V-Rally 4 (PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One) - Release date September 2018

  • Thread starter PzR Slim
If this IS just WRC 7 and I get to play it portably on Switch then I may never travel without the thing again. :lol:
Has anybody heard anything about who is making/made WRC8 ? I thought that it would be common knowledge by now..

Actually just read on the Gamersyde website, (where those videos came from), that Kylotonn put the next WRC game on hold to make VRally 4... Does this mean that they still hold the rights ?
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..I still don't get where the "V-Rally" bit ties into anything. Well, I say that, it's Kylotonn developing this, so perhaps I *do* know, but my point stands: what, if anything, makes this a V-Rally game? In other words, what stopped them from making this an original IP rather than continuously looking up Wikipedia for "Forgotten Racing Games", picking one and saying "yes, let's make our next game have that name and wing the rest of it". And while they're at it, I'm getting significantly bigger Rally Masters vibes than V-Rally vibes. Not to the point where I'd say that'd be a justified name for this, but.. *sigh*.

There are certain expectations that come with giving a game a certain name. You'd think they'd learnt that with.. that IP they bought and made a sequel to that's not quite as bad as the one that came before it, yet substantially worse than the ones before *that* - we all know the IP I'm thinking of. Judging by the fact this is still called V-Rally and they still have that other license they bought a while back up their sleeves, I'm guessing not.
..I still don't get where the "V-Rally" bit ties into anything. Well, I say that, it's Kylotonn developing this, so perhaps I *do* know, but my point stands: what, if anything, makes this a V-Rally game? In other words, what stopped them from making this an original IP rather than continuously looking up Wikipedia for "Forgotten Racing Games", picking one and saying "yes, let's make our next game have that name and wing the rest of it". And while they're at it, I'm getting significantly bigger Rally Masters vibes than V-Rally vibes. Not to the point where I'd say that'd be a justified name for this, but.. *sigh*.

There are certain expectations that come with giving a game a certain name. You'd think they'd learnt that with.. that IP they bought and made a sequel to that's not quite as bad as the one that came before it, yet substantially worse than the ones before *that* - we all know the IP I'm thinking of. Judging by the fact this is still called V-Rally and they still have that other license they bought a while back up their sleeves, I'm guessing not.
I was thinking the same thing whilst watching. But here is a question for you, what would make this a V-Rally title?
here is a question for you, what would make this a V-Rally title?

..I'm going to ignore the post above (that's quite ironic, by the way) and actually do this properly:

1: Ditch all cars that aren't proper rally cars and any tracks that seem too "stadion-ish". Remember the pretend-rallycross-because-rallycross-hadn't-become-mainstream circuit tracks that are basically looped versions of actual stages you'd get in classic rally games? Basically the same spirit PD's preserved in GT? Get those back in instead.
2: A banging soundtrack that'll be stuck to the inside of your face for the next 20 years of your life. And that it plays during races by default.
3: A stage editor that's at least on par with GT6's Track Path Editor.
4: A handling model that isn't afraid to be arcadey, in that easy-to-learn, difficult-to-master fashion.

I realise that most developers these days struggle to put even two of those in the same game, and granted, we don't know enough about this yet because.. well, video game developers gotta video game developer, I guess. For all we know, the handling could be along the right lines but the videos so far have just been exceptionally bad at emphasising that point.
It could have a stage editor, and it could be good, but it's just being kept a secret because.. why again? Why would one have such a thing and keep it a complete secret, apart from wishing to reveal under their own terms because that's apparently important. And yes, to any Captain Obviouses out there, it could still be under development and that's be the explanation and so on and so forth.
Maybe the soundtrack *is* good, but, for some reason, nothing's really known about that either. And again, one wonders.

Here's a fun little bit of food for thought: remember Colin McRae Rally? That other rally game where you did rally car things with rally cars on rally stages? Remember how the game that came after CMR2005 decided to also include more stuff, like Rally Raid trucks, buggies, hillclimb et cetera? Remember what they did with the title of that game? Or better yet, remember that spin-off of that title that was significantly more sim-oriented than its predecessors? What did they do to the title of *that* game?

My point, once again, is that maybe this is a good game - we don't know. But maybe - especially given their previous experience in this area - buying the rights to an old IP and slapping together something that vaguely fits the same bill is not the smartest idea out there.
Personally speaking, I would rather have more offroading disciplines and gymkhana just to have more things to try out, as long as the execution is done properly. A key reason why I like the DiRT series is because they ventured into new territories - solely racing WRC cars (with the unique car count being less than 10) on rally stages would get stale quickly.

I've heard favourable reviews for WRC 7 so using it as a foundation for this game can't be a bad thing.

And wasn't the first DiRT game still a Colin McRae title?
..I'm going to ignore the post above (that's quite ironic, by the way) and actually do this properly:

1: Ditch all cars that aren't proper rally cars and any tracks that seem too "stadion-ish". Remember the pretend-rallycross-because-rallycross-hadn't-become-mainstream circuit tracks that are basically looped versions of actual stages you'd get in classic rally games? Basically the same spirit PD's preserved in GT? Get those back in instead.
2: A banging soundtrack that'll be stuck to the inside of your face for the next 20 years of your life. And that it plays during races by default.
3: A stage editor that's at least on par with GT6's Track Path Editor.
4: A handling model that isn't afraid to be arcadey, in that easy-to-learn, difficult-to-master fashion.

