[TIRE] Samsung SuperSpeedway Series - BKGlover is the champion!

  • Thread starter Michelin

Race #11 - Coke Zero 400 - Race Results.png

Race #11 - Coke Zero 400 - Race Awards.png

Race #11 - Coke Zero 400 - Team Results.png

Race #11 - Coke Zero 400 - Manufacturer Results.png

Drivers Standings.png

Team Standings.png

Manufacturer Standings.png

NR2003 2016-07-04 11-18-24-60.png

NR2003 2016-07-04 11-18-27-48.png

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Video: Hey, I recognize that voice and the snarky lines! Also, yeah...I kinda got screwed in the end being trapped up high.

Results: That shows how I got boned in the end. Oh well, could be worse.

Standings: Holy hell, this is close! Tied for the lead, top half are within a win. Wow.
I guess I didn't see that before posting this spoiler 'cause I had the video paused in between Internet surfing, but there is a small pause in the moment when DCybertron gets a hood camera view to see my car get sent into the wall... Commentator censoring, perhaps? :lol:

But other than that minor technical mishap and the small audio issues, morten's commentary is deserving of a 👍 in my book. He clearly goes for the "video following but not throughly descriptive" style, but his snark and nice memes bring a nice flair to that style.

As for my race, well, it was s:censored:t, what else? I got hit by a Tid(e)al Wave and got my race ruined, while my Danish colleague bounced back from his terrible Pepsi race to nearly win with Coke... er, I mean at Coke. It's also funny that both the MTC and Headache Award winners have the exact same number of places gained/lost, how ironic was that? :lol:
Video: Hey, I recognize that voice and the snarky lines! Also, yeah...I kinda got screwed in the end being trapped up high.

Results: That shows how I got boned in the end. Oh well, could be worse.

Standings: Holy hell, this is close! Tied for the lead, top half are within a win. Wow.

Considering the winner gets 45 and last gets 18 points, you gotta be within 27 points of the leader to be in contention for the title... that only applies to almost the whole top 10.
You would think with the Coke money coming in that @Michelin would make them the presenting sponsor. :sly:

Nah, Samsung paid more. :lol:

Just a hint on the ammount of money (and on the track that is going to substitute Destruction Arena), if you pile it up you can't see the end of it....
Track presentation comes on Monday, for now, enjoy the hint. :lol: :sly:
I just wanted to check in to say this is a cool series. I saw a few past races on YouTube last night.
This is still a cool series. Anyone looking to know about this deal should look up some old videos of this series.
@lxmmy, @DCybertron, @rallymorten, @BKGlover, @Harsk100, @GTRacer22, @DcrRaikkonen, @uMadson?, @swiftsmith, @DurWinning, @tbwhhs, @Doodle, @RedDragon, @AudiMan2011, @G_Parrilla, @Smurfybug, @VitorSouza, @Formidable, @RACECAR, @Tired iron, @vetteman24, @The Bman, @Niku Driver HC, @Suzumiya

Hello guys! How's it going? I know it's been a while since the last race, but I'm currently on Uni vacation since the 15th until February 8th, so I want to finish the season until then.
So I decided to tag you all and tell y'all some things:

-With one of our drivers being banned and the other deciding to retire after his victory, we are down to 25 drivers. With 9 races to go, that will spicy things up.
-Destruction Arena is doomed. It can't hold offline races even if I was God. So I'm replacing it with another track. With that, the last race no longer is worth double points, so if you wanna win the championship, you gotta make the right moves NOW!
-I'm currently doing Race #12, so apart from our usual broadcast crew (consisting of me, @Niku Driver HC, @Formidable, @DcrRaikkonen and @rallymorten) I'm always looking to give chances to those that want to take a chance at broadcasting 4S. Just hit me up with a Convo.

With all that said, let's get the show BACK on the road gentleman!

Also, this will be the last race of the season:
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My God, the Mich lives! What is this sorcery? Brazillian voodoo...? :crazy::lol:

Joke aside, welcome back man, looks like your professional life has finally given you some breathing room to continue the series, which is great.

One question, though; for those who are already part of the broadcasting crew, we can still use the old series convo, right? Or will a new one be opened?