Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
- Veganism is not any more of a morally superior/righteous lifestyle than, uhh, being a carnivore omnivore I mean.

- There's nothing wrong with living in your parents' home well into adulthood. Some cultures actually probably are in widespread agreement with this statement, mine isn't sadly.

-I Digress...Veganism is only morally superior when the vegan in question isn't trying to convert others or let everyone know. Normally, vegan people are just cancer to non-vegans. Would avoid at all costs.

-Agree. Save a TRUCKLOAD of money, better for the environment. Win-win!
No, but you bring up a good point. Yes I do think differently. If not, why would you and the other have a problem? That's exactly it.
The point being, since you so clearly missed it, is that because they have a different, and very logical in comparison, thought process and choose to take into account what doctors say, makes it ok for you to insult them? Ironically enough, going around pretending that doctors are always wrong is an ignorant way to go about things.

Confirmation Bias
Yeah, you just made up a story showing your confirmation bias. Although, Im not entirely sure you understand the term.

Blah blah blah. no. Yes, I do think people that think that are ignorant and foolish. Have I called anyone ignorant and foolish yet? Nope. There's a huge difference between thinking something and saying something. God
Yeah, you did. You said ANYONE who takes doctors words into consideration, is.

Adding to that, I'm sure you've never heard of "If you don't got nothing good to say, say nothing at all." Which is what I did. Yup. Just gloss over that will ya buddy
At which point did you say something g good? I may have missed it.
Responding in a more appropriate thread:

No, but you bring up a good point. Yes I do think differently. If not, why would you and the other have a problem? That's exactly it.

Back to topic, I am no longer going to convince you, you seem set in your thinking patterns. Of believing what you want. Confirmation Bias is terribly strong with you.

That's ironic. You're playing the confirmation bias card when you've offered a single anecdote as to why you put more faith in your own completely unqualified medical views than the people who make it their life's work.

Blah blah blah. no. Yes, I do think people that think that are ignorant and foolish. Have I called anyone ignorant and foolish yet? Nope. There's a huge difference between thinking something and saying something. God.

There is a difference, yes. And you said everybody that doesn't think the same way as you is an ignorant fool.

And I'm sure you're going to yet again gloss over that. Must be those Moderator powers of yours, ticking in your brain's cortex over and over till you spit out this thoughtless formula response.

I appreciate the not-so-subtle ad hominem. You'd think someone with multiple reminders to read the AUP would avoid that approach.

Adding to that, I'm sure you've never heard of "If you don't got nothing good to say, say nothing at all." Which is what I did. Yup. Just gloss over that will ya buddy?

Your idea of "say nothing at all" is stating anybody that doesn't subscribe to your train of thought is an ignorant fool?

That's an awful lot of basic English to gloss over.
No, not "not good" as in not good for your health, "not good" as in not good tasting. Does not matter which flavor.
No, not "not good" as in not good for your health, "not good" as in not good tasting. Does not matter which flavor.

No, not "not good" as in not good for your health, "not good" as in not good tasting. Does not matter which flavor.

I need to go to my freezer right now and have some Ice Cream.

Anyhow back on topic but still on food:

non-roasted Chicken is the most blandest thing I've tasted, I needs to be covered in Tomato Sauce for me to somewhat enjoy it.
I personally love ice cream.

I could understand if you'd said you find it tastes disgusting or if you didn't like the health reprocusions from eating too much but to say it's "not good" is as if you think it's unholy is criminal. And as food goes, ice cream is about as righteous as it gets. ;)
Making collages out of magazine clippings is not fun.

When I am at school, sometimes my teachers will have us do this as an activity and they consider it "fun". Other than the fact I hate using glue and anything that makes my fingers sticky, I don't really know why I don't enjoy it. I just never have thought it was fun and I find it to be extremely boring. Which is kind of ironic because I enjoy drawing and art classes in general.
Ok ok serious one now. Aston Martins on average are pretty ugly.
Not ugly but definitely overesaturated. Everything from the DB9 looked more or less the same, not that the DB9 wasn't an extremely beautiful car.

