not just on the TV or radio either, it can be pretty much anything. A teacher I had in 7th grade used to sit behind me and ask me "Are you getting this?" while the teacher was in the middle of explaining it. Um, considering you're talking while she's talking, probably not! 💡

To be fair, she probably was just trying to help me and wanted to make sure I wasn't daydreaming about something during the whole thing, but sometimes she became part of the problem instead.
why on Earth would a person think that half-wearing a mask has any kind of effect whatsoever?
If I understand your post correctly, I don't get it either. A guy I know at college never wears his mask over his nose like he's supposed to and has to be reminded every single time to pull it up. It's even worse knowing this guy doesn't exactly understand the concept of personal space/social distancing.
If I understand your post correctly, I don't get it either. A guy I know at college never wears his mask over his nose like he's supposed to and has to be reminded every single time to pull it up. It's even worse knowing this guy doesn't exactly understand the concept of personal space/social distancing.

Yeah, you probably do - in the UK, you can be fined for not wearing a mask in a public space, but any Sainsbury's or Tesco employee could come up to you and ask you to put a mask on, but then just go back to doing their job like nothing has happened. Straddling ground just makes you pointlessly uncomfortable in this case.
Adverts on YouTube, they seem to have increased overnight and now I have the new option of wasting my time to view them all at the beginning of the content
Related: It seems to me that a certain someone has dumped quite a bit of money into YouTube advertising recently.

It's also a well known quote.
Source? It gave me a chuckle when you said it.
Source? It gave me a chuckle when you said it.
I don't think he was the first which is why I only described it as well known & wasn't specific but Boris Johnson said it on the satirical panel quiz Have I Got News For You on the BBC.
I don't think he was the first which is why I only described it as well known & wasn't specific but Boris Johnson said it on the satirical panel quiz Have I Got News For You on the BBC.
Good enough. There are times that I don't, but I generally get a kick out of overnegation.
People who are cheap, just for the sake of being cheap, annoy me more than anything. I rented a very nice car (a 2011 Corvette) for my parents to take to my sisters wedding. Got it for 5 days, and went to drop it off at their house this morning after picking it up myself, thinking my father would like to play around with it for a few days.

Man has audacity to ask how much it'll cost for gas. Dude! I paid for the car (actually mega cheap. Like $75 a day, 500 miles total.), who cares about gas. It's $2.15 a gallon here. They are practically giving it away given what the prices were the better part of the last decade. And who cares what I paid for the car. Stop being cheap. There is a time and place, and given how cheap my sister has been with the wedding, at least spend some money somewhere.

Again, there is a time and place to be cheap. The bar; cheap beer is more than cool. The strip club on the other hand, a cheap dance is not cool. At the pizzeria; $5 Hot-and-Ready from Little Cesars is a great chain brand pizza. But there is a reason Ponderosa Steakhouse went out of business.
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People who are cheap, just for the sake of being cheap, annoy me more than anything. I rented a very nice car (a 2011 Corvette) for my parents to take to my sisters wedding. Got it for 5 days, and went to drop it off at their house this morning after picking it up myself, thinking my father would like to play around with it for a few days.

Man has audacity to ask how much it'll cost for gas. Dude! I paid for the car (actually mega cheap. Like $75 a day, 500 miles total.), who cares about gas. It's $2.15 a gallon here. They are practically giving it away given what the prices where the better part of the last decade. And who cares what I paid for the car. Stop being cheap. There is a time and place, and given how cheap my sister has been with the wedding, at least spend some money somewhere.

Again, there is a time and place to be cheap. The bar; cheap beer is more than cool. The strip club on the other hand, a cheap dance is not cool. At the pizzeria; $5 Hot-and-Ready from Little Cesars is a great chain brand pizza. But there is a reason Ponderosa Steakhouse went out of business.
A friend of mine makes good money(of everyone I know my age he is the most well-off) but at the same time is very frugal. For instance, he takes a lot of time to decide if he wants to buy a game he likes when it's on sale... for three dollars. I tell him "they're pretty much giving it away so why is it even a question?"
People who are cheap, just for the sake of being cheap, annoy me more than anything. I rented a very nice car (a 2011 Corvette) for my parents to take to my sisters wedding. Got it for 5 days, and went to drop it off at their house this morning after picking it up myself, thinking my father would like to play around with it for a few days.

