WRS Team Championship Series Interest Thread

  • Thread starter Jump_Ace
Is there anyway to make a livery available for several cars? Didnt know that, I always do one for each car.
Road runner and coyotw are easy, you can find in the discovery tool, lots of guys uploaded them
There isn't a way . But would be nice to make one livery and apply it to any car. That was my attemt at being humerus.
I'll stick to fart jokes.
Sign me up! I'm not fast, I'm not skilled at tuning but I can make fart noises with my armpits. ;)
D3 Silver

Might consider being a Captain if wanted. Just trying to figure out how to calculate the handicap.
Is there a thread with this information in? Can't brain too good at this time of night!
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For example. 2 people do a 2'00.000 lap
Person A has a 5.000s handicap
Person B has a 1.000s handicap

With a 20% weighting, does A get a time of 1'59.000 and B get 1'59.800?
Or am I overthinking this?
I'd like to join in as well if team available. Currently D4G. Not expecting to go much higher.
If no spots left that's ok. :scared:
I'll just clean the cars after the events so they're spick 'n span for following weeks races.


PS @Renrag39 if you are gonna take a captaincy, I'd like to be in your team, again if position available.
Sod it, if everyone who eventually joins is happy to have me as a Captain, I'll do it. If someone else is desired as Captain, I won't contest it.
Rations are 1/2 a pint of Rum, 13 Hardtack Biscuits, an Orange (scurvy prevention) and a Sprout. :D

@mickyevs It'd be a pleasure to have you, mate.
Whaddya reckon to 'Team Hedgehogs?'
For example. 2 people do a 2'00.000 lap
Person A has a 5.000s handicap
Person B has a 1.000s handicap

With a 20% weighting, does A get a time of 1'59.000 and B get 1'59.800?
Or am I overthinking this?

It's a little different than that. Everyone has their submitted times and placements, straight up. Points are awarded accordingly. Then we add the handicap multiplier on top of the point totals. That's the secret sauce that @WRP001 created ages ago. I hope that helps clear it up, I'm not the best at explaining it :ouch: It will become a little clearer when the first results are in, then you can take a look at the 'Raw Results' sheet here.

@Renrag39 , Team Hedgehogs sounds great. Thanks for letting me muscle my way in.
Oh, please sir can I have 2 sprouts?

I think if we have 6 team members, we all do the trials and you pick the best to submit, taking Handicap into consideration, when we/you figure it out.
Slight adjustment: If the same as last time in GT6, when a member's trial has been submitted they are NOT eligible for the other trials. This brings tactics into play. For instance, you may not play your best DIRT RALLY driver because he is the only one that can do DRIFT to a reasonable standard.
Then again, it's all about enjoyment and helping your team do as well as possible.



@Renrag39 , Team Hedgehogs sounds great. Thanks for letting me muscle my way in.
Oh, please sir can I have 2 sprouts?

I think if we have 6 team members, we all do the trials and you pick the best to submit, taking Handicap into consideration, when we/you figure it out.
Slight adjustment: If the same as last time in GT6, when a member's trial has been submitted they are NOT eligible for the other trials. This brings tactics into play. For instance, you may not play your best DIRT RALLY driver because he is the only one that can do DRIFT to a reasonable standard.
Then again, it's all about enjoyment and helping your team do as well as possible.




Yep, each member can only submit one time for their team. So strategize away. I'll go update your team with the new name 👍 You guys will need one more person to round out your team so you have an alternate, fyi.

@turnupdaheat Team Hedgehogs currently has 2 spaces, nominally as alternates. You're welcome to join us dodging traffic.

@Jump_Ace Sorry for continuously asking dumb questions, it's a talent of mine but: Do alternates need to be officially nominated or are they just those who don't quite make the 'grade' for the 4 official entries over the course of the 4 trials?
EDIT: A couple of brain cells just bumped into each other within the vacuum of my skull. It's the latter.

@mickyevs I prefer the 'WE' figure it out! :D
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@turnupdaheat Team Hedgehogs currently has 2 spaces, nominally as alternates. You're welcome to join us dodging traffic.

@Jump_Ace Sorry for continuously asking dumb questions, it's a talent of mine but: Do alternates need to be officially nominated or are they just those who don't quite make the 'grade' for the 4 official entries over the course of the 4 trials?
EDIT: A couple of brain cells just bumped into each other within the vacuum of my skull. It's the latter.

