Weekly Race Series, Week - 8, Rally round the family.

  • Thread starter boombexus
Originally posted by Wastegate
Where's Mr P and Max E when you need them.

:confused: REALLY !!! Usually at least TRY their set-ups since chassis tuning is NOT my forte. Thanks to You, lotus350 & IDAFC21👍 I've at least got a pretty DECENT handling ride!!!

@ IDAFC21 Thanx for the advice but driving w/Blue Logitech wheel Manual is NOT an option and drving w/thumbs just seems "unnatural" after drving w/wheel in Real Life for so many years. (Guess I'm gonna have to step up to a MOMO soon.)...UB57
Ok decided to give this a go after my snooze :P

Ran a 100k session to get this car up to scratch..
best first save

I lost a bit of time between sectors 2/3 ..still tinkering around with the settings ..Yet to try the ones posted ..But i will be trying them :P
hey peeps im back and after 40 laps with the same settings im happy to say I SUCK! 100% i am so **** at this even though i love rallying i think its the course i hate the maze its the most difficult of the rally tracks. the car however is wonderful i love it its perfect and i think the game makes it look slightly rounder than it is in reeal life.

the results: (so far)
(these times are not on the same lap they are my best overall)

t1: 0'34.228
t2: 1'03.150
woohoo i used your settings lotus and i chopped lumps off of my time

t1: 0'33.742
t2: 1'02.067
how did u get sub-1'00
I've been playing around with diff settings, and am finding the 5/5/5 a bit quicker than the combination I've been using before.

I'm finding it rather easy to get too sideways entering the corners, which is scrubbing speed and pointing me into the inside walls. So I've tried running Front: 5/5/15 and rear 5/5/20, and this seems to help.

I would suggest anyone who has this problem to raise their LSD braking settings as it doesnt seem to affect performance unduly.

Hit my best T2 at 59.585 this evening, and am going to submit the lap because I don't think I've got anything left in the tank.
59.5, nice wastegate 👍 The lsd is the one setting i havent really messed around w/ yet, i'll have to try your suggestions. Im not sure i'll be gettin better than the lap ive got now tho, but you never know...if i dont get a better time, i certainly wont be disappointed w/ the time ive got now...haha
IDAFC21 & Wastegate
👍 GREAT TIMES !!! You can both PARK IT now & give the rest of us a chance to catch-up!!! Will have to try the diff settings as I'm still running all 5s am I'm sure I'm the only one running 50% VCD. PARK 'EM, BOTH OF YOU!!! ...UB57
Originally posted by UB57
IDAFC21 & Wastegate
👍 GREAT TIMES !!! You can both PARK IT now & give the rest of us a chance to catch-up!!! Will have to try the diff settings as I'm still running all 5s am I'm sure I'm the only one running 50% VCD. PARK 'EM, BOTH OF YOU!!! ...UB57

well said UB u 2 ahve gotta slow down or youll go into light speed and well never see or hear from u again!:lol:
now wouldnt that be a pity! J/K:P
Originally posted by UB57
:confused: REALLY !!! Usually at least TRY their set-ups since chassis tuning is NOT my forte. Thanks to You, lotus350 & IDAFC21👍 I've at least got a pretty DECENT handling ride!!!

I've never thought my settings were ever used by anyone else let alone help , thankyou all for the praises

Originally posted by UB57
IDAFC21 & Wastegate
👍 GREAT TIMES !!! You can both PARK IT now & give the rest of us a chance to catch-up!!! Will have to try the diff settings as I'm still running all 5s am I'm sure I'm the only one running 50% VCD. PARK 'EM, BOTH OF YOU!!! ...UB57

I agree :irked: :D
did a few laps and and the stiffer suspension setup really worked, now T1 around 30 and T2 about 59

I think making the gears "close ratio" works for better acceleration but my times do not show that yet, it did however improve them.
a 30 t1?? good god, are you sure about that? that seems awfully fast, w/ a time like that too you should doin a lot better than a 59 t2 also.....i doubt my times are gonna get any better from here on out. i dont know what i was on before, but i think i hit my peak w/ that one lap
Sorry guys i've been extremely busy with work this week , will get a few laps in today hopefully ;)

Would be nice if these 59 t2 runners to post there set up and save me some tuning time :D

I'll be back soon , but dont worry i'm crap on tahiti maze :embarrassed: amatuer league here i come !:P
Originally posted by UB57
IDAFC21 & Wastegate you can both PARK IT now & give the rest of us a chance to catch-up!!!

I know when I'm not wanted. Will go into the garage and sulk. ;) Anyway I think we're both Maze'd out.

Here's my settings, which are very similar to IDAFC21's since he, Lotus and myself sort of developed them together.

brakes: 19/19
lsds 5/5/15 5/5/20
d/f: max
tcs/asm: 0
vcd: 20%
Thanx guys ;)

1st runs in IDAFC21's set up and best sectors so far...


not my track at all ,but i'll try the next set up and start tweaking them from there , thanx for the jump start guys :cool:
could this erm be the start of another ....na never mind :lol:

Anyways ran a couple more laps last night my first two sectors where utter pants in the 33's and,,1'01 marks but managed to pull it back for sector 3 ..1'22.505..
Why am I finding it so hard to get off my arse and get on my ps2 and finish one god damn series so I can start on winning this car ?!?!? :irked:
Originally posted by redmer
just improved, now T1 28.9 and T2 58.something !

Are you sure about these times redmer? I for one find it hard to believe that anyone can take over 3 seconds out of Lotus350, Mr P, UB57, IDAFC21, Pedrodaman and myself in one sector.

I rather think you've been running at Tahiti Circuit and not Tahiti Maze. As these would be very creditable times at that track.

LOL. :lol:
at the moment i am using these settings

Spring Rate 15.0 16.0 First N/A
Ride Height 160 160 Second N/A
Shock Bound 7 7 Third N/A
Shock Rebound 7 7 Fourth N/A
Camber 2.4 1.4 Fifth N/A
Toe 1.0 2.0 Sixth N/A
Stabilizer 5 5 Final 2.887
Brake Balance 18 19 Auto Set 39
Downforce 0.74 0.91 Assist / Misc
Limited Slip Front Rear ASM 3
Initial Torque 10 10 TCS 0
Accel 20 40 VCD 22
Decel 10 20 AYC N/A
Ok had another session at the Maze :irked: not happy ! but I'll leave it at that ...


Not bad for a few hours work :mischievous: ... shame i aint got the patience for anymore ... like i say the Maze is not good to me
BIG UP! to the fast guys here :cool:
hmm...this track still continues to confuse me, i just pulled a lap together w/ these times
which is approximatelya combined .400th's slower than my previous best sectors, yet i turned out a lap that was about .500ths BETTER than my save w/ the faster sector times. Ive still gotta be making time on that tarmac section or somthing, i dont know where its coming from, but im not complaining.

Hey cobraking, try lowering the spring rate a tad, REALLY lowering the ride height, and soften up those stabilizers a click or two. You gotta be able to let the cars weight shift to bring you thru the turns, but not so much that youre fishtailing around every curve. You'd be surprised how much better the car handles w/ the lower ride height tho. i thought wastegate was crazy when he suggested lowering the ride hight as low as it'd go, but it actually worked out pretty good. haha. Course thats just my suggestion. Different settings work for different people

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