Will Forza Horizon 4's Next Expansion Feature LEGO?

  • Thread starter mustafur
Yeah... I was hoping for more terrain or roads to race on. That's... Interesting I guess?

I'll wait for more details, on included cars for example, before making a judgment, but it looks like a less interesting version of the Hotwheel expansion...
Well I'm satisfied, this looks AWESOME!!!! Pun not intended. I don't about everybody else but I'm going to enjoy this expansion. Plus I never held any high expectations so this to me looks good enough and fun.

Thank you PG!
Since it's a separate world, it's of no consequence to my enjoyment. That being said, what most disappoints me is that resources that could have brought extra cars in an extra pack were instead used for modelling ugly, awfully limited versions of cars.
The Mini and Ferrari look nice... The Senna is savage though.
>be me
>hear rumors of the next FH4 expansion being Lego-themed
>some ain't gonna like this
>expansion is indeed Lego-themed
>me reading the comments

Well, I'm really disappointed. Mainly because it's what I was thinking up in my head on what they would do for a Lego Expansion. They added a new world of Lego adding blocky versions of cars already in the game. I like arcade games, but when they're in their own separate worlds. As in, if it's going to be a Lego game, I rather it was just Lego cars without the regular cars. The crossing over real cars with lego cars thing doesn't appeal to me.

Honestly, I wanted an expansion to another land with new races plus some new "real-world" cars. Yes, there's plenty already in FH4, but there could always be more.

You mean to tell me you never raced Hot Wheels on the LEGO city road pieces?
I haven't myself, I was always racing hotwheels on my HW playsets or my Daytona floor mat. :P
>be me
>hear rumors of the next FH4 expansion being Lego-themed
>some ain't gonna like this
>expansion is indeed Lego-themed
>me reading the comments


I'm seriously wondering for those that aren't sold on this - from the hints and rumors that came out before this, what would have you been happy with, legitimately? Because I really do have the feeling that no matter what Playground came out with - LEGO or not - there'd be a subsection of people that were audibly not impressed or displeased. how much of that is based on what Playground has done to the game in the past few months, I don't know.

Again - I'm holding my own reservations until the press release outlining what's coming, but from the trailer, it certainly looks spirited and fun. Whether it actually is fun...I guess we'll see.
Since it's a separate world, it's of no consequence to my enjoyment. That being said, what most disappoints me is that resources that could have brought extra cars in an extra pack were instead used for modelling ugly, awfully limited versions of cars.

We don't even *know* what's coming in the expansion other then what was shown. So frankly, save the 'should have put the resources to real cars' argument away until we know.
I'm seriously wondering for those that aren't sold on this - from the hints and rumors that came out before this, what would have you been happy with, legitimately? Because I really do have the feeling that no matter what Playground came out with - LEGO or not - there'd be a subsection of people that were audibly not impressed or displeased. how much of that is based on what Playground has done to the game in the past few months, I don't know.

Again - I'm holding my own reservations until the press release outlining what's coming, but from the trailer, it certainly looks spirited and fun. Whether it actually is fun...I guess we'll see.
Nice scenery and roads. Maybe based in the mountains or super hilly area.

From the trailer a lot of it looks like they took the most boring parts of the map and added Lego buildings to it.

The only thing I'm interested in is that it looks like they added a track.
We Officially have the most realistic Lego Racing Ever created.

I have very mixed feelings about this. On one end it looks very very silly and doesn't seem to be an idea that I'm not hearing many ask for as an expansion, but at the same time, the trailer has a lot of energy and enthusiasm and it's something definitely out of the ordinary. It could be like the Hot Wheels Expansion for Horizon 3 which was universally praised. Me personally I would've love a more city-esque expansion with London or so, but I will definitely keep an open mind on this.
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