I realise that most developers these days struggle to put even two of those in the same game, and granted, we don't know enough about this yet because.. well, video game developers gotta video game developer, I guess. For all we know, the handling could be along the right lines but the videos so far have just been exceptionally bad at emphasising that point.
It could have a stage editor, and it could be good, but it's just being kept a secret because.. why again? Why would one have such a thing and keep it a complete secret, apart from wishing to reveal under their own terms because that's apparently important. And yes, to any Captain Obviouses out there, it could still be under development and that's be the explanation and so on and so forth.
Maybe the soundtrack *is* good, but, for some reason, nothing's really known about that either. And again, one wonders.

Here's a fun little bit of food for thought: remember Colin McRae Rally? That other rally game where you did rally car things with rally cars on rally stages? Remember how the game that came after CMR2005 decided to also include more stuff, like Rally Raid trucks, buggies, hillclimb et cetera? Remember what they did with the title of that game? Or better yet, remember that spin-off of that title that was significantly more sim-oriented than its predecessors? What did they do to the title of *that* game?

My point, once again, is that maybe this is a good game - we don't know. But maybe - especially given their previous experience in this area - buying the rights to an old IP and slapping together something that vaguely fits the same bill is not the smartest idea out there.

:bowdown: IMO, There are racing games which are much more than racing games. It's not about the "sim value" or about how many cars and tracks are in the game. V Rally is one these games among GT (pre PS3), Ridge Racer Type 4, F Zero, Mario Kart... For example, the new Tomb Raider games since the reboot are great games but there are not Tomb Raider in my eyes. The atmosphere is something overlooked by many devs today.
And wasn't the first DiRT game still a Colin McRae title?

If we're being totally pedantic, then yes, the first two DiRT games did indeed bear the Colin McRae moniker - but that's missing the point entirely. While that does make them Colin McRae games, they're clearly not Colin McRae Rally games. Colin McRae Rally is, well, rally, whereas DiRT is all things offroad. DiRT wasn't enough of a rally game to be CMR6. And then it became it's own thing and then DiRT Rally kind of harked back to the CMR games, yadda yadda.

If the point still doesn't come across, take a look at, say, Need For Speed: Most Wanted - the 2012 one. Was it a bad game in its own right? Admittedly, it wasn't brilliant, but I wouldn't say it was outright bad either. Now compare it to, oh let me think, Need For Speed: Most Wanted - the 2005 one. Did certain expectations arise when they called the new game exactly the same as a classic one? Yes. Did it ultimately deliver? No.

Or better yet, look at their very own FlatOut "sequel".

And that's where Kylotonn's 404 errors lie - I'm not saying this can't be a good game in its own right. I'm saying it probably won't be a good V-Rally game.
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Well I understand that they probably shouldn't call it V Rally if it doesn't resemble it's predecessors, it's another rally game and as long as its quality standard matches WRC7 then happy days.

But @rallymorten I do understand where your coming from.
I do see @rallymorten 's point now.

Based on face value, it seems like V-Rally 4 is more about "offroad racing" than pure rally (as the name would suggest) but nothing has been highlighted about what percentage of the single-player campaign will focus on point-to-point rally stages versus other disciplines. Until clarified, it could still be possible for the career to be centred around traditional rallying with stuff like buggy racing, rallycross and gymkhana being showcase events, or have a progression system similar to The Crew 2 where you can achieve the highest rank just by playing your favourite discipline.

EDIT: After watching the 6-minute gameplay video, what exactly is the point of Extreme-Khana? :confused: I thought there would be some DiRT 3-style scoring system but it basically looks like time trial.
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In the comments Team VVV claims the WRC co-driver is just a placeholder. The final game will have a new co-driver voice.
WRC 7 foundations with DiRT 4-like content; looks like a genuinely fun offroad racer from what I can see! 👍

Only thing that is a slight concern is the time it is coming out - That September 2017 release date places it within the Forza Horizon 4 release window. With that said, having V-Rally in the title should attract the nostalgic gaming crowd.
..I'm just going to do what everyone expects me to at this point and point out the factual error that "sim-oriented" = "V-Rally".

Again, they had every chance in the world to make it an original IP and everyone would've been absolutely fine, but alas, they're going for the fan-favorite Home Alone 3 approach - and we all know how well *that* approach tends to work out.

Hope it gets course creator too.

Considering what we know about.. everything.. so far, I heavily doubt it. Heaven forbid V-Rally 4 have some remnants of actual V-Rally in it.
Something I’ll keep my eye on. Besides the obvious Colin McRae Rally games, the V-Rally games was some of my favourites growing up.
We’ll see how the Switch version turns out. Then I may pick it up.

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