What do you want to return to GTA?

  • Thread starter Sage Ages
It's more or less based on personal preference and your playing style. They'll all get the job done, but you'll have to know what you're doing.
Last night, I was playing Pacific Standard with two GTP'ers and a random. I believe that random was using the Bullpup Rifle, but I'm not entirely sure. How good is that rifle, by the way? I saw this one guy on YouTube using it in an extremely fast-paced crew battle. I don't think he used the left trigger once because he moved around so quickly.

On another note, which rifle(s) should I keep or throw away? I own the Assault Rifle (Chinese AK-47 clone) for looks, the Carbine Rifle because it's the only suppressed rifle I have, the Advanced Rifle, and Special Carbine.

The Special Carbine has the highest damage of those at close ranges. The Carbine has the furthest auto-aim locking range and has the greatest accuracy at medium-long ranges. The advanced rifle is rather redundant as it has less accuracy but higher rate of fire, which isn't an issue with any of these. Throw the 'Assault Rifle' out; it's junk and you don't want it on your weapon wheel unless you really really enjoy the aesthetics of it. I almost exclusively use the regular 'Carbine' as it is the best all around in that group. At closer ranges where the Special Carbine is more effective I often find myself using a shotgun instead anyway.
It's more or less based on personal preference and your playing style. They'll all get the job done, but you'll have to know what you're doing.

Comparing the Bullpup vs Special Carbine:

Damage: SC has slightly more
Fire Rate: BR fires faster
Accuracy: SC is more accurate
Range: SC has longer range

It seems fairly balanced, but I want to clear up my weapon inventory. I'll check stats for all rifles later. Helping a friend in a heist setup.
The assault rifle will actually do more damage than some of the other rifles if they have suppressors, but the firing rate will negate this most of the time.
Don't bother with the stats 'graphs' in ammunation. They are as useful as the acceleration/top speed graphs above the cars in your garage. As an example, look at the 'damage' rating for the grenade launcher and the Sniper Rifles. You'll be surprised to find that the Heavy Sniper has a greater 'Damage' stat, while inflicting a decidedly lower amount of damage when actually used. Not too many cars blow up with one shot from a Sniper, despite the higher damage rating. If you want to test the firearms properly, get another player or two with you and experiment at different distances with different weapons.

The information that I described above is all from practical application rather than having any weight from the stats graphs in Ammunation. Much like the performance of various vehicles in the game, you cannot trust either the in-game stats or the internet. For example, I cannot stress enough how many people insist that the Dinghy is the fastest boat, yet the Jetmax still walks it up top. The Dinghy is the go-to for races with tighter turns, etc, but a straight run up the coast and it'll be far behind the Jetmax up top.
The Ammunation stats can give a vague idea of what a weapon is like, but it's far from being 100% accurate. You're better off testing the weapons out yourself.