Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
Annoyed with people's lack of empathy for their treatment of a complete stranger. (If that's the right word to use, empathy) Being a complete dick to a stranger is bad enough, but what people don't realize is that the stranger may remember what you did to them. I always hear "Ah, don't worry about it, they'll forget it later today or tomorrow." Which can be mostly true, but I have a fear of seeing them again in the near future. I don't act out on a complete stranger that did something that upset me to make myself remembered by them for that reason. No one ever thinks of the consequences of their actions when interacting with a complete stranger, you could see them the next day at the same grocery store or local event.

One example I can think of is going to a gas station that had a few disabled gas pumps. I saw a FedEx truck driver parked at a disabled one, sitting in the driver's seat on his phone and hazards lights on. I pull up to the functioning gas pump in front of him in a vehicle from my dealership I work at, next thing I know he looks up and starts having a complete tantrum over me taking "his pump." I was rather annoyed and confused as to his tantrum at first, but realized he wanted the pump I was at and was waiting for. He was screaming in his truck, flailing his arms around, giving me a death glare, etc. Rather than confront, I drove to a different gas station to avoid his crap. The next day, I saw the exact same FedEx driver delivering car parts to my work's parts department and I almost felt compelled to confront him about his unprofessional behavior at the gas station the previous day or just report him. (Kind of wish I did)

Wish people would think about how they treat others before doing something inconsiderate and stupid. But people seem to think they have no consequences when doing something to upset a stranger that they think they might not see again. I've honked at people for cutting me off and giving me the finger for it, only to find out they pull in the same exact parking lot as me for something like a grocery store. If I was some nutjob, I'd probably do something stupid when confronting them about their action, but they don't seem to consider that. Somedays I wish these types of people face a consequence that will "teach them a lesson," and make them realize there's someone crazier than them.... Not wishing harm, but someone who'd confront them about their inconsiderate actions.
This quote springs to mind:
Annoyed with people's lack of empathy for their treatment of a complete stranger. (If that's the right word to use, empathy) Being a complete dick to a stranger is bad enough, but what people don't realize is that the stranger may remember what you did to them. I always hear "Ah, don't worry about it, they'll forget it later today or tomorrow." Which can be mostly true, but I have a fear of seeing them again in the near future. I don't act out on a complete stranger that did something that upset me to make myself remembered by them for that reason. No one ever thinks of the consequences of their actions when interacting with a complete stranger, you could see them the next day at the same grocery store or local event.

One example I can think of is going to a gas station that had a few disabled gas pumps. I saw a FedEx truck driver parked at a disabled one, sitting in the driver's seat on his phone and hazards lights on. I pull up to the functioning gas pump in front of him in a vehicle from my dealership I work at, next thing I know he looks up and starts having a complete tantrum over me taking "his pump." I was rather annoyed and confused as to his tantrum at first, but realized he wanted the pump I was at and was waiting for. He was screaming in his truck, flailing his arms around, giving me a death glare, etc. Rather than confront, I drove to a different gas station to avoid his crap. The next day, I saw the exact same FedEx driver delivering car parts to my work's parts department and I almost felt compelled to confront him about his unprofessional behavior at the gas station the previous day or just report him. (Kind of wish I did)

Wish people would think about how they treat others before doing something inconsiderate and stupid. But people seem to think they have no consequences when doing something to upset a stranger that they think they might not see again. I've honked at people for cutting me off and giving me the finger for it, only to find out they pull in the same exact parking lot as me for something like a grocery store. If I was some nutjob, I'd probably do something stupid when confronting them about their action, but they don't seem to consider that. Somedays I wish these types of people face a consequence that will "teach them a lesson," and make them realize there's someone crazier than them.... Not wishing harm, but someone who'd confront them about their inconsiderate actions.
100% agree with this. However I feel the Driver should have accepted he was on his phone and instead of getting angry, he could have just chilled and gone next, everyone could learn to just relax and step back from situations.

However like you, I’m more than happy to just move on and let someone get on with their day.

If you’ve never watched it, look up “Unhinged” a mediocre film but a prime example of just placating someone who’s angry to diffuse tension could go a long way.
What annoys me is how many people think that no parent can be selfishly manipulative towards their children. Parents who raise children just to serve them without own creativity, taste and life. Very underestimated form of abuse is giving of advice which is on surface wise but very insidious and hard not to listen for undeveloped indvidual most children and teens are. For example "gym is for p*****s and f**s, real men go to woods and cut trees, or go to farm and use primitive tools only" crap. For a child and teenager this kind of isolating advice (from particular activity) can be extremly detrimental because child is often bombarded with ''I'll support ya, I love ya, I care for ya etc.'' Its far less wrong to EXPLICITLY forbid something (so child will realize that they have to leave home way sooner) or HONESTLY not be supportive towards children. Expressing the will to support (implicit promise basically) or explicitly promising support, while insidiously making children stupid induces malignant hope, slowed growth even self-destruction and so on in children and that IS abuse. Saying general and implicit stuff and using emotions is far more effective if done carefully than being up front since that can easily be used as a proof of abuse. General and implicit talk can always be defended in ''I didn't mean it like that, you got it wrong'' way.
Parents who raise children just to serve them without own creativity, taste and life.
I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve encountered this before.

