Update, of sorts!

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We might get 60 fps on pro models
What's wrong on the PS4 Pro and Xbox one X is that they are almost "fixed" at 32 frames while the standard PS4 can achieve up to 45fps.

So, they need to fix that and improve framerate pacing & stuttering.

But they will stay with the 30 fps in all consoles.

Maybe for next gen they don't limit FPS, but they didn't say anything about the next gen,they only mentioned in a streaming that they didn't even looked at the moment to the new gen
Hello everybody, I would like to share news for ACC, hope patch will be soon.

By Antonela Pounder (505 games)
on July 15, 2020

Hi everyone. We’re back today to provide a little update on the console edition of Assetto Corsa Competizione. While we might not have shared any info over the last few weeks, that doesn’t mean we’ve stopped still. Rest assured, the development team have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to fix the issues reported by our community. Here’s a rundown of what to expect in our next major update. Date TBC (but hopefully we won’t keep you waiting too long.)

Crash fixes for sign in and out during a race
Network message displaying issues have been resolved when disconnecting from the network on Special events
Localisation fixes for the in-game ratings
Improper terms used for keys displaying within the control and binds menu
Performance improvements on PRO models (PS4 Pro and Xbox One X)

UI Warning screen to remind the user to update their wheel’s firmware
Connection and stability fixes within many wheels
Force Feedback changes for a more suited feel on console
Fixes within the “Steer Linearity” options
“Road Effects” now affect Force Feedback
Stopped certain views being accessible with a keyboard
505 made a comment on twitter that might have been missed saying 23/07 was the day for the patch. I'm really hoping they don't (downgrade) the standard ps4 and lock it at 30 frames but rather also let the more powerful consoles run free.
505 made a comment on twitter that might have been missed saying 23/07 was the day for the patch. I'm really hoping they don't (downgrade) the standard ps4 and lock it at 30 frames but rather also let the more powerful consoles run free.
Do you have the link to the tweet?
I did read the tweet, but dont recall them giving a date.
It was a reply within the tweet when someone was complaining about no date given.. they said how does 23/07 sound?. Actaully now that I read the tweet again they said the Intercontinental pack will be able to be purchased on the 23/07.. Not specifically that the update drops then (it was all in the same thread under the tweet) but I guess it all happens at once.
From a support member on 505 games discord the IGT dlc will be available tomorrow 23/07 and
"But rest assured when 505 is ready to announce actual date(s), they will. slight_smile All I can say is that updates are being tested and going through the process of readying for release."
"You're welcome, and I believe it's still being tested. Wheels especially."
505 made a comment on twitter that might have been missed saying 23/07 was the day for the patch. I'm really hoping they don't (downgrade) the standard ps4 and lock it at 30 frames but rather also let the more powerful consoles run free.
That's the day for the intercontinental DLC.

The update, they said that when they have a date they will say it...but seems that on Xboxone the update is released
There's an update today, but it's a hotfix like the previous PSN one.
Can't see any differences even though it's 8.47gb
Anyone who doesn’t have a pc, don’t check out the pc version or it will really make you feel like you’re missing out. A buddy has this game on his high end pc and I played for a bit. Compared to my ps4, this isn’t even the same game. It’s amazing how fluid and good looking it is on a pc that can run it well. It’s not bad on ps4, but man it’s jarring to go back to it after you have seen it how it’s meant to be played... Makes me want a gaming pc, but I’ll wait and see if ps5 can scratch that itch for me.
Big difference is that my ps4 is worth maybe £200? I'm guessing a high end PC would be at least a grand more. So it's not really an option to swap for me and probably a lot of others. Plus space for the unit. As much as I'd love to play an optimised version of ACC I did 48 laps straight in hotlap around misano this afternoon and loved it!
And anyway you can't miss what you don't have :D
Big difference is that my ps4 is worth maybe £200? I'm guessing a high end PC would be at least a grand more. So it's not really an option to swap for me and probably a lot of others. Plus space for the unit. As much as I'd love to play an optimised version of ACC I did 48 laps straight in hotlap around misano this afternoon and loved it!
And anyway you can't miss what you don't have :D
True. I wish I hadn’t seen how much better the pc version was.

The big patch has been submitted - so we might get it in 2-3 weeks maybe?

Odd that this isn't big news on their twitter tho, it's only as a reply to someone

Edit : been released a lot sooner than expected for PS4!!
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Performance wise, I can’t notice a much difference at all, but then I never had any issues with it. Certainly not 60fps for anyone wondering/hoping.

As for force feedback... I’ll start this off by saying I have a G29 as your experience is going to be dependant on your wheel.

The bug where when you exit to PS4 menu and the wheel loses all FF and goes stiff is still there... Just go into the control menu to go back to normal.

They’ve upped the FF strength in relation to the Gain setting, that was the first thing I noticed. It did not feel nice on my already low setting of 40 (I like a light wheel. Feel it’s much more realistic). Just for a laugh I put it up to 90 and it felt ridiculous. Still loads of clipping at anything over 70. I’ve lower gain to 19!! That feels the closest to 40 I had before patch and kept other settings the same. Does it feel any different in terms of detail? Not really. Perhaps I can feel the car want to straighten up on me when I slam the brakes on a bit more, but apart from that, not much. I liked how it felt before though so I’m not too fussed.

This is all of course just a quick comparison and my initial thoughts.

For those of you who wanted a heavier wheel feel though, you’ve got your wish.
Just done a quick practice at Spa and its a massive improvement for me on the PS Pro. Especially coming past the grandstands, it was so juddery before.
My T300 saved settings haven't changed but I did get a message to ensure firmware was up to date, havent had that before. Default FFB isn't as strong back at default, put it back up to 100 gain.
Can't find private lobbies option.
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