Words I Hate

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It's probably being marketed to both Brits and Americans.

The company founder's surname was Armour. Not sure if they marketed meats overseas, but I've never seen the brand on store shelves here.
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Biscuit....call it a cookie
They're different words (from French and Dutch) for different things.

I hate the words:
Drawing - but only when pronounced with two Rs

One I particularly hate is "sorry" - if only because it's considerably easier to say than to be and often the act of saying it replaces the act of being it.
When people write "utilised" where they mean "used" it boils my kidneys.
You should get that checked out, people generally need to utilise those, don't want to damage 'em. ;)

I should mention that I don't really hate any specific words, but I really dislike some names.
Ask is a word I really do not like. Most people that can not pronounce it properly say "axe" but I have the misfortune of saying "ass" every time I want to say "ask".
:lol: Ass.

Anyways, for me I hate any words Famine says....oops...wait...

I don't like when people say "motor" when talking about engines. V8 motor, V12 motor, and the worst are rotary motor or boxer motor. Just doesn't sound right. If its for electric motors that's one thing, but internal combustion ENGINES should be called engines IMO. All personal preference, though.
But it would sound soooo stupid if I were to say I'm going camping in my "Engine Home":crazy:
But it would sound soooo stupid if I were to say I'm going camping in my "Engine Home":crazy:

Its not that I don't like people using the word motor, but when people say "Its got a V8 motor." or "Just got my motor rebuilt." when (IMO) the correct word to use is engine, it bothers me. Especially with rotaries and boxer engines; you don't say rotary motor or boxer motor. Maybe its because everyone over here says motor in regards to an engine that it bugs me now. When used in regards to propulsion systems correctly (like with electric motors) or even as a substitute for the word car ("That Jag is a wonderful motor") I'm fine with it.
I hate most sharp v words that use a g part way through:


Those kind of words. I despise using them, they sound so unnatural.
"Conversate", "Irregardless" - werds used by piple who thinx they're smard.

"The feels" - use a real word to describe something or just shut up.

"The" or "Thee" - when used unctuously in front of something to give emphasis where none is needed.

"Liberal", "Conservative" - It's amazing we haven't come up with new words for these yet, but it explains the extended morass of American politics.

"Bespoke" - what kind of empty placeholder of a word is that?

"Tease" - see "bespoke".

Probably twenty more, but I can't be bothered right now.

On the other side of the coin, some folks drive me up a wall; due to their insistence on total petulance, they cannot comprehend that using the same word over again, and again, and again, and again...and that their diatribe might be due for a much-needed synonym, even if it has a minuscule difference in connotation. Any word can be used once in a while, but many stale phrases and empty words should be used sparingly.

-Bae. I can't stand that word. It's like it's supposed to be short for "babe" but why the 🤬 would anyone shorten a word that's already 1 syllable? Is this how lazy our society is now or what?

-Literally. Because it is used for exaggeration now, and is now defined as such in the Oxford (or was it Webster?) dictionary. A word that means one thing is now being used for the complete OPPOSITE meaning. That's like calling red things green.

Also Fifty-five. It's impossible for me to say fast. Sounds like fity-five.
I hate words that are hard to type. Can't think of any right now, because I only run into them when I have to keep re-typing them.

Here's one: Duke basketball coach Mike Kr... Kc... Coach K.