Video game pet peeves.

you shouldn't struggle through something as wondrous as exploration just because there's a carrot being dangled at the end
Ah, but sometimes you need a reason to get out there in the first place. Not everyone finds exploration to be its own reward.
Always online requirement, even in games that are heavily multiplayer-oriented. Unless it's an MMO, requiring an internet connection is just DRM. The second I find out that a game I downloaded on iOS requires an internet connection, I immediately delete it. Like seriously, an online connection is required for a Bejeweled clone? Really??

Items/Pickups/Weapons having an obnoxious effect to indicate that they're something to pick up or interact with. A subtle effect like a glint or sparkle (a la Until Dawn or Fatal Frame) is totally cool with me. But things like giving an item a hideously thick glowy outline, or having a shine effect repeatedly run across it just looks totally out of place and is really annoying. A little bit more forgivable in games not about exploration, since the fun in those games isn't derived from the act of looking around and trying to find things yourself.

Rubber Banding. It doesn't increase the tension and excitement of the race, only annoyance.

Microtransactions in non-free games. Back in the day, we didn't have to pay for a couple bytes of game data to be manipulated in our favor, we had cheat codes. I honestly can't fathom how anyone can defend this abominable practice.

Cosmetic/minor DLC. Almost as pathetic as the microtransactions. At least you're getting new content for your money, but it's still just trying to milk customers by charging for something that cost the devs next to nothing to produce and could've easily been provided to loyal customers for free. I understand charging for substantial DLC, but stuff like charging $1-6 per DLC character costume in a full-price game? Pathetic.

Unskippable cutscenes. Okay great, the devs put too much time and effort into the cutscenes for them to be wasted... guess what? If people are playing your game for the story, they aren't skipping the cutscenes the first time through it. Robbing people of the ability to skip them is just going to annoy the piss out of players if they try to replay the game and don't necessarily want to sit through every single cutscene that they've already seen.
Boss Rushes - I usually don't have a problem with elements being reused before the final battle, like a stage that uses every element of previous stages but Boss Rushes add nothing and are just time wasters. I feel like they are a buzz kill and I can't enjoy the final boss as I would of if there wasn't a Boss Rush. I find Sonic Lost World to be the worst offender especially the 3DS version, where the entire final world (Lava Mountain) is just previous Bosses before the final boss. At least the Wii U version had an actual level between the 2 Boss Rush stages.

Stages that go for too long - My gaming sessions are actually very short, like 30 minutes short. So when I waste 1/3 (or even more) of my session on a single level, it drives me crazy. I understand that stages at the end need to be longer than the ones at the start, but they shouldn't be over 10 Minutes. (I'm looking at EVERY Sonic Games since Sonic Adventure until Sonic Colours). I rather see something that goes for 10 Minutes be split up into 3 Stages that go for 3.3 minutes (like what they did with the Night Stages of the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed)
Racing games that on one hand claim to offer some semblance of reality in their driving physics but then include the notion that certain cars will corner faster when drifting round corners. That should only be acceptable if your game is Ridge Racer/Outrun levels of realistic. GRID 2 is the current offender I'm playing.
Pausing the game taking so long. Persona 3 and FES have this when you hit triangle to bring up the menu and it takes so long. Thankfully they fixed this in Persona 3 Portable as well as making menu naivgation much faster.

There's also the inability to take direct control of all your party members in some Turn Based RPGs, especially when their AI is iffy on their decisions. Persona 3 FES has this. This is fixed in P3P by adding the ability to issue direct orders in the Tactics menu.
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Another that I have to point out is when the AI targets you specifically. Doesn't matter that there are other people around, you are the only one that has their attention even when they themselves are getting hit by your allies. Too many games have this annoying feature and it's totally unrealistic.
Another that I have to point out is when the AI targets you specifically. Doesn't matter that there are other people around, you are the only one that has their attention even when they themselves are getting hit by your allies. Too many games have this annoying feature and it's totally unrealistic.

Oh yeah, I definitely hate that.
At the start of Boss battles, and no matter where you trigger the Boss, you are put right in the middle in the open, as if you would really just stand in the middle awaiting the encounter. Some times even you start nearly face to face, like you would really get that close to some one trying to kill you before doing anything.
Why would you do this to yourself?

Ha, I'm still on PS3 so running out of new games to play, going back to replay some older ones. I don't think GRID 2 is too bad overall, but all the 'drift' cars you're given at the start are annoying. It's a while before you get one categorised as 'Grip'.
When video game levels don't have alternative paths or secret endings. I like to play levels over and over and the best part of it is finding areas that you never saw before (Sonic Colours does this best). So it is disappointing to play a level a 2nd time only to find out that there isn't any bonus areas..

When a collecting game looks interesting gameplay wise but has nothing likeable to collect. This is why I don't like Yo-kai Watch.
Edit: Wrong topic.
Pet peeve:
The ability to make your own music playlists and use them in a game. It's not a necessary feature, but I guess it's good for those who hate the default BGM.

The real pet peeve here is Bad Background Music

@Grandea GTR knows all too well how that music option can go.
Pet peeve:
The ability to make your own music playlists and use them in a game. It's not a necessary feature, but I guess it's good for those who hate the default BGM.

The real pet peeve here is Bad Background Music

@Grandea GTR knows all too well how that music option can go.
I do? Wait, are you talking about my wham?
The real pet peeve here is Bad Background Music
Remember GT5 using PNAU for its menus? I hated that song. Mostly because it came out when I was at university, and I used to have a four-hour lecture starting at 8:00am on a Thursday morning, and attendance was compulsory. There was a girl living on my floor at college who used to get back to the college at 3:00am completely drunk - Wednesday night was function night - and it was the first song that she used to play. And she used to play it loudly. And she and her friends would sing along with it (badly, of course). They never listened when I asked them to turn it down, and never understood why I got upset when I started failing the course because I couldn't stay awake during the lectures.
Pet peeve:
The ability to make your own music playlists and use them in a game. It's not a necessary feature, but I guess it's good for those who hate the default BGM.

The real pet peeve here is Bad Background Music

@Grandea GTR knows all too well how that music option can go.
This was a Godsend in GT6. That soundtrack was so dreadful that it was nice to have the option to use my own music.

Wonder if it's in the new NFS...
28. Texts Ghosting Lines (or whatever they call it) you see after you read a wall of text in games or even just after reading anything on the net. It hurts my eyes badly.
Sudden QTEs.

An example of this would be in Yakuza.

There is a scene that goes on for some time, where the controller would turn itself off if you have the setting on.

The cutscene goes on... Then BOOM!


That is how I made my first ever game over in the series.
Padding a car list with PS2-era cars.

"Grinding". I hate how some games force you to "grind" to get an item you want/need for your character.
31. Unbalanced Economy- This makes the game dull.

-Too many items lying around, there's no need to buy items except rare ones.
-So much money in game but not so much items available to buy.
-Too many things to buy but its hard to earn money.
