Wurz replaces Webber in 2007 Williams line-up

  • Thread starter m7ammed
Good for Wurz! Too bad about Webber, though. He probably signed off after the Toyota deal.
Didn't see that coming...could only see him going to two teams...the lower of the two being the more likely (Ferrari or Toyota being my guess)
so his chances are :
1.BMW maybe depedns on JVs performance and Kubica??
2. Renualt maybe but he has little chance as there is Hekki and they still want kimi ..... I can't see a place for him in the mid/top teams maybe in redbull ?
Didn't see that coming...could only see him going to two teams...the lower of the two being the more likely (Ferrari or Toyota being my guess)

Toyota Has boith driver confirmed for 2007 so no way , and ferrari , if kimi doesn't join them I think they will keep massa
It would be great to see him given a chance in a reliable car such as the Renault, and with Flav being his manager, theres a chance...
the prooblem for every spot their is a young guy waiting to fill it :
McMerc has paffet and hamilton
Renualt has Hekki
Redbull would want to promote Luzzi or speed instead of klien (which isn't doing well )
BMW has Kubica ready to replace JV
webber won't go to the lower teams thats for sure , and thre is the Kimi problem to sort out could he be left with out a drive? there is a chance
It'd be a shame to see Webber without a drive, surely one of the higher teams can see he's worth the contract

edit - Maybe he could end up with McLaren? That is of course if this Alonso rumour (that he was trying to ditch his new contract), was to be true and successful and Kimi left...that would leave McLaren with two young drivers but they'd want an older head in there.
Woop I really do hope Webber gets it, show what a big mistake Frank has made. :)
Yep Williams have been poor on the reliability this year... I think it's only Super Aguri who have covered less racing miles.. And they are young enough to be Williams' child!!
I so hope Webber gets a reliable fast drive, he deserves it!
I'd really like to see Mark at Renault. He deserves a drive at a top team. I said before that I thought Barrichello was the only current driver other than M Schumacher that deserved to win a championship, but I think Webber is up there too. He's never really had the chance to prove himself in F1 but I think Renault would be a great place for him.
I'd like to see him in a McLaren, but where ever he ends up it couldnt be worse than where he is right now at Williams, unless he fails to get a ride, but the F1 teams would be stupid if they let that happen.
From McLaren tester last year to Williams runner next year, either Sir Frank has real confidence in Wurz's abilities or he had to shop in the cheap. Scrappy year for Webber and Williams and I can only hope for better results next year.
where did this come up!?!?!? webber was doing pretty good. on the other hand, webber is a good driver, he just needs a more reliable team.