Seeing as the current Horizon takes place in southern France and northern Italy, it seems unlikely that would go there again.I think northern Italy would be a good location. Winding roads, fast Autostradas, quaint little villages and cities like Venice, Milan and Turin.
I think it will be in Australia, I hope there is a big long road through the outback, so you can do top speed in an Ultima!
It's a long shot, but how about places like Wales or Scotland? We've got some fantastic roads here in the UK.
Where in Australia would PG find tighter, windy roads? Are there any outside Tasmania?
My first choice is Japan, but there are some other likely candidates:
Australia - The odds are up there with Japan, but I'm concerned the roads will lack variety.
Brazil - Rio is a stunning environment in FM6, although people are likely to complain about laziness for using an existing environment (although rural areas could be added too)
South Korea - Seoul would suit the Horizon vibe. If Tokyo is too cliché, this would be worth considering too.
Dubai... Maybe?
I would love to have a properly vast wide open landscape to tear around in something with miles of suspension and Forza physics. Desert racing anyone?
Better have Uluru in there somewhere