I work with an impressionable age group and part of my job is training them (for good) to be productive, independent members of the wider society.

What you’re taking about is servitude and should be frowned upon from all sides.
I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve encountered this before.
raisedbynarcissists reddit has lots of stories with manipulation, not just obvious but insidious and neglectful abuses too, and it inspired me to make my post actually. Abusers are rarely straightforward beaters and yellers many times they are also cunning too.
I work with an impressionable age group and part of my job is training them (for good) to be productive, independent members of the wider society.
You have a wonderful and honorable job, congrats!
What you’re taking about is servitude and should be frowned upon from all sides.
Problem is that many people forget respecting parents doesn't mean total blind servitude. I think that people from 10 years were actually wiser in this regard. Servitude as only way to be respectful of parents is a wierd trendy opinion which I hope will be forgotten like fad diets.
I never understood the whole idea of wanting a character to be "relatable" in fiction

Usually when I watch a show and pick a favourite character, it's often their character makes for a lot of interesting pieces and interactions in a story, or whether or not I find the characters journey to be inspiring even if I don't relate to it or not. Not trying to say liking a relatable character is a bad thing, but I don't understand why that's a core factor for some people instead of just characters you can enjoy watching regardless of how they relate.
I want relatable characters, but that doesn't mean the character has to be exactly like me, only that I can understand and relate to their motivations and goals. For example I never saved anyone's life from a serial killer, yet a detective finding the killer before he strikes again is a very relatable goal to me.

If you can't relate to the protagonists motivations, you will be indifferent to whether they succeed or not. A character literally can have nothing in common with me, and still be relatable. All is needed is good writing that gives them a plausible background and a struggle that I find worthy, even if I never experienced something similar myself.
When a game has a flawed design that makes it difficult, it's apparently excused by "git gud" to anyone who complains about these issues.

A problem with a game is a problem with the game, I like difficulty as much as the next guy but when it comes from clumsy design it's less of a challenge and more just random **** but it gets a free pass when you bring your issues up as "a skill issue".

Example, in the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Course Pass Wave 2. There's a shortcut in Snow Land where you have to go through invisible out of bounds zones, the fact they are invisible is the problem and you're just aiming randomly and praying and just ruins the track for me but apparently all I need to do is "git gud". I just want the game to give me visual indicators on where to not go. There's apparently also an issue with the Sundae track on 50cc, 100cc and even 150cc where getting bit by an item can make you miss the last few jumps but apparently it's a skill issue for getting hit by the item in the first place. Why should the punishment be for getting hit by an item to have the section be unplayable instead of you know, taking the damage from the item?
Yea I get what you're saying. Some people in the Twisted Metal fanbase have this attitude towards Twisted Metal 2. The thing is, that game has one of the worst cases of cheating AI I've ever seen, the health pickups don't spawn nearly enough and it's pretty dang hard because of this. Now to be fair, it's not unbeatable, but it's horrendously unfair and a lot harder than it needs to be because of this and this is coming from someone that's completed several of the later games.
I want relatable characters, but that doesn't mean the character has to be exactly like me, only that I can understand and relate to their motivations and goals. For example I never saved anyone's life from a serial killer, yet a detective finding the killer before he strikes again is a very relatable goal to me.

If you can't relate to the protagonists motivations, you will be indifferent to whether they succeed or not. A character literally can have nothing in common with me, and still be relatable. All is needed is good writing that gives them a plausible background and a struggle that I find worthy, even if I never experienced something similar myself.
Often with discourse about this topic, those are often just referred to as "believable" characters, as characters you can believe do the actions they can do. Which is fine and usually pretty good. Relatable is often referred to specifically as characters that they can see themselves as which I don't understand that whole appeal.
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Often with discourse about this topic, those are often just referred to as "believable" characters, as characters you can believe do the actions they can do. Which is fine and usually pretty good. Relatable is often referred to specifically as characters that they can see themselves as which I don't understand that whole appeal.
No, because a villain can be believable too, that doesn't make me sympathize with their goals. All characters need to be believable for it to be considered good writing. But only a few needs to be sympathetic. If there are no sympathetic characters in a show I'm disinterested in watching it.
No, because a villain can be believable too, that doesn't make me sympathize with their goals. All characters need to be believable for it to be considered good writing. But only a few needs to be sympathetic. If there are no sympathetic characters in a show I'm disinterested in watching it.
But then you are talking about sympathetic characters. Which is often a different type when in discourse over characters separate from relatable and believable.

