Thursday Fun Night (Re-named)

  • Thread starter dranddad
I was really going for the no strategy angle on this one. Just wanted a fun race. I think the racing soft tire will keep things interesting. When I was testing it, I put more thought into what would be a fun car to drive and what would be simple. Hope everyone finds it as fun as I have.:cheers:

It's all good Joe, it's variety. Thanks to Andy for the one word summary "Fresh"

In the words of Albert Einstein, insanity (same format) is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results. That's never going to work in the long run.

Looking forward to TFN here is a link to Joe's OP event, just encase it's hard to find.


Car has been shipped out from Lower Manhattan, should be there on time.
  • Fuel range is 12 laps (w max power)
  • On RS I could only get 5 laps out of the RF (I only would only trust it for 4 laps)
  • You can easily go 10+ laps on RH and not a lot of time difference between them on fresh rubber.
  • Pit stops are fast (think 15 seconds for 1/2 tank of fuel)
Did you test the pit stops in an online lobby or in an offline custom race? Based on last week's race, refuelling still seems to take longer in the former compared to the latter, that's how Phillip managed to run away from us in the feature race. :boggled: So it sounds like no-stop might pay off for this one.

Then again we might be overthinking this, considering what the F in TFN stands for. :lol:
Did you test the pit stops in an online lobby or in an offline custom race? Based on last week's race, refuelling still seems to take longer in the former compared to the latter, that's how Phillip managed to run away from us in the feature race. :boggled: So it sounds like no-stop might pay off for this one.

Then again we might be overthinking this, considering what the F in TFN stands for. :lol:
I like it mrcooper.

Watching the replay I found sitting at the back till the pits, unintentional I mite add, I used a lot less fuel without saving. I could now take on less for the next bit, but to make sure I got to the end without running empty. I modulated fuel saving 1 2 3 As you was gaining on me all the time.

I managed to cross the line with less than 1lt in the tank
Did you test the pit stops in an online lobby or in an offline custom race? Based on last week's race, refuelling still seems to take longer in the former compared to the latter, that's how Phillip managed to run away from us in the feature race. :boggled: So it sounds like no-stop might pay off for this one.

Then again we might be overthinking this, considering what the F in TFN stands for. :lol:

If you data suggests differently than I made a mistake. I'll double check tonight.
Hello fellow funster’s

Time for a little update, by now you’ve all come to realise, Quoting MrCooper consider what the F stands for in TFN. Things that you may miss as you trip through the thread like, Quote Renrag (Andy) one word summary “Fresh” and another by Mr Bass himself (Larry) “Comic Relief” and I’ve never before been called this by Ruddracer (Eric) Quote “Brutal” me never. I love you all, you bring a smile to this :grumpy: old 🤬 face when I read through your posts.

But the thing is, you can tell what is going through member’s minds, build a picture of what is liked about our tfn evenings, I always advocate there’s no such thing as a good or bad combo, it’s the members taking part that make it so. The more effort we all put in, the smoother the evening runs, more time we get for laughs and the more we get from the combo.

Hence. Bad you’ve not worked hard enough

Good then you’ve helped everyone have fun

Hilarious then you’ve out done yourself.

I think I’m going to relinquish hosting, in a nut shell, I’m crap. I get to confused with all the buttons, last week I found myself that far out of the game screen, I’m sure I was one click away from the PS4 shutting down.

Imagine this, grandkids come visiting they burst in top of their voice, Granddad!! We’re here. They come closer with a puzzled look and a big frown across their brow and say, Granddad, what! are you doing!!

My reply is I don’t know what I’m doing. At that they walk off with a look of, Dad, granddad has lost the plot again.

Thanks for reading, hope it brought a smile to your face for the day.

Ps link to this week TFN thinking about it, if we all just copy/paste this link into one's post, it will always follow us making it very easy to find the OP without searching back through many pages. Just click on the link in the post above each time and paste it into your post.
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Good idea Andy.

I think we would have to make the room open for it to work. Setting are very rudimentary as I don't think anyone wants to spend time tuning,

Listen close to the lyrics in the song, take note of the tyres on the cobble-stones too.

We may have to do a little weeding of strangers, but we may also find one or two looking for something different.

This weeks OP Link
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Bart (Pasm) and Spy are two the the greatest guys to be on track with anytime of day. I love racing with them, they are so aware of what's going on around them.
We could all get inches tucked in be hide one another bumper without touching, run side by side knowing one is going to push till the last minute then back off and wait till the next opportunity.

We were going at full chat in that race on the cobble-stones on SH, one slip and it would have been all over.

I take my hat off to them.

This weeks OP Link
Bart (Pasm) and Spy are two the the greatest guys to be on track with anytime of day. I love racing with them, they are so aware of what's going on around them.
We could all get inches tucked in be hide one another bumper without touching, run side by side knowing one is going to push till the last minute then back off and wait till the next opportunity.

We were going at full chat in that race on the cobble-stones on SH, one slip and it would have been all over.

I take my hat off to them.

This weeks OP Link
Ah roamin' ponies :D i remember that one.

I might even pop by tonight if i don't get summoned by zhe woman
@Cobani 10:00am fine weather

I think they mean 10pm GMT but the room will be open from 9pm gmt give or take a few minutes.

There is always time for a few short races if members can't make the later start time. What with work the next day and busy lives.
Trying to fit time zones in is very difficult.

OP Link

Please copy/paste link into your next post.