@mickyevs I prefer the 'WE' figure it out! :D

Yep, you are right, 2 people won't sub times for the series.

@turnupdaheat Team Hedgehogs currently has 2 spaces, nominally as alternates. You're welcome to join us dodging traffic.

Excellent. I was so excited to join you guys I had to pop on my costume straight away and go out for a spirited drive.

What is "3 clean submission" in WRS?

You'll need to participate in our normal WRS for 3 weeks to be placed in a division in the registry with a handicap. Each week, your final time (aka best hotlap) will get checked by someone else. Do that 3 times and you'll be good to go. You can check out the race specifics for this weeks race here. Still plenty of time to get all 3 weeks done before this series takes off. HTH!

You'll need to participate in our normal WRS for 3 weeks to be placed in a division in the registry with a handicap. Each week, your final time (aka best hotlap) will get checked by someone else. Do that 3 times and you'll be good to go. You can check out the race specifics for this weeks race here. Still plenty of time to get all 3 weeks done before this series takes off. HTH!


Just to add to the note from Jerome if you need a bit of extra assistance to figure out what needs to happen with regard to your registration with the WRS then take a look at this thread:-


and if you have any further question then post in the following thread and one of us will try to assist 👍


Once again I am amazed how the leaders of this forum manage to look after each and every individual with their specific needs. How amazing is that? It really gives me a funny "family" feeling, hope anyone knows what I mean. Been on many forums in my life, and left most just as quick after seeing my fill of mud slinging and nuts kicking, which seems to be the norm these days. This place is just special.
Once again I am amazed how the leaders of this forum manage to look after each and every individual with their specific needs. How amazing is that? It really gives me a funny "family" feeling, hope anyone knows what I mean. Been on many forums in my life, and left most just as quick after seeing my fill of mud slinging and nuts kicking, which seems to be the norm these days. This place is just special.

I know what you mean, GTP is a fantastic community @Jordan has an excellent product. There's only 2 forums I still use after 10 years, GTPlanet forums and the CGC Message Boards (for comic book collecting). The rest is junk imo :lol:

[/QUOTE]@Jump_Ace Sorry for continuously asking dumb questions, it's a talent of mine but: Do alternates need to be officially nominated or are they just those who don't quite make the 'grade' for the 4 official entries over the course of the 4 trials?
EDIT: A couple of brain cells just bumped into each other within the vacuum of my skull. It's the latter.

@mickyevs I prefer the 'WE' figure it out! :D[/QUOTE]

We need 5 or 6 members. You are the Captain, the rest of us are "equals".
All 6 can do each of the 4 trials. Only one will be chosen to submit for one of the events.
However, the member chosen for the team submission in the first trial will not be entered to any of the remaining 3 events.
In week 2, the remaining 5 will submit their best times to you for the team submission.
When we reach week 4, there will only be 3 team members eligible to submit.

Biggest headache will be taking the handicap into consideration. However, I believe you have that well in hand.
Of course, YOU as Team Captain will have the last say in any decision making.
We trust you Sir.
@mickyevs Ah Crap! You can cover a turd in frosting but it doesn't make it a cake! :D I'll try not to let the power go to my head, too. ;)

I'll start a conversation between us all once we have a full roster or a week or so before the first event to try and gauge everyones self defined strengths, weaknesses and predilections and other Captainly stuff.

@turnupdaheat Welcome to the team, mate. I like the cut of your jib, young man!

Still one more chance to join a bunch of pricks! (Hedgehog joke!)
Have now! I don't get the notification or acceess to them at work. The work computer is one step up from lobbing clay tablets across the room! :D
I know I'm late to this party but I'm still trying to catch up on whats been going on around here while I was out with the flu. I would love participate if there are any teams with an open slot.

It may be best to start your own team and recruit the available participants here. But you are on the list buddy, welcome!

@mickyevs your description is correct 👍

We have a team name now, wooo!


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Sorry to have messed Ph1sh and the team about and also sorry to Jump Ace for wasting all your time :(

Please take me from the team list as I have lost all interest in GT and pretty much done with this forum also.. apologies but a certain person who habitats this forum just makes me feel like it's time to call it a day as they make my blood curdle and we would forever be in conflict :P
Enjoy the comp guys 👍

Mods feel free to delete my account.. I would do it myself but no option to do so.. 👍