Relatable is often use to point at a character and see even a bit of themselves in it, Believable is just seeing the characters actions and being able to go along with it while Sympathetic is seeing what the character does and go through and while you might not see yourself as it, you do still feel empathy for them

A bit off topic, Not all shows need believable characters even if it's a good writing tool, though it is rare. Death Note springs to mind, you are meant to watch 2 egomaniacal super genius duke it out over their selfish definition of justice. It's not believable, you don't sympathise with them and it isn't relatable but it's still entertaining
But then you are talking about sympathetic characters. Which is often a different type when in discourse over characters separate from relatable and believable.

Relatable is often use to point at a character and see even a bit of themselves in it, Believable is just seeing the characters actions and being able to go along with it while Sympathetic is seeing what the character does and go through and while you might not see yourself as it, you do still feel empathy for them
I don't need to see myself in a character, in fact if I do that's more likely to turn me off from that particular work of fiction.
A bit off topic, Not all shows need believable characters even if it's a good writing tool, though it is rare. Death Note springs to mind, you are meant to watch 2 egomaniacal super genius duke it out over their selfish definition of justice. It's not believable, you don't sympathise with them and it isn't relatable but it's still entertaining
I was thinking in terms of drama, satire and comedy can have overexaggerated characters, but they also need to be anchored to reality to work.
The "your device is not compatible with this version" error.
Yeah, it is one of the things that annoy me.

In January 2020, I uninstalled Mario Kart Tour on my Android tablet due to the lack of Miis. And in March 2022, after Miis were added to Mario Kart Tour, I tried to re-install this Mario Kart game on my Android tablet, but sadly, I failed because of the "your device is not compatible with this version" error. :(

Yep, I am a Mii fan. I should haven't uninstalled Mario Kart Tour on my Android tablet. :guilty:
People who refuse a TV Show or movie on the sole basis that it's "childish".

I really don't understand how a Shows tone can get people away from trying something. Is it perceived reputation and being caught watching it is embarrassing?
I'm late to the party but I'd bet it's less to do with the film nor it's message itself and more to do with the person that thinks they aren't learning anything useful if they watch "kid stuff made for kids" there's a whole group of narrow minded people who think like that so don't bother with them lol

And yes, if they think it's embarrassing to enjoy something simple then they got more issues than their judgey opinions etc.
I'm late to the party but I'd bet it's less to do with the film nor it's message itself and more to do with the person that thinks they aren't learning anything useful if they watch "kid stuff made for kids" there's a whole group of narrow minded people who think like that so don't bother with them lol

And yes, if they think it's embarrassing to enjoy something simple then they got more issues than their judgey opinions etc.
I agree. Just because it's an animation, doesn't mean that it's for kids. There are adult animations.
Strawman arguments annoy me to the point of barely even wanting to respond to them.

Especially when they start with "So you're saying" then they describe something that's not even in the same ballpark of what you said.
I find it really annoying when older generations (40+) criticize the same thing they have towards younger people (20-40). Personal characteristics (frugality, wisdom etc) can be reduced/improved dramatically throughout lifetime with experience and using that logic, older people should be criticized first but not the case. I get it that younger people are generally physically stronger and concentrate more easily though, and that older people accumulate more traumas due to more time obiously which can slow or even cut off personal improvement.
Goddammit whatever that post was that you quoted it's now gone, well at least the speech bubble leads to a deleted post.

Much disappointment.
Looks like the user was nuked from the site. Possibly a spammer.

Curious that my response was left up.
Curious that my response was left up.
You just so happen to fit the algorithm they're going for. All's well that ends well

And yeah the things that annoy me is how often misunderstandings turn into literal firefights, and when it's over nothing of value was gained... except maybe the spectators got a kick and fun memory.. cautionary tale out of it
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Loud chewing and eating noises annoy me.

Also Radio / TV presenters who can't speak without ehm, uhm, arggh after every word they utter. It also confuses me how can people who are so bad at their job get hired and get to keep their jobs for years.
Loud chewing and eating noises annoy me.
Misophonia. I have it big time. Not sure when, but I guess I developed it over the past couple years. Can't ignore it no matter how hard I try. Even if someone is across to the other end of the room, if they start eating I have to throw on some music on my phone and hold it by my head. Otherwise I hear every single little move of their lips and tongue.

Some tv interviews too, with the super high quality mics all I hear is the saliva in the sides of the mouth. Thought I was going crazy but apparently it's something to do with how your brain processes and filters.
Loud chewing and eating noises annoy me.

Also Radio / TV presenters who can't speak without ehm, uhm, arggh after every word they utter. It also confuses me how can people who are so bad at their job get hired and get to keep their jobs for years.
I can almost answer that. It's often less about the most talented and more about convenience and good relations.
Loud chewing and eating noises annoy me.
Part of my work involves supervising lunch for 20 kids. It’s a constant battle to get them to eat nicely, and without chomping like gators.
Inconsiderate design features.

My laptop of many years has the venting on the base. You know, the bit that goes on my lap. It’s hot as hell. Stupid Acer.
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The whole glitch effects I see in videos and pictures tend to annoy me. I keep thinking something is wrong with my TV or PC monitor, but all is okay. It's just those effects that seem to rack my brains a bit.