Tyre punctureF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter U700
Maybe its my drivingstyle but I keep getting a tyre puncture in about every race....starting to get a high blood pressure because of it :D

Oh and its mostly the prime tires which get punctures...
Anyone else having the same problem?
At Bahrain there is a glitch where you WILL get a puncture almost every time tire sim is on with full damage...

The other tracks there isn't a glitch. You just need to stay of the curb and definitely do not rally cross... you damage your tires that way and punctures are more likely to happen...
If you change damage to visual only you won't get punctures any more. Not the ideal workaround, I know. I'm sure the far-to-frequent punctures will be fixed in the patch.
I turned damage off and it stopped. It hadnt affected me too badly but I didnt take any chances.
Punctures seem far too frequent to be realistic, I've had countless punctures, and less than a third of the way through the season. I would be having words with codemasters if I was Bridgestone.
It was found on the codemasters forum that the puncture bug seems to only affect the PC and PS3 version of the game. The Xbox version doesn't seem to have the issue. They even have videos of people getting them right after a tire change before making it back out onto the track.
Using the PS3 version I've had a hard time trying to complete a race without getting a puncture, doesn't matter what track I'm on. Its quite frustrating. I'll try with the damage off, that would be great if that gets rid of it.
Punctures are far to prevalent in this game. I just changed the replay restarts from 0 to 1 and use the one in the event of a puncture. If I get two in a race then, well I figure odds of getting two in this game are almost as close to the odds of getting one in real life so I live with it and box.

And no, I don't go flying over curbs or into the grass(...usually).
I've had a puncture where I've been in the garage and changed the tires only to hear the 'pop/hiss' and see the chunks of rubber flying. Now, unless my garage now has 4" spikes of the floor I seriously doubt there is any chance of that happening.
Punctures are far to prevalent in this game. I just changed the replay restarts from 0 to 1 and use the one in the event of a puncture. If I get two in a race then, well I figure odds of getting two in this game are almost as close to the odds of getting one in real life so I live with it and box.
I've done the same, I just got fed up with getting punctures which seem to be completely random but I didn't want to turn damage off. At least I was able to get the "second chance" trophy thanks to a puncture. :P
I had a puncture off launch at abu dhabi the other day. Literally 1 second after launch, which was just stupid. The punctures are unfortunately random, which is not cool at all. If there was a realistic model for punctures that factored in debris collection, running over kerbs and general hard driving than it would be ok. Also the AI never seem to get punctures???

Anyway best workaround i have found is to use a replay when you get a puncture, you won't get another puncture after using it and can just continue on your way.
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Sometimes the punctures do seem to actually have a reason behind them, I've had a few for running wide over the kerbs and such but other times it just seems like the game throws one at you when you're out front just to haul you back into the pack :(
Did a 50% race at Bahrain last night and got 3 punctures in the first 10 laps on the soft, but none on the harder tyre....
Sometimes the punctures do seem to actually have a reason behind them, I've had a few for running wide over the kerbs and such but other times it just seems like the game throws one at you when you're out front just to haul you back into the pack :(

Codemasters have actually stated punctures are random :yuck:
I just had an interesting run at Malaysia. on last lap of the race with 2 corners to go I get a puncture in the left rear. Usually the car is pretty driveable with a puncture in the rear so I kept going hoping my gap was enough to keep the lead. Then on the final straight my other rear tyre blows! Won the race by 0.1 seconds in the end as Hamilton forgot how to overtake and just coasted behind me.

I didn't think you could get x2 flat tyres at once in this game.
I'm sure this is just one of the many bugs that will be patched soon. I was leading in Monaco and my tire blew up by the harbor and crashed into the tires with a 45G impact. That sucked!
I was in 4th place with 2 laps to go - puncture. Finished 12th. Figured oh well, one-time thing. Next race, got a puncture on lap 4, 100 feet after the pit entrance of course. Spent the entire race trying to catch the guy in second-to-last place.

Really fun stuff 👎
How do you turn the tyre wear 'On'? I have played several races and have NEVER punctured a tire, even when I run off the track lol I'm assuming my tyre wear settings are Off right now.
Punctures don't seem to be related to tyre wear. Tyre wear affects the handling of the tyre as in temperatures and overall grip as the race progresses.

Turn car damage on full, but if you have installed the patch odds of you getting a puncture will now be very little. In the original version it was a disease.
I haven't been able to find where the car damage option is. Is that also under the Race Menu in the trailer? It wasn't in the options under My F1 -- unless I overlooked it..