Man has audacity to ask how much it'll cost for gas. Dude! I paid for the car (actually mega cheap. Like $75 a day, 500 miles total.), who cares about gas. It's $2.15 a gallon here. They are practically giving it away given what the prices were the better part of the last decade. And who cares what I paid for the car. Stop being cheap. There is a time and place, and given how cheap my sister has been with the wedding, at least spend some money somewhere.

Again, there is a time and place to be cheap. The bar; cheap beer is more than cool. The strip club on the other hand, a cheap dance is not cool. At the pizzeria; $5 Hot-and-Ready from Little Cesars is a great chain brand pizza. But there is a reason Ponderosa Steakhouse went out of business.

If someone dropped off a Corvette for me to use for a few days the only questions I'd have would be:
Is it stolen?
Full tank?

You are an excellent son by the way :bowdown:
If someone dropped off a Corvette for me to use for a few days the only questions I'd have would be:
Is it stolen?
Full tank?

You are an excellent son by the way :bowdown:

My dad drives in a much used Honda Odessey, and my stopped driving a few years ago to health issues, and I told them I’d rent them a car for the wedding. Just happened to noticed this car was a bargain (some American full sized cars are that same price per day), so was like, “That’ll be fun.”

I rented another car for myself for the week I gotta go get in the morning (They got the new Defender and I want a go).
Pretty much, yeah. It's also a well known quote.
First time I have heard it.
People who are cheap, just for the sake of being cheap, annoy me more than anything.
Yea I know how you feel. I have been collecting Hot Wheels for a long time now and my mom used to think any Hot Wheel beyond $1 was too expensive and I had numerous times where she wouldn't let me buy them if they costed more than that. While to be fair, they are well known for selling them at around the $1 price point and some think of them as such. However, not all are created like this and can be sold at that low of a price point. Sometimes I can understand why she was like this, namely if I tried to buy ones like $5 or more, but other times, the amount extra they cost was literal pocket change and I couldn't get them because of that, which I found to be pretty ridiculous at times. For instance:
1. When KB Toys used to be open, they had some older Hot Wheels there for like $1.25 and my mom wouldn't let me buy them because "you can get them cheaper at Wal Mart". Okay, that would fair if these were actually sold there. Thing is, these were older ones Wal Mart no longer carried and I tried to tell her that, but she ultimately disregarded it simply because they were more than $1. Like, it's only $0.25 more, really?! :irked:
2. When Speed Racer was in theaters, they had some castings based off the movie that came with accessories and were only $1.50 I think and you guessed it, couldn't get them either, all because they were more than $1...
3. This only happened once that I can recall, but one place we went to was selling them for $1 exactly and my brother wanted one of them, but he couldn't get them simply because they were 3 to 5 cent more than Wal Mart. No joke. I think this one was kind of an outlier though, but still.
Trust me, I could keep going, but I think you get the point now. Thankfully, I haven't had anything like this happen again for a long time now, but it was something that used to bug me a lot when I was younger. (namely from my late childhood to my mid to late teen years)

While it's not quite the same situation as yours, I still think it's an example of being needlessly cheap.
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I was waiting in a patio area outside a restaurant for food pickup and among the few others waiting was a guy with pants sagging so low that he actually had to bend to get his phone out of a top, front pocket.

I don't get it.
I was waiting in a patio area outside a restaurant for food pickup and among the few others waiting was a guy with pants sagging so low that he actually had to bend to get his phone out of a top, front pocket.

I don't get it.
Yeah, I mean, you'd think he would wear a pocket t-shirt to put his phone in for much easier access.
I was waiting in a patio area outside a restaurant for food pickup and among the few others waiting was a guy with pants sagging so low that he actually had to bend to get his phone out of a top, front pocket.

I don't get it.

Many retards are misdiagnosed these days and allowed to mix amongst society.
People who hold there phone up to there heads/faces, BUT they have it on speakerphone.
Just walked by someone doing this (and wanted to say WTF if you're going to hold it like that just take if off speaker phone :mad:).
Sorry in advance if this has already been discussed.
People who hold there phone up to there heads/faces, BUT they have it on speakerphone.
Just walked by someone doing this (and wanted to say WTF if you're going to hold it like that just take if off speaker phone :mad:).
Sorry in advance if this has already been discussed.
They might have difficulty hearing.

Possibly as a result of holding their phone to their ear while on speaker. Which is pretty daft.
They might have difficulty hearing.

Possibly as a result of holding their phone to their ear while on speaker. Which is pretty daft.
I agree.

My dad's hearing has gotten pretty bad in the past 5 years and it doesn't matter if he's listening to music, watching a video, or talking on the phone with the speaker on, he almost always has his phone at max volume. (which drives us all crazy) Sometimes if I try to turn it down to what I deem as an "acceptable volume", he often can't hear it very well and will turn it back up again. On the contrary though, sometimes he does have it at a reasonable volume and he will turn it down if someone complains, though this doesn't happen often. I guess it largely depends on where he is and what he is doing.

Thing is though, we believe him blasting his phone so dang loud is part of the reason his hearing is like this in the first place. What's worse is, he doesn't exactly help his hearing either because despite showing signs he can listen to it at a lower volume, he almost never does unless someone complains about it.
It is rather infuriating dealing with co-workers with control over the showroom music who are oblivious to how inappropriate music is that they choose. As well as the music source they choose.... Working in a BMW showroom, I feel like people would at least expect some kind of "decency" with music. Not stuff that is overly loud and in your face you almost feel like you have to yell in the showroom. Right now they're playing oldies, but live versions...because we need to hear people cheering and what not in the showroom. And with the music being played off Spotify and the dealership being too cheap to pay for premium, we have to listen to ads. Feels "totally" appropriate to hear Lucky Charms and Charmin ads that manage to be louder than the damn music. All I suggested was a Youtube channel that streams calming jazz or bossa nova 24/7. I'm not against music with vocals, but having stuff that is so loud that you have to raise your voice is annoying. It shouldn't be this hard to pick background music and make sure it isn't so loud or irritating to everyone. Heck, there's even times where the sales people want to put on "their" music, which ends up being rap or 90s punk music. (My co-workers are all in their 20s-early 30s) Nothing like hearing the N-word while trying to shop for luxury cars.

But every time I get jazz or some other kind of music that's better as a background noise, it gets shut down because it's "too boring." Majority of the customer base at our dealership is elderly folks.... I don't know how my co-workers tolerate hearing ads like Charmin's.... "WE HEARD YOU SHOULDN'T TALK ABOUT GOING TO THE BATHROOM IN PUBLIC, SO WE MADE A SONG ABOUT IT!!!!" -plays some horrible pop song modified to sing about toilet paper- :mad:

I'm sure someone here will make some sarcastic remark thinking they're being funny, but it's just driving me mad. I'm not the type to easily block out sounds, so that's why I find it more annoying than most others. But people shouldn't have to raise their voice over the "background" music or ads just to talk to someone. Especially with the music/music player being chosen by the people who have the JOB of talking to people. :banghead:
I hate when ads force themselves on you. Video banner ads are always present, but they show up muted by default. However, I noticed on some sites they ignore this and play sound anyway. I have to unmute them and then mute them again for it to take effect. Also on some sites the ad will take up three quarters of my screen and the "x" to close them is just an image and does nothing.
I don't understand why websites use heavy-handed scripts to go out of their way to block users from downloading stuff when it is relatively trivial to bypass the block, making it no better than a small but obnoxious hurdle.

The best example is when you are disallowed from saving an image that is otherwise 100% available at its original size. OH NO! WHAT WILL I DO? OPEN 🤬 SNIPPING TOOL AND SAVE IT ANYWAY? Wow. What a worthwhile use of code. Much protect. So safe. Another example is when you are free to stream (reasonably (un)compressed) audio, but not allowed to download it. It's not like I can just open Audacity, start the stream (eg. YouTube video), and record the audio with my recording device set to Stereo Mix. That's too hard!

The unfortunate part of the second example is that computer manufacturers seem to be wise to it, and apparently add deliberate distortion to the Stereo Mix channel to deter the practice (if they don't block access to Stereo Mix entirely)...? That makes my life a bit harder when I want to record my own music from a playback source that does not record to WAV by itself.

Sorry, but my opinion on this is akin to the VCR's successful legal battle -- if you let me view or hear something through a digital device, it is mine to keep. We have the technology. Even without the Stereo Mix channel, you can just use a friggin' 3.5mm cord (and accept the nominal analog noise). I've recorded OST tracks directly from the Wii U and Switch that way. I paid for the game, and the OST is part of the game.