Weekly Race Series, Week 1 - Supraman!!!

  • Thread starter boombexus
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Will start now. Cant wait :D
Alright, Im in, but you guys dont need to take my input into consideration simply because I cant save a replay and put it on the net.

Sorry bout that, but Im still gonna keep track of best lap and send it into you guys.

Talk to you at the end.
hey ill give it a try but im stuck doing my homwork, ill give it a go asap. i like this weekly race series very neat idea... will this be able to raise ppl who are begiingers into the amateaur class?????
Originally posted by cobraking13
u did trial mountain in 33.919 seconds :banghead: im over 1 minute! im confused

that's not the lap time, it's the sector time...

btw, just did a 33.885 at T2, although my overall time was slower than my fastest lap, for which i did a 34.012.
I don't think i can go much faster, though... well, maybe if i stopped getting sideways just before the T3 measurement... :lol:
Originally posted by cobraking13
... will this be able to raise ppl who are begiingers into the amateaur class?????

Those racers that are consistently running faster than their class will get a chance to advance.
how do i find what class im in???

Send u my times on Friday or on Satday or Sunday...maybe

sounds fun
In half an hour i'll be on myn for half an hour. :mischievous:
Yup. :)

I ran 10 laps and got a 35.512. But I has ASM on and it was slowing me down. If I feel like it I'll run another 10 without ASM, but my little toe is giving me so much pain (was running through the house, kicked the wall, bruising. I have a purple toe!!).

[edit] Just ran another 23 laps (that ghost was putting me off) and all of a sudden I started running fast clean laps, I was sure I was mowing the lawns somewhere, but nope, no grass. I ended up with a 34.876, which I'm sure I can improve on and in no way reflects my overall time, I must've been running fast 1st and 3rd sectors. Any Beginners here want to compare T2 times with me? I have sore hands, eyes and neck so I'm going to bed. God I'm rambling...[/edit]
I started working on this tonight, I ran a T2 time of 33.5XX but then I touched a wall:mad: I think the T2 time from my fastest clean lap so far is about 33.8XX but I have ran a number of them below 34 seconds. Everytime I get a good run going I graze a damn wall!:banghead: I'll get a fast clean run strung up eventually...I hope. I've had enough for today, my thumb is turning purple.
I'm slated in the beginners bracket, and I've turned an inebriated 34.945. I clipped the wall entering the third tunnel on that run, but other than that it was clean. With a bit more time for improvement tonight I clean it up and trim some time off.

I do have a question. this pertains to classifying a "Fast lap" There may be other tracks that this plays into, but Trial mtn. is one of hte easiest to gain a time advantage. Situation: I'm peaking the hill before the final chicane, and I've already clippede two walls. So at this point the run is invalid. so if I cut the grass one more time, I'm in no way violating the rules. However. Mowing hte grass through the chicane will give me a half second advantage for for the next lap. That second lap doesn't begin until the start/finish line is crossed.
Is this considered an illegal move? You've got no way to prove it in a replay verified fast lap. However in a mutli-lap race, it gives that advantage away only once.

Just a thought. My stance states it is an illegal move. It gives you an unfair advantage. While it can't be proven that you did jump the grass, we are still practicing to improve overall lap times.

It'd be great if PD was able to assess time penalties for instances such as this.

Interesting point there

I would say it is a clear breach of the rules cutting that corner gives you a 10 / 15 Km speed advantage on the home straight..

But as you have pointed out how do we know that folk are not using it to gain time ..
Some people cut it too early resulting in loss of speed ..
But i,ve found that if you cut it just on the other side of the rumble strip you have a nice line running into the main straight ..

Still in my eye's cheating ..
people may cut that corner and its non relevant to your next lap ;) as long as what u see in the replay is clean then your ok , no one can seriously be DA'ed for an off in the lap prior to the submitted fast lap :cool: my opinion :D

and like said by others 1 out of 10 attempts you will actually gain from a move like this , who cares anyway ? lets just see who can wrap this event up best ;)

laters y all :thumb
Originally posted by Der Alta

I do have a question. this pertains to classifying a "Fast lap" There may be other tracks that this plays into, but Trial mtn. is one of hte easiest to gain a time advantage. Situation: I'm peaking the hill before the final chicane, and I've already clippede two walls. So at this point the run is invalid. so if I cut the grass one more time, I'm in no way violating the rules. However. Mowing hte grass through the chicane will give me a half second advantage for for the next lap. That second lap doesn't begin until the start/finish line is crossed.
Is this considered an illegal move? You've got no way to prove it in a replay verified fast lap. However in a mutli-lap race, it gives that advantage away only once.

Just a thought. My stance states it is an illegal move. It gives you an unfair advantage. While it can't be proven that you did jump the grass, we are still practicing to improve overall lap times.

It'd be great if PD was able to assess time penalties for instances such as this.


Hey Alex,

Interesting point you bring up. Since there would be no way to prove what had happened on the lap prior, and your fastest lap is clean, then it cant be considered an illegal move.
All you need is one clean lap. What happened on the lap prior to your fastest clean lap, is of no consequence.

But I would certainly hope that everyone would run all there laps as cleanly as possible. :)
My experience is that clipping the grass necessitates less coreection than riding the rumble strip does, and that it can give you 2-5 mph at the start finish line above what riding the strip or, I assume, staying on the tarmac would.
So far, i have a 34.4xx

Got a 34.0xx, but then i hit a wall! :mad:
Well I want to know if these T2 times from you pro's are just ploys to throw off us amatuers and beginers.

I just put down a 34.0?? and so did dodge the viper.

We were both rated as amatuers, so I just wondered if you guys were saving the real goods for later.
Please dont take that as an insult in any way either.

I also want to mention that I think this race is going to come down to who can execute 2 specific turns the best...
the turn just before the T3 mark, and the turn just after.

Those two turns are what I see as the most important for getting a good time.

The major turn after the long straight is also important, but the 2 I just mentioned are the ones I will be concentrating on. (along with the whole track of course)

So what do you guys think?

I will be back with my best T2 time just as soon as I feel I have made one worth mentioning.

BTW, I wanted to ask whats the best way to get your t2 time without pausing the game?
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