VC and SA Superjumps--instructions, pics, & discussion

  • Thread starter Spuds725
On mine he'd shake and wiggle and he'd just keep doing it, if I floored it or anything it would shake/wiggle more voilently untill it got traction, but it wouldn't go further than shaking/wiggling, I tried it so many times and in many different ways but it just wouldn't launch.
Exactly. I don't know about sending you my Vice City game, I probably could do it. It would cost a bit though, but that doesn't worry me.

Give me a month or two, and remind me. I'll send it to one of you. Then Email me your postage details. Thanks. Much appreciated.
How does the GTA3 superjump compare to the Vice City superjumps? Is it harder, easier, etc.?

I'm the laziest GTA player in the universe, but if it's not too difficult I might try it.


I'd say its easier to do, but more luck involved in getting a good one. Little ones are easier.

In case anyone has no idea how its done. You need to park a cheetah or infernus (thats what I read anyway--I've only use a bullet proof cheetah)--on the L-train tracks in a certain spot (right where the curve starts where the train comes down the hill from St. Marks as it approaches chinatown/redlight district (real close to the unique jump up onto the tracks)-- I normally drive the car up to the St. Marks train station and get up on the tracks that way. Anyway, when you are in position, enter the health cheat code except for the last button and wait--the L-train hits you to launch you (you will likely catch fire--hit the last button for the health cheat so you don't die)--I've read that its not the train that causes the jump directly but that it pushes you down into the tracks and the jump is caused by the car freeing itself--it happens very fast so its hard to tell-- anyway-- thats it--- I've had lots of little ones-- I've seen a video of one that launched the car to Staunton Island, it bounced off the building under construction and then flew back to the north east side of portland.

Anyway, it is less tedious since you can heal the car with the health cheat and drive right back up on the tracks for another try.

Superjumping is the only time I do condone cheating-- I did use a health for a teleport jump at Phils (when I caught fire on a bounce)- and have done it on every GTA3 jump I've done.

I'm still debating on whether to include jumps that use them in the recordbook---
I'm still debating on whether to include jumps that use them in the recordbook---
I wouldn't worry about it, personally.

I've also tried that Superjump. I got hardly anywhere. I know I did it wrong, but I couldn't be bothered re-trying it. Back when I tried it, I wasn't overly into Superjumps.
<stuff about superjumps and money>

I once did a bunch of jumps and stunts and took notes of the distance, height, rotation and money to try to figure out how it was calculated but I couldn't figure out the exact formula used. I figured out roughly how it was calculated but nothing precise.

What I was going to do was find 3 jumps, each with stats for height, distance, and rotation-- and the money for each...but no flips.

That gives you 3 eqauations with 3 variables each-- it is possible to simultaneosly solve the equations to find out the dollar value of coefficient of each variable--I just have to look up how to do it-- I do remember they take a while--anyway after I figure out the value for each-- then all I have to do is plug in one with flips to figure out the flips coefficient-- clear as mud...
Spuds, I understand what you are talking about with the equations (35 on ACT Math ;) ), but I think there is a possibility that exponents are involved. I think you should do the three equations thing, I might do it myself, but if it is not working out right, then I bet the money values of each variable increase exponentialy. Now that would make it difficult to solve. :embarrassed:
Damn calculas, lol. Thoguh calculas is one of the more usefull parts of maths it's sometimes annoying.
Deli Dingo
Spuds, I understand what you are talking about with the equations (35 on ACT Math ;) ), but I think there is a possibility that exponents are involved.
I never thought of writing it down as 3 simultaneous equations. I could figure that out but I'd be stumped if they weren't linear equations.

If the math gets too ugly-- I can always look it up how to solve it in MS Excel (so far I've been able to do a bunch of stuff in excel that I didn't think it could do--the hard part is as always figuring out how to make it solve it)-- there has to be a formula for it. I doubt there are exponents-- to what end--the money values are actually pretty low so if there is are exponents involve--it would have to be close to 1--otherwise the superjumps would give alot more money.

I never took the ACT--I did score 710 on math section of SAT

PS--- I just picked up my copy of San Andreas--will be loading it up shortly--my kid is eating his breakfast--as soon as he's done I'll be there.

I did check out the map-- the land masses do look bigger but the layout looks similar to the other GTAs (more like III then VC)---Islands---they even look closer then VCs--guess I'll have to load it up and see what the scale looks like--- It looks fairly similar to the Sanfrancisco Bay area to me (IMO)-- looks to be some interesting geography to me--- (lots of bridges)....hmmmm I'm guessing earthquake will close the bridges... 💡 -- oh well no spoilers although I'm going to be dying to discuss this game....I might have to stop coming here... :grumpy:
Yeah, I second the No Spoilers thing, too. Until the 29th of October when we finally get it. Then, I don't really care, as I have "look-away" powers, so I'll instantly ignore any mission information that gets posted here.
Yeah I'm avoiding anything to do with missions for a fair while.

I know so many people who don' really care about missions or storylines. They just want to free roam, and take over the city. :)
Spuds, I just realized that there are 4 variables! This complicates the situation a little bit, but I will try it sometime this week. ;)
What's that, flips? If so Spuds said he would work that out once he has the others worked out, make it simple.
Tips for West facing jumps from Phil's Place.

If, when you are setting up for a south facing jump, you end up stuck though the wall (facing West) it is still possible to get a jump.

Basically you need to accelerate whilst holding left so that you move back towards the corner (I find it's easiest to see what you are doing if you hold in the R2 button). Eventually the bike will start to lean over to the left and end up on it's left side...this is where you will jump from. It takes a bit of throttle control to keep the bike moving sometimes, but even if it doesn't result in a jump you usually end up still trhough the wall and can try another much quicker than trying to get unstuck and getting into position for a south facing jump again.

If anyone needs any more info, I'll be happy to oblige.
Rimjaw, I've used that technique before. I only pulled off one jump that way, but it was a nice teleport jump. I think the odds of getting a west-facing jump are quite a bit lower than the odds of getting a south-facing jump, from my experience anyways. ;)

@ Blake, yeah that would be easier. What was I thinking?. . . :boggled:
Jimmy, I didn't really explain much. . . .are you talking about someone else? Am I taking somebody else's "Thank You"! Take it away from me, Jimmy!! :scared:

JK, if you were really thanking me, then: you're welcome ;)
Oops, sorry. Thank you Rimjaw.

I just quickly scrolled up to see who posted it, and it looked like yours so I thanked you. Sorry Deli and Rimjaw!
Deli Dingo
Rimjaw, I've used that technique before. I only pulled off one jump that way, but it was a nice teleport jump. I think the odds of getting a west-facing jump are quite a bit lower than the odds of getting a south-facing jump, from my experience anyways. ;)

@ Blake, yeah that would be easier. What was I thinking?. . . :boggled:

I think he was moving the bike farther into the corner-- I never really tried that-- I was always farther out on my teleport jumps
Got a nice Packer jump last night. :)

Triple Insane $7650
D: 235.92m
H: 342.93m
F: 2
R: 21090°

Jumped over the Airport Terminal building.

Also for a laugh, I took a passenger for some jumps from Phil's Place, but no decent stats.
Actually, they didn't which kinda surprised me :confused:. I must have took the same passenger for at least 6 jumps.

I've kinda stopped briefly as I've got SA now. Although hopefully someone will find a superjump (or many) in that. :confused:
I don't think there will be to be honest. I think Rockstar are aware of the SuperJump glitch, and I would say they fixed it. But who knows...
Somehow I doubt there will be, but there's probably somewhere where you can get that glitch working.
They mightn't have bothered fixing it. Why would they?

It's not like graphical glitches or gameplay bugs that negatively affect your game. The Superjump thing was only ever an issue for people who enjoyed it.