Now they all just look like grown up Fords. :lol:
Not ugly but definitely overesaturated. Everything from the DB9 looked more or less the same, not that the DB9 wasn't an extremely beautiful car.

Now they all just look like grown up Fords. :lol:

There is this one Renault that triggers me every damn time! 🤬
A Nerf related unpopular opinion.

The Maverick isn't that great.

It is often regarded as Nerf's signature blaster. The blaster has good capacity, granted it works okay it has decent rate of fire for what it is, a comfortable handle and it is cheap, but it all stops there for me. The range and velocity was just too weak for my liking, even when it was new. Though it has a variety of different mods, due to it being reverse plunger, it's performance mod potential was quite lacking. Worst of all, I ultimately didn't trust it's rotation mech (I still don't) because it wasn't always reliable and lead to misfires. Some work better than others, but even if they do work fine, they eventually get worn and won't work as well.

I got into Nerf almost 10 years ago and me and my cousins used to have Nerf wars often. (Occasionally we still do) From the beginning and onward this was the go to blaster that literally everyone used and even now I still see it sometimes. However I think I was the only one that didn't care for it. Did I give it a chance and can I see why people like it? Yes. It may have been good for it's time, but at the end of the day, I never thought it was all that great and unlike some other blasters from it's time and even longer than that, it really hasn't aged well.
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It is often regarded as Nerf's signature blaster. The gun has good capacity, granted it works okay it has decent rate of fire for what it is, a comfortable handle and it is cheap, but it all stops there for me. The range and velocity was just too weak for my liking, even when it was new. Though it has a variety of different mods, due to it being reverse plunger, it's performance mod potential was quite lacking. Worst of all, I ultimately didn't trust it's rotation mech (I still don't) because it wasn't always reliable and lead to misfires. Some work better than others, but even if they do work fine, they eventually get worn and won't work as well.
Mine is a junker, but I did mod it to have the cylinder flip out completely. I think the Mega version (Cycloneshock) is a lot better.
Mine is a junker
My brother used his and despite taking care of it, he still ended up going through 1 or 2 of them. My Maverick didn't see many battles and it had problems not long after. (I also took care of it)

but I did mod it to have the cylinder flip out completely.
I was messing with mine yesterday and I thought about doing that to mine, but I got tired of fiddling it. Why they put those plastic pieces there to keep it from doing this is beyond me.

I think the Mega version (Cycloneshock) is a lot better.
It essentially is a Mega equivalent of the Maverick. Although it is bigger, costs about $10 more, has the same capacity and roughly the same rate of fire, it is better than the Maverick. I heard it gets even better if you rebarrel it to shoot elite darts.

I may not care for the Maverick, but I like blasters of its kind. Ones like the Strongarm, Flipfury, Cycloneshock and the Distruptor for example, I happen to like all of them. Though let's not forget, the Maverick was from 2005 and the ones I just mentioned are from much more recent years.
For some reason, at first I thought you were talking about the roller coaster at Cedar Point, which is great by the way.
Never heard of it.
Ratchet and Clank was a good movie and had a better story than the game.

Now if you aren't a fan, I wouldn't reccomend it but as a fan I found myself enjoying it most of the way. The plot structure makes more sense here than it does in the game, the game feels awkwards with its pacing and story elements that they want to take from the movie and make their own just doesn't look polish (example the "I want to live to see his failure" line in both the game and the movie were directed at 2 different people with the game not making sense to the overall plot). The Galactic Rangers had at least some kind of character arc in the movie making them not as pointless and Dr. Nefarious fitted way more in the movies plot than the games plot
(Ratchet realizing Nefarious was using Drek came completely out of nowhere in the game while the movie, it was Drek former robotic butler who spilled the beans about Nefarious.
Not sure if this one is really that unpopular but,

I think the Suzuki Hayabusa is an good looking bike,

though i prefer the ones made prior to the 2008 model.
Not sure if this one is really that unpopular but,

I think the Suzuki Hayabusa is an good looking bike,

I'd say it quite unpopular opinion. The Hayabusa is a pig but I guess that's what it needs to look like to be so fast, what with wind tunnel development and all.
I think it's 50/50 (@Team THRT Drift may agree with you). I, personaly, hate it's looks and some of my friends do as well, others love it.
I'd say it quite unpopular opinion. The Hayabusa is a pig but I guess that's what it needs to look like to be so fast, what with wind tunnel development and all.
Most of the people I've talked to dont seem to like it, so I guess it is pretty unpopular, but I quite like it for some reason.
I think that cap you put over the back seat is a nice touch, really completes the look in my opinion.

Mario Kart 8s Balloon Battle is better than Mario Kart 8 Deluxes Balloon Battle.

I'm not talking about the other Battle modes in Deluxe as they don't exist in 8 but the main Balloon Battle I actually rather play 8s version than 8 Deluxes version.

In MK8, it combines the elimination style of the earlier Mario Kart games with the point style of the late Mario Kart games, I love being able to KO opponents again like on Mario Kart DS while keeping a Point System that was needed for modes like online. This was sadly changed in MK8D and we're back to the god awful point-exclusive system like in MKWii and MK7, where I never touched Balloon Battle and used to exclusively play Coin Runners on those Battle Modes.

and yes, MK8 Battle Mode not having actual Battle Arenas is a bad move BUT it isn't as bad. Some tracks like SNES Donut Plains 3, N64 Yoshi Valley and Toad Harbour felt like they were partially designed with Battle Mode in mind do to their more open less linear enviornment. Kinda makes me wish those 3 tracks were kept for MK8D Battle Mode instead just completely replacing them.
Based on the kids, students, several "viral and weird" news and Youtube, i would say that this is an unpopular opinion.

Fidget Spinners are possibly the worst trend i ever came across to in the last several years. It's stupid, it's money wasting and i don't see the point of owing one at all. I remember people over here in the middle east calling Pokemon GO last year to be stupid and anyone who plays it is a backward thinking person yet i had to hear anyone to say the same thing about this useless piece of **** over here.

Sure, get as many as you can and enjoy them...my opinion won't change anyone's opinion.
*sigh* Anyways,
Need For Speed Most Wanted 2012 isn't that bad.

Clash Royale are overrated and i don't see why young gamers stopped playing on consoles or PC or any other mobile games to play this instead. Played it last year for couple week then lost interest until earlier this year only to loss interest couple weeks later and just deleted it off my phone.

Speaking of mobile gaming, PSP > Smartphone gaming.

Buying phone based on camera quality shouldn't be a reason to justify your purchase unless you're a photographer or good at taking images/videos. I would rather record on an 10 year old handheld Camera recorder with stable video than someone records some shaky vertical videos with an IPhone 7 Plus.

Having HDR on TV is more important than 4K for me.

The popular believe of Gulf States and Supercars culture stereotype needs to stop. I'm pretty sure there's other places on the world that have Ferrari's and McLaren's and besides unless you live in Doha, Dubai or Kuwait or any capital cities, you won't see exotic cars that much. I'm looking at you Mighty Car Mods and that Abu Dhabi special (Don't get me wrong, i love MCM. Now i wonder if they could fit in my Honda?).

Unless for Offroading vehicles, i don't like Diesels in normal passenger cars.

I like Car Throttle.

GTA IV is one of the best GTA games i ever played and it had two expansion DLC that are way better than any GTA V DLC's that ever released. Not saying GTA V is bad or anything, it still one of the best IMO along with IV, Vice City and San Andreas.

I don't like most of MMO or RPG games.

Samsung Phones are a bit overrated.

I hate eSport, i find people taking gaming way too serious takes away the meaning of gaming and fun.

I don't like modern Rap and prefer the one's from 90's or hell even 2000's.

Deji (ComedyShortsGamer) is way better than his older brother KSI.

I prefer CSGO over post-2013 Call Of Duty games.

Younger car enthusiasts in my country are cancerous and the type of person who harass and